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CONTENT 1.0 G ! "#$........................................................................................................................% &.0 A''$(c#)$ T c*!(c#$ S+#!,#",-................................................................................% %.0 S(+ Co!,(+(o!-............................................................................................................% 4.0 G ! "#$ Po. " S/''$0 D +#($-...................................................................................% 1.0 D -(2! F #+/" -...........................................................................................................4 6.0 S(3(!2 o4 C#'#c(+o" B#!k-..........................................................................................4 5.0 R -/$+-.........................................................................................................................6

1.0 1.1 1.%

General The purpose of this document is to provide project design calculation for sizing of the 6.6kV capacitor banks for M/S T!"# $atni nit. This document describes the 6.6kV capacitor sizing calculation as per the various 6.6kV motor data sheets and sizing the capacitor for the &.%kV s'stem (considering 1)* over voltage+# sizing the series reactor for the re,uired &.%kV capacitor bank s'stem Applicable Technical Standards The follo-ing standards shall be applicable for design# manufacture and testing of the 6.6kV !apacitor .ank s'stems. /0!1 6)2&131 /0!1 6)%26 /0!1 6)%8% Shunt !apacitors for 4! 5o-er S'stems 7eactors 4! Motor !apacitors



Site Conditions 4ltitude Temperature ;umidit' 4tmosphere 91))) 8) deg ! Ma< 3 2=* Min. 3 =)* ;ighl' dust' -ith fine cement dust M :esign Ma< / Min *


General Power Supply Details The available MV and "T po-er suppl' is as given belo-1 MV 5o-er suppl' Voltage variation @re,uenc' variation !ontrol Suppl' 1 1 1 > 5hase# 6.6 kV# 8) ;z ?/3 1)* ?/3 8*# %>)V 4! Aormal Suppl' for heaters 11) V :! protection units# au<iliar' rela's and signalling lamps 11)V :! for .reaker !losing and tripping for 6.6kV and %>)V 4! for =18V s'stem. %>) V4! suppl' for spring charging# electronic modules B !ontactors etc.

ault !e"els 1+ %+ >+ >>kV side 6.6kV side =18V side 1 1 1 %6.%k4 for 1 second =)k4 for 1 second 8)k4 for 1 second




The offered !apacitor shall be rated for &.% kV s'stems. ;T capacitors shall be considered across each ;T motors to improve the po-er factor to ).68 lag. %.0 %.1 The capacitors -ill be connected at the 6.6kV outgoing terminals of motor feeders. 0ach capacitor bank shall be provided -ith ;7! fuses for protection. The capacitors shall be all pol'prop'lene and lo- loss t'pe. /nternal resistors shall be provided to ensure discharging of capacitors to a safe level as per /0! guidelines. The capacitor .anks along -ith the reactors shall be housed in a !7!4 enclosure.

Si&in$ o' Capacitor (an)s Desi$n (asis The basis for the selection of the kV47 for a capacitor bank is1 Sizing the capacitor bank as per the data furnished in the motors data sheets The continuous over voltage is considered as 1)* i.e. &.%6kV.


Calculation o' the )*A+ ratin$ 'or 1,#0)- (all .ill .ain Dri"e/ Motor :ata1 7ating of Motor1 1,#0)S'stem voltage1 %.%)* Ma< !ontinuous s'stem voltage1 0.2%)* 5o-er factor of the motor -hen running at &8* of full load 1 0.0, 0fficienc' of the motor -hen running at &8* of full load 1 14.#2 (5o-er factor and efficienc' of the motor are considered at &8* of full load# assuming that the motor -ill be loaded at an average of &8*+ Target 5o-er factor1 0.1# lag (To improve the po-er factor from ).&2 to ).68# after adding the capacitor bank in the motor circuit+ 7e,uired kV47 of the !apacitor .ank to achieve the target po-er factor C kV47 C kD < (Tan i Tan d+ Dhere i C !os31 5fi C /nitial 5o-er @actor 4ngle

!os31 5fd C Target 5o-er @actor 4ngle C ).&8E128)E(tan (cos31 ().&2++ 3 tan (cos31 ().68+++ 3 %#0.1)*A+

So# re,uired kV47 %.3

Calculation o' the )*A+ ratin$ 'or 1,#0)- (all .ill .otor at 0.2%)*/ @rom the above calculation# the re,uired kV47 is 68& kV47. This calculated 68& kV47 is at rated voltage of 6.6kV.

0,uivalent impedance Fe, to achieve 68&kV47 at 6.6kV# Fe, C C C (kV+% / MV47 (6.6+% / ).68& 66.> / 5hase

4ssume a series reactor of 6.)* of capacitive impedance. i.e. Series 7eactance F" C ).)6EF! 0,uivalent impedance Fe, C F! 3 F" C F! G ).)6EF! C F! (13).)6+ ;ence F!CFe,/ (13).)6+ !apacitive 7eactance# F! C &).8>% / 5hase The capacitance ! is derived as1 ! C C C C C C 1/(% EE f 4 F!+ =8.11 F 1)36 @arad =8.11@ ).)6EF! ).)6 E&).8>% =.%>% / 5hase

/nductive 7eactance F" is derived as1 F"

/nductance " of the series reactor is derived as1 C F" /(% EE f5 C 1>.=68 F 1)3> ;enr' C 1>.=68m; The current flo-ing through series combination of capacitor B reactor is# " /f C C C C C C (Vph -ith H/V+/ Fe, &.%6E1)))/(1.&>%E66.>+ 6>.%%4mps > E / f E F " > E 6>.%% E =.%>% =6>.>6V

Voltage drop across reactor V"

Voltage appearing across the capacitor bank -ith a 6* series reactor and a continuous over voltage (!HV+ of 1)* -ill be1 V! C C C VA (-ith !HV+ ? V" 6.6E1.1 ? ).=6> &.&%> kV -here VA 1nominal rated voltage of the s'stem

;ence# if at 6.6kV the compensation re,uired for 68& kV47# Then compensation at &.&%> kV -ould be Ic C C C (V!+ % E1)))/ F! (&.&%>+ % E1)))/ &).8>% 2=8.6= kV47

+atin$ o' Capacitor ban) selected is ,4% )*A+ at 0.023 )* 6three phases5


)*A+ ratin$ o' the +eactor The reactor is 6* of the capacitor bank value. i.e.# $V47 of the reactor C ).)6 E kV47 of capacitor C ).)6E2=8.6= C 8).&= kV47. ;ence the rated kV47 of the reactor is 8).&= kV47


The effective capacitive reactive po-er Ic is 9 ).6E/ (no load+E6.6E1.&>% (2=6381C&68+ 9 ).6E2)E6.6E1.&>% (C2%>+ 7ence the selected )*A+ is suitable to a"oid the 8otor sel'9e:citation.


+esults The sizing results of the capacitor banks -ith series reactors for the ;V motors are as belo-1 1+ .all Mill Motor G 2=6kV47 J &.&%>kV -ith a 6* series reactor.

+;*<S<=> D;TA<!S 7ev. ind. 3 5age (5+ :escription !hapt.(!+ 3 Ae- :ocument :ate :ept.//nit. %)1%/)>/1= G

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