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Session of 2013


By Committee on Vision 2020 1-24

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AN ACT concerning employee privacy; relating to social media access by employers. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: ection 1.!"a# $%cept as provided in s&bsection "c#' no employer s(all re)&est or re)&ire an employee or applicant *or employment to+ "1#!,isclose t(e e%istence o* any personal acco&nt or service or any &ser name' pass-ord or ot(er means o* access to s&c( personal acco&nt or service; "2#!access a personal acco&nt or service in t(e presence o* an employer; or ".#!div&lge any personal electronic content *rom a personal acco&nt or service. "b#!No employer s(all+ "1#!,isc(arge' discipline' penali/e or ot(er-ise retaliate or t(reaten to disc(arge' discipline or ot(er-ise penali/e an employee *or s&c( employee0s re*&sal to comply -it( any re)&est or re)&irement described in s&bsection "a#; or "2#!*ail or re*&se to (ire an applicant *or employment *or s&c( applicant0s re*&sal to comply -it( any re)&est or re)&irement described in s&bsection "a#. "c#!Not(ing in t(is section s(all be constr&ed to a**ect an employer0s e%isting rig(ts or obligations to+ "1#!1e)&est an employee to div&lge personal electronic content reasonably believed to be relevant to an investigation o* an allegation o* employee miscond&ct' solely *or t(e p&rposes o* s&c( investigation or a related proceeding; or "2#!re)&ire an employee to disclose a &sername' pass-ord or ot(er means o* access to+ "A#!Acco&nts or services t(at provide access to t(e employer0s internal comp&ter or in*ormation systems; or "B#!electronic devices iss&ed by s&c( employer. "d#!As &sed in t(is section+ "1#!2$mployer2 means an individ&al' partners(ip' association' 3oint stoc4 company' tr&st' corporation' limited liability company or ot(er organi/ation' t(e state o* 5ansas or any department' agency or a&t(ority o*

;B 20:2 1 2 . 4 6 7 8 9 : 10 11 12 1. 14 16 17 18 19 1:

t(e state' any city' co&nty' sc(ool district or ot(er political s&bdivision' m&nicipality or p&blic corporation and any instr&mentality t(ereo*' employing any person; "2#!2personal acco&nt or service2 means an acco&nt' service or pro*ile on an email' social net-or4ing or any ot(er -ebsite t(at is &sed by a person *or personal comm&nications &nrelated to t(e b&siness p&rposes o* t(e employer; ".#!2personal electronic content2 means t(e electronically stored content o* an individ&al incl&ding' b&t not limited to' pict&res' videos' emails and ot(er data *iles; and "4#!2social net-or4ing -ebsite2 means a privacy-protected internet -ebsite -(ic( allo-s individ&als to constr&ct a p&blic or semi-p&blic pro*ile -it(in a bo&nded system created by t(e service' create a list o* ot(er &sers -it( -(om t(e individ&al s(ares a connection -it(in t(e system' and vie- and navigate t(e list o* &sers -it( -(om t(e individ&al s(ares a connection and t(ose lists o* &sers made by ot(ers -it(in t(e system. ec. 2.!T(is act s(all ta4e e**ect and be in *orce *rom and a*ter its p&blication in t(e stat&te boo4.

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