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CURRICULUM VITAE SHEENA Assistant Professor Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Management National Institute of Technology Karnataka

Surathkal, Mangalore mail! sheenasuresh"##"$yahoo%co%in

Areas of Research Interest &rand Management, &rand 'uity (ural Marketing (etail Marketing )onsumer &eha*iour Ad*ertising (esearch )ustomer (elationship Management Education: +ni*ersity of )alicut, Kerala, Doctor of Philosophy, March "#,,% Ma-or .ield! )ommerce, Minor .ield! &rand Management /Marketing0 +1)2N T3 .4, +1), N%Delhi, Decem5er "### I16+, N%Delhi3 Master in &usiness Administration, "##7%Ma-or .ield! Human (esources Management, Minor .ield! Marketing I1N6+, N%Delhi 2 Post 1raduate Diploma in H(M , "##8 I1N6+, N%Delhi 2 Post 1raduate Diploma in Management, "##9 +ni*ersity of )alicut, Kerala, &achelor in ducation /"##"0% Ma-or .ield! )ommerce +ni*ersity of )alicut, Kerala, Master in )ommerce /"##,0 % Ma-or .ield! Marketing +ni*ersity of )alicut, Kerala, &achelor in )ommerce /,:::0 % Ma-or .ields! &usiness Management, Marketing, Income Ta;%

Work Ex erience Assistant Professor in Management, National Institute of Technology, Surathkal, Mangalore% Assistant Professor in )ommerce, Pondicherry +ni*ersity 2 A )entral +ni*ersity, <uly =th "##: 2 No* >#th "#," Assistant Professor in )ommerce, PSM6 )ollege, Tirurangadi, Kerala, <an "##:3 <une "##: Assistant Professor in )ommerce and Management, +ni*ersity of )alicut, Kerala 2 April "##93 August "##7 4ecturer in )ommerce, .arook )ollege, )alicut, Kerala 2 <uly "##>3 March "##9 Research and !u"#ications Thesis$%issertation Ph%D Thesis! A Study of &rand ;tension Decisions on ;isting &rands and Ne? Product Acceptance in the Indian )onsumer Product Market, +ni*ersity of )alicut, "#,, /unpu5lished0 Research$Consu#tanc& !ro'ect Re orts Te;tile &randing! A Study of handloom industry, a consultancy study carried out and su5mitted to Mascot Industries, Kannur, Kerala, "##8

+1) Ma-or Pro-ect Proposal on Mitigation of Tri5al Suicides through conomic mpo?erment! *aluating the functional roles of the go*ernments and N16s in eradicating the social, educational and economic 5ack?ardness among the Paniyans of Kerala sanctioned 5y +ni*ersity 1rants )ommission, Ne? Delhi 5y granting a financial assistance of (s%8,#",@##A3

AWAR%S AN% REC()NITI(NS: A?arded memento and certificate for ha*ing secured highest mark and first rank among all schools in A5u3Dha5i, +A in the +N 1eneral Kno?ledge Test organiBed 5y +N S)6 for the year ,::,3C:" Secured II (ank and a?arded gold medal for )ommerce under AISS) /DII Std0 for the year ,::@3:8% 7th (ank Holder in M%)om /Marketing0 for the year "##, for ?hich a rank certificate ?as a?arded 5y )alicut +ni*ersity, Kerala%/ already enclosed 0

Secured the highest grade, EFery 1oodG in the performance as a teacher 5ased on StudentsH Assessment as con*eyed 5y the Fice3)hancellor of the Pondicherry +ni*ersity *ide his letter of appreciation ?ith a scale of grading consecuti*ely for t?o years%

Research !a ers$ Conference a ers 1. Consumer attitude towards brand extensions an integrative model from the Indian Perspecti*eG, I).AI <ournal 6f &rand Management, Fol FI Nos > I 9J ISSN!#:7"3:#:7J pg! @,3 8","##: 2. EA Comparative Study of Emotional Competency imensions among !uppies in the commercial capital of "erala State# Cochin$ in IndiaG, Aatm5odh , Fol%FII %No%,, Spring, Fol FII3 No%,J ISSN!#:7"3,>:=J pg!9"398, "#,# 3. EA Study of the %uality of &or' (ife and )rganisational Effectiveness of employees in Arya *aidya Sala# "otta''alG, <ournal of Human (esources Management in India, /ISSN No! #:7" >9>D0 , pp!8>388, "#,# 4. Impact of Emotional Competencies in Performance levels+ A Case Study of ,ationalised -an's of "ochi+IndiaG, (esearch for (ethinking, ,"th International &usiness (esearch )onference Korld &usiness Institute, Mel5ourne Australia, IS&N! :7=3#3:=#39@@73#3:J pg!>#3>7,"#,# 5. .ribal Empowerment .hrough /icro 0inancing In "erala A Case Study1# Macro Dynamics of Micro .inance, >rd International )onference in Micro .inancing, Pondicherry +ni*ersityJ IS&N! :7=3=,379983=#73:J pg!7#3=#, "#,# 6. &omen Entrepreneurship2 An Investigation into the impact of /icrofinance through S34s on 5ural .ransformationG, Micro .inance and Sustaina5le 4i*elihood Promotions in India, National Seminar on Micro financing , SIT, Tumkur, Karnataka, IS&N!:7=3=,3 79983:>73>J pg!8"838>@, "#,# 7. .he vanishing Sacred 4roves 6"avus1$ in the 74od8s own country8 and its ecological significanceG, Atna! <ournal of Tourism Studies, Fol F Dec issueJ ISSN! #:7@3>"=,, "#,#

8. "erala # the 4od8s )wn country as a 3ealth .ourism destination2 A S&). AnalysisG, dited Seminar Folume , +1) SAP National Seminar on )ontemporary Trends on Tourism, Pondicherry +ni*ersity, IS&N ! :7= 2 =,3 7998 3:9@ 3=,pp! ,::3""8, "#,, 9. -rand Success 5edefined2 An Analysis of the Interrelationships among various -rand imensions1, Psychology (esearch, Fol ",No!,, <anuary "#," , ISSN! ",@:3@@9" /Print0, ISSN! ",@:3@@@# /6nline0 pg!>"3>: 10. A Study )f -rand Awareness &ith 5eference .o Consumer urables In .he 5ural /ar'ets )f *ayanad# "eralaG, 1lo5al (esearch (e*ie?, Fol , No%, Dec "#,,, ISSN!""@#3"@", , pg!,8,3,8= 11. Experiences and Challenges in empowering women through micro enterprises A Case Study of /alappuram istrict in "erala# (esearch ;plorer, Fol ,, <anuary3<une "#,", ISSN ! ""@#3,:9#, Pg ",3"> 12. 13. o -rand Personalities ma'e a difference to Consumers9G, Procedia3Social and An Evaluation of Emotional Intelligence among /anagers of Select Insurance &eha*ioural Sciences >7 /"#,"0, lse*ierAScopus, ISSN! ,=773#9"=, pg!>,3>7 Companies in "ochi# "erala, dited )onference Folume , merging Paradigms in Insurance Industry and Management ,IS&N! :7=3=,3=>=739=73= pg!"@93"87 Inno*ation in teachin+ ,ateria#s $!roduction of teachin+ ,ateria#

Fideo lectures and e3content ha*e 5een designed on *arious topics of Marketing for 5roadcasting on DD3Fyas ducational )hannel, as a +1) sponsored programme% Kritten and pro*ided study materials on topics such as &usiness )ommunication and nterprise (esource Planning for the 5enefit of students of School of Distance ducation of +ni*ersity of )alicut,Kerala

!a er !resentations in Conferences $ Se,inars $ Worksho s attended -. "##@3 National Seminar on 1lo5al )ompetiti*eness of Indian Industries, +ni*ersity of )alicut /. "##8 3 I)AI sponsored National Seminar on 1lo5al )on*ergence of )ommerce ducation, +ni*ersity of )alicut 0. "##73 National Korkshop on Ne? .rontiers in Social Science (esearch 2 Approaches, Methods and Techni'ues, +ni*ersity of )alicut 1. EInterest free /icrofinancing Prospects for &omen Entrepreneurs in IndiaG, +1) sponsored National Seminar on Micro .inancing on Interest .ree &asis ! Pro5lems and Prospects in India,M S Asma5i )ollege, Kerala, "##: 2. A Study on -rand Aspirations with emographic *ariables of 5ural Consumers with special reference to &est 4aro 3illsG, International )onference on Indigenous Management /I)IMP3"##:0, Annamalai +ni*ersity, "##: 3. /aternal 3ealth in .ribal Areas+ A Study of 3ealth and 3ygiene among .ribal &omen in *ayanad istrict of "eralaG, International )onference on Agripreunership and (ural De*elopment, .aculty of Management Studies, &anaras Hindu +ni*ersity, Faranasi, "##: 4. E.he Empowerment of 5ural &omen In "erala .hrough /icro+Enterprises Experiences And ChallengesG, +1) sponsored National Seminar on Micro3 nterprises 2 )hallenges and Prospects, PSM6 )ollege, Tirurangadi, Kerala, "##: 5. EImpact of /icro+0inance on 5ural .ransformation through S34s in Andhra Pradesh1# +1) sponsored National Seminar on Micro3 nterprises 2 )hallenges and Prospects, PSM6 )ollege, Tirurangadi, Kerala, "##: 6. "#,# 3>rd International )onference on Micro .inance 2I)6M.I 2 "#,#, Pondicherry +ni*ersity -7. "#,# 3 +1)3SAP National Seminar on )reati*ity and Inno*ations in Tourism ntrepreneurship! )ontemporary Trends, Pondicherry +ni*ersity


"#,#3 ,"th International &usiness (esearch )onference on (esearch for

(ethinking, Korld &usiness Institute , Mel5ourne , Australia % -/. "#,#3 Micro .inance and Sustaina5le 4i*elihood Promotions in India, National

Seminar on Micro financing , SIT, Tumkur, Karnataka, 13. An Evaluation of Emotional Intelligence among /anagers of Select Insurance Companies in "ochi# "eralaG, National )onference on merging paradigms in Insurance Industry, Dept of Insurance Management, Karaikal )ampus, Pondicherry +ni*ersity -1. "#,,3 SI&( )onference on Interdisciplinary &usiness and (esearch, Society of

Interdisciplinary &usiness and (esearch, Hong Kong -2. "#,,3 International )onference on &usiness 1ro?th in merging Markets! 1lo5al

Shifts and 4ocal ffects, Institute of Pu5lic nterprise, Hydera5ad -3. "#,"3 International )onference on merging conomies 2 Prospects I "#,", Sym5iosis International +ni*ersity, Pune

)hallenges 2 I)

(utreach acti*ities In*ited to talk on )ommunication skills for the mem5ers of KSSIA for its PM(L Training Programme participants held at )alicut, Kerala in April, "##8% Deli*ered a lecture on Marketing for the 5enefit of employees of SISI, Trichur, Kerala on .e5ruary 8th "##8% In*ited to gi*e a talk on EModern Marketing Strategies in the conte;t of e;ports of te;tilesG for the 5enefit of employees of Mascot Industries, Kannur , Kerala on ,"3#,3H,#% In*ited to lecture on CDe*elopment of tourism ?ith special reference to &each (esort HotelsH, organiBed 5y Mascot &each resort Hotel, Kannur on ,"3#,3"#,#% In*ited as a resource person to deli*er on the topic EThe role &each (esort Hotels in the promotion of tourismG on "=3#@3"#," for the 5enefit of the employees of Mascot &each (esort Hotel, Kannur, Kerala% Deli*ered a lecture on EHo? 5est 5randing can 5e de*eloped and designed for the promotion of e;ports 5y a te;tile unitG on ":3#@3"#," to the staff and employees of mascot Industries, Kannur, Kerala%

In*ited to chair a technical session of the national )onference on


Paradigms in Insurance Industry organiBed 5y the Dept of Management Studies, Pondicherry +ni*ersity, Karaikal )ampus on "8th March "#,,% In*ited as resource person to chair a technical session of a one day National Seminar on .inancial Inclusion3 (ole of )ommercial 5anks organiBed 5y (FS Institute of Management Studies and )omputer Application on ,=3,#3"#,,%

!rofessiona# Trainin+ Recei*ed $ Attended -. "##@ 3 .aculty De*elopment Programme on ffecti*e )orporate Management, &odhananda (esearch .oundation for Management and 4eadership Studies, Tri*andrum, Kerala /. "##@ 3 +1) sponsored (efresher )ourse /Multi Disciplinary0, IA)IS, 6smania +ni*ersity, Hydera5ad 0. "##8 3 .aculty De*elopment Programme on Information Technology A Systems, Indian Institute of Management, )alicut 1. "##8 3 .aculty De*elopment Programme for Management Teachers, )alicut Management Association, )alicut, Kerala 2. "#,# 3 +1) sponsored 6rientation )ourse, Academic Staff )ollege, Pondicherry +ni*ersity Acade,ic Ad,inistrati*e ositions he#d:

Appointed as a mem5er of the Purchase )ommittee *ide +ni*ersity letter dated ,"A#:AH#: Nominated as a mem5er for the administration of the Pondicherry +ni*ersity 1uest House situated at Karaikal% Nominated as +ni*ersity o5ser*er for the Directorate of Distance ducation

;aminations for the period >,3,"3H#: to #@3#,3"#,# at Sacred Heart )ollege, )ochin%

Appointed as the Karden for the 4adies Hostel, Pondicherry +ni*ersity, Karaikal )ampus *ide letter dated #"3#>3"#,,% 6rganising )ommittee Mem5er of the Sports )ommittee, Pondicherry +ni*ersity,

Karaikal )ampus% )ultural )oordinator for Pondicherry +ni*ersity, Karaikal )ampus Me,"ershi in !rofessiona# Associations 4ife Mem5er, )alicut Management Association, )alicut% 4ife Mem5er, Indian Accounting Association, <aipur 8a,i#& Married to Dr%P%F%Suresh and ha*e t?o sons Niran-an aged,# years and Na*neet aged @ years% MMM

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