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The Golden Mean

Copyright Joseph Markenstein Saturday February 23, 2014

In achievement of the Golden Mean, one must unite unilaterally to the extreme; wherein pouring down, in and out teems in, out and up to sup on the self by pouring over the void to its outer limits across the field of Dreams and down the liquid Love slide through the side pierced lean in hagioscope zero. At the zero point, one expands outward into ones self. The Golden Mean is keen while it is unseen; here, where joy is expressed before its received. The joyous jealousy of this deep Green Void-Abyss kisses with wild and voluptuous desire, the fire of Cherrific Love! What do I mean? When one is united with integration within the Golden Mean, i.e. whole willed and not divided, it is because the soul is transparent and apparent. This transparency can only take place when the one takes everything into consideration from all sides and does not leave anything out or block anything from review. Then the self may sup on the findings in the soul, which is subliminal until brought to the light of consciousness, and be nutrition for the conscious mind. The journey in is and becomes more a Love Slip & SlideYou move forward until you get inertia and you jump

forward with that inertia leading you in the relative direction for which you began and ran with confidence. Zero is the stop-cessation of motion bodily and takes on the quality of passionate action, i.e. dying for, as the new motion. Motion in dreams is without locomotion, rather almamotion; that motion that we take in Dreams which feels like locomotion however is passionate mental faith that we are moving through space, when in fact we are at rest in the body. Golden Mean is keen so much sharper than any scalpel or other blade that it is unseen and yet perceived. It takes us down to Love and hence above the cosmic faade. Its obscurity is obdurate to sensible feeling and so Love goes beyond feeling and yet feels so good! This feeling statewhat can describe it? Words are sensible and this is not. So, a violent voluptuous envy to die for the beloved (for the self is the lover) is a way to say it in sensate words. To Kiss the flames of Cherrific Love (i.e. Cherubim: those simple angels at the heart of Godthe heart of Love) and fall back into the Green Ocean that the self originated from.

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