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RES WVGA 720 720 720 %60 %60 0&0 0&0 0&0 0&0 440 440 2.7k 2.

7k 4k 4k

FPS 240 60 20 20 4& 00 (0 60 60 60 (0 4& (0 24 7 2

FOV Wide Wide Wide $arro# Wide Wide Wide Wide 1ediu* $arro# Wide Wide Wide 8in Wide 8in

Notes Aliasing present. Looks decent enough on YouTube. Looks great. !agged edges at "ull resolution. Looks great #hen scaled do#n "or YouTube. $o aliasing+ no lens distortion. 8lean+ great slo#-*o. 'nkno#n. As #ith 720- 20-#ide this has 9agged edges at "ull res. 8ould be "i5ed b/ stretching to 0&0. )ne o" the cleanest *odes+ no i*pro,e*ent o,er 2.7k-(0-#ide. .lightl/ so"ter than (0"ps but hardl/ noticeable. 0educes rolling shutter+ great "or action. Ver/ clean+ less lens-distortion and good slo-*o. .o"ter o,erall+ no lens-distortion :*ore like d.L0;. .ensor noise could be an issue. Ver/ sharp and ,er/ clean+ great 2)V. Aspect ratio is 43( though. .o*e aliasing at at "ull res. .o*e 9agged edges. Looks good scaled do#n. 45cellent. .harp as a kni"e. 6oes e5hibit rolling shutter. $ice *otion blur. Good in lo# light. .a*e as 2.7k-(0-#ide but at 24"ps #ith top and botto* o" i*age cut o"". Good "or ti*elapse #ith added blur in 8ine<or* and con"or*ed to (0"ps. .a*e as 4k- 7-#ide but lo#er "ra*erate and top and botto* cut o"".

Based on Abe Kislevitz's article -gopro/ No copyright claimed.

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