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Gap Fit Analysis (Oracle Implementation)

The Gap Fit Analysis is part of the AIM Methodology. Here I will explain you in detail. AIM (Application Implementation Methodology) is consist of phases! "i#.!

$. %efinition phase (%efine A& I&) '. (perational phase (Module &et ups) ) *uild +hase (,eports-.ustomi#ations...) /. Integration test phase(&IT0sys integration test) 1. Transition phase ( 2ser training-3T-test cases-preparation of manuals or docs) . Go 4i"e In Ist phase re5uirement gathering is done where functional consultant to 6now what process happening in the company which is 6nown as A& I&. Accordingly set ups are done! if the standard features are not met the 7usiness process then we do 8GA+ FIT8 Analysis to fit the process while mapping (racle application 7y means of any one of the followings. A) .ustomi#ation (2sing ,I.9 7y Tech .onsultant) *) .on"incing the 7usiness users to change the 7usiness process to FIT .) :or6 arounds (li6e 7ar codes-legacy sys) (nce all the a7o"e phases complete .,+ (.onference ,oom +ilot) will perform where the ;irtual picture of the application is shown to the .lient. <ote = ,I.9 means ,0>,eports-I0>Interfaces-.0>.on"ersions-90>9xtensions

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