WAJA 2009: Additional Mathematics Form Five

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WAJA 2009


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Name: ___________________________ Class : ___________________________

WAJA 2009 ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS (FORM 5) Tr !"#"$etr % F&#%t "#'

Chapter 5:

Learning Objective: 5.1 Understand the concept of positive and negative angles measured in degrees and radians Learning Outcome: 5.1.1 epresent in a Cartesian plane angles greater than !"#o or $ radians for a% positive angles b% negative angles. 1. Fill in the blanks with the symbol + or - . Then determine in which quadrant lies. (i). y (a). y





! #

Quadrant """"

Quadrant """"

WAJA 2009 ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS (FORM 5) Tr !"#"$etr % F&#%t "#'

Chapter 5:

$. Fill in the blanks with the symbol + or - . Then determine in which quadrant lies. (a). y (b). y

! !

Quadrant """"""

Quadrant """"""

(c). y

(d). y

Quadrant """"""

Quadrant """"""

Conclusion% The an&le is a """"""""""""""""" an&le i' it is created by turnin& the rotatin& ray in an anticlockwise direction about the ori&in. The an&le is a """""""""""""""" an&le i' the rotation is in the clockwise direction.

WAJA 2009 ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS (FORM 5) Tr !"#"$etr % F&#%t "#'

Chapter 5:

(. Fill in the bo!es with correct an&le.


)**o + ()*o +



-,**o + -()*o +



-.*o + ()*o +


--$*o + -()*o +


11 ( rad + $ -


1( ( rad + $ , ,

+ $ +

( ) ( )

+ $ +

( ) ( )

(e) -*,o + ()*o +


.**o + ()*o +


--($o + -()*o +


1, ( rad + ( -

+ ( +
. $ rad + $ ( ( 1 rad + $ , ,



+ $ +

+ $ +

WAJA 2009 ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS (FORM 5) Tr !"#"$etr % F&#%t "#'

Chapter 5:

-. 0atch the correct answers.

8n&le &i9en ,,*o --16o

5e'erence an&le
( -

1hich quadrant2 Quadrant 1 Quadrant $ Quadrant (

, $ 1 $

$( -

Quadrant 3e&innin& o' quadrant $ (4nd o' quadrant 1)


WAJA 2009 ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS (FORM 5) Tr !"#"$etr % F&#%t "#'

Chapter 5:

Learning Objective: 5.$ Understand and use the si& trigonometric functions of an' angle Learning Outcome: 5.$.1 (efine sine) cosine and tangent of an' angle in a Cartesian plane.

1. Fill in the blanks with the words 'rom the table below%:;;osite to < 8d/acent to < =y;otenuse


Sin =

( )

y *

WAJA 2009 ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS (FORM 5) Tr !"#"$etr % F&#%t "#'

Chapter 5:

< !

Cos =
Tan =

( )

( ) ( )


Sin =

( """"""""" )

Cos =

[ """"""""" ]

Tan =

( """"""""" )

(. ! < ( + x $ = ($ + - $
x =
($ + - $


a < b ?ytha&oras Theorem%c$ + +


WAJA 2009 ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS (FORM 5) Tr !"#"$etr % F&#%t "#'

Chapter 5:





-. Find the len&th o' :8 and the 9alues o' sine@ cosine and tan&ent o' <. (a) y 8(1$@ ,) < * ! 8(-.@ )) < * ! (b) y

:8 + :8 + * *

Sin =

WAJA 2009 ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS (FORM 5) Tr !"#"$etr % F&#%t "#'

Chapter 5:

Sin =

Cos =

Cos =


Tan =

Tan =



< 8(-(@ --)


8(,@ -1$)

:8 +

:8 +

WAJA 2009 ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS (FORM 5) Tr !"#"$etr % F&#%t "#'

Chapter 5:

Sin =

( )

Sin =


Cos =

Cos =

Tan =

Tan =


(e) >onclusion%Fill in the blanks with the symbol + or -. y Quadrant Ain < Quadrant Ain <

>os <

>os <

Tan <

Tan <

! Quadrant Quadrant B


WAJA 2009 ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS (FORM 5) Tr !"#"$etr % F&#%t "#'

Chapter 5:

Ain <

Ain <

>os <

>os <

Tan <

Tan <

,. Find the corres;ondin& re'erence an&le o' < (a) y 1$*o ,*o ! ! (b) y

5e'erence an&le + +

- 1$*o

5e'erence an&le +




WAJA 2009 ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS (FORM 5) Tr !"#"$etr % F&#%t "#'

Chapter 5:

(c) y $1*o !

(d) y $.*o !

5e'erence an&le + $1*o +

5e'erence an&le + +




(e) >onclusion% (i) 5e'erence an&le(5.8) is the acute an&le 'ormed between the rotatin& ray o' the an&le and the """""""". (ii) 5.8+ -< y 5.8+ < ! 5.8+ < 5.8+ -<

). Ci9en that >os ,1o + *.)$7(@ 'ind the tri&onometric ratios o' >os $(1o without usin& a calculator or mathematical tables. y 5e'erence an&le o' $(1o + $(1o ! + >os $(1o + + 6. Ci9en that Ain 6*o + *.7(76@ 'ind the tri&onometric ratios o' Ain )1*o without usin& a calculator or mathematical tables. -2

WAJA 2009 ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS (FORM 5) Tr !"#"$etr % F&#%t "#'

Chapter 5:

5e'erence an&le o' )1*o + )1*o ! + Ain )1*o + +


.. Ci9en that Tan $,o + *.-))(@ 'ind the tri&onometric ratios o' Tan ((,o without usin& a calculator or mathematical tables. y 5e'erence an&le o' ((,o + ((,o ! + Tan ((,o + +

Learning Outcome: 5.$.$ (efine cotangent) secant and cosecant of an' angle in a Cartesian plane. 1. y r < ! !
1 = Sin

$. y r <

( ) Sin = ( )

( ) ( )

r y


WAJA 2009 ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS (FORM 5) Tr !"#"$etr % F&#%t "#'

Chapter 5:

Cos =

( ) ( )

1 = Cos 1 = Tan

1 x r 1

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Tan =

( )

( ) ( )

(. Fill in the blanks with >ot <@ Aec < or >osec <.
1 = Sin 1 + Cos 1 = Tan

-. Aince tan =

Sin @ then Cos

Cot =

>ot <

,. D y r < !
y r

D + 1.*o E ( + 7*o -


Sin =

Sin =
Cos =

( )
y r

Cos =

( )


WAJA 2009 ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS (FORM 5) Tr !"#"$etr % F&#%t "#'

Chapter 5:

Tan =

y x

Tan =

x y

). >onclusion% Fill in the blanks with Ain@ >os@ Tan@ >ot@ Aec or >osec. Ain < + >os (7*o - <)

>os < +

(7*o - <)

Tan < +

(7*o - <)

>ot < +

(7*o - <)

Aec < +

(7*o - <)

>osec < +

(7*o - <)

6. Ci9en that Ain -.o + *.6-(1@ >os -.o + *.))71 and Tan -.o + 1.11*)@ e9aluate the 9alue o' >os -$o.

7*o E -.o +

>os -$o +


WAJA 2009 ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS (FORM 5) Tr !"#"$etr % F&#%t "#'

Chapter 5:

.. Ci9en that Ain )6o + *.7$*,@ >os )6o + *.(7*6 and Tan )6o + $.(,,7@ e9aluate the 9alue o' >ot $(o.

7*o E )6o + )6

>ot $(o +

7. Ci9en that Ain -$o + *.))71@ >os -$o + *.6-(1 and Tan -$o + *.7**-@ e9aluate the 9alue o' Aec -.o.

7*o E -$o + -$

Aec -.o +

Learning Outcome: 5.$.! ,ind values of si& trigonometric functions of an' angle 1. $ 3 )*

8 )*o $

$. 8 1 )*

3 1

> F 1 >


WAJA 2009 ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS (FORM 5) Tr !"#"$etr % F&#%t "#'

Chapter 5:

8 8 (*o $ )*o Ain < 0 80 + >os < + 1 Tan < Ain )*o + >os )*o + Tan )*o + Ain (*o + >os (*o +
1 $
( $


-,o 1

-,o -,o F 1

1 > $

> 1
1 $

8> +

( )

Ain -,o +

1 $

>os -,o +

( ) ( )

( )
1 (

Tan -,o +

Tan (*o +

( >om;lete the table below.

-. Find the 9alue o' the tri&onometric 'unctions below % 4!am;le % (i) 49aluate Ain $1*o (ra- diagram to determine positive or negative. y


WAJA 2009 ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS (FORM 5) Tr !"#"$etr % F&#%t "#'

Chapter 5:

$1*o !

,ind reference angle. 5e'erence an&le o' $1*o + $1*o - 1.*o + (*o

.olve. Ain $1*o + - Ain (*o +

1 $

(a) 49aluate >os (**o (ra- diagram to determine positive or negative.

,ind reference angle.


(b) 49aluate >ot 1,*o (ra- diagram to determine positive or negative.


WAJA 2009 ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS (FORM 5) Tr !"#"$etr % F&#%t "#'

Chapter 5:

,ind reference angle.


(c) 49aluate Tan (- $$,o) (ra- diagram to determine positive or negative.

,ind reference angle.


(d) 49aluate >osec 1(,o


WAJA 2009 ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS (FORM 5) Tr !"#"$etr % F&#%t "#'

Chapter 5:

(ra- diagram to determine positive or negative.

,ind reference angle.


(e) 49aluate Aec ((*o (ra- diagram to determine positive or negative.

,ind reference angle.



WAJA 2009 ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS (FORM 5) Tr !"#"$etr % F&#%t "#'

Chapter 5:

Learning Outcome: 5.$./ .olve trigonometric e0uations 1. Ci9en that Ain < + *.71(,@ 'ind the re'erence an&le o' < and determine in which quadrant < lies. 4!am;le % (i) Ain < + *.71(, ))o 5e'erence an&le o' < + y ))o ! ))o ! y

Quadrant% <+ ))o

Quadrant% < + 1.*o - ))o + 11-o

(a) Ci9en that >ot < + -1.-.$)@ 'ind the re'erence an&le o' < and determine in which 2-

WAJA 2009 ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS (FORM 5) Tr !"#"$etr % F&#%t "#'

Chapter 5:

quadrant < lies. >ot < + -1.-.$) 5e'erence an&le o' < + y y

(-o ! (-o !

Quadrant% """""""" < + 1.*o - (-o +

Quadrant% """"" < + ()*o - (-o +

(b) Aol9e tan < + *.,(16 where * * ()* * . tan < + *.,(16 5e'erence an&le o' < + y y

$.o ! $.o !

Quadrant% <+ $.o

Quadrant% < + 1.*o + $.o +

(c) Aol9e >os < + -*..7.. where * * ()* * . 22

WAJA 2009 ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS (FORM 5) Tr !"#"$etr % F&#%t "#'

Chapter 5:

>os < + *..7.. 5e'erence an&le o' < + y y

Quadrant% < + 1.*o $)o

Quadrant% < + 1.*o + $)o

(d) Aol9e >osec < + -$.$*$6 where * * ()* * .


WAJA 2009 ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS (FORM 5) Tr !"#"$etr % F&#%t "#'

Chapter 5:

(e) Aol9e Aec $< + $ where * * ()* * .

(') Find all the 9alues o' ! that satis'y

$ Sinx +1 = * .

(&) Aol9e the tri&onometric equation

( tan x +1 = *

'or * * ()* * without usin& a


WAJA 2009 ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS (FORM 5) Tr !"#"$etr % F&#%t "#'

Chapter 5:

calculator or mathematical tables..


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