Dyn Handout01

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Ref: Theory of Mechanisms and Machines,

Ghosh and Mallik

n: O: B: U: unbalanced order of secondary unbalanced force balanced number of cylinders

2 U B B B U B U B B B U B U B B B

n 3 4 5 6
The human body is sensitive to particular frequencies

A particular order of unbalanced force can be chosen and reduced

Ref : Ghosh and Mallik


Focus on force closed rather than form closed systems.

Will the inertia of moving parts and elastic elements (maintaining contact between cam and follower) affect the motion of the follower at higher speeds? Will the parabolic/cycloidal rise/falls be followed faithfully?

Lowest position: x=0

Problems with loss of contact: Impact, pitting, noise


& F (kx + P ) = m f & x Fspring C kx+P Contact force ( FC )

= m f e 2 cos t + P + ke ke cos t = (ke + P ) + (m f e 2 ke) cos t

Camshaft acts as a torsional spring. Modelling the system as a set of lumped springs and dampers is difficult since obtaining the spring and damper coefficients is difficult.

Contact is lost when FC is zero and tends to become negative. When cost=-1 and FC=0, ke+P=mfe2-ke Contact always exists below this . P and k are chosen appropriately.

What is the maximum speed of rotation for never loosing contact?


P + 2ke = m e f

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