Shakespeare For Kids 2014

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Parklands, Little Sutton Ellesmere Port, !es!

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Tel: 0151 338 2220 Fax: 0151 348 1738

"eadtea%!er: &rs $ Flanders 11t! Fe'ruar( 2014) *ear Parents+ arers

Years 5 and 6 have been invited to take part in a very exciting opportunity with other local schools. They have been chosen to go and see the play Macbeth on TUESDAY 25TH FEBRUARY at the Civic Hall, lles!ere "ort. The children will leave school at 1.00.p.m. returning #or 4.30 pm approx. The children are allowed to take a non$#i%%y drink and a s!all snack. &chool 'und will pay #or the coach. Can you please sign the slip below and return it to school to!orrow. Yours sincerely (os 'landers Head Teacher ..

Y 5 & 6 vi it t! "ivi# H$%% !n Tue &$' 25t( Fe)ru$r' 2014. ) give !y per!ission #or *na!e o# child+ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, to see the play -Macbeth. at the Civic Hall lles!ere "ort, children will return to school at $ppr!*im$te%' 4.30.p.m.
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