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:25;<253 =9 :>?@>)5;5>6
A uld you lnclude a reallsuc halr drawlng wlLh an absLracL
zenLangle pauern Lo represenL your sllhoueue?
A uo you use Lhe enure paper for your drawlng?
A urawlngs uullze llne and value.

:25;<253 B9 <C<?<6;) >D 32;
A ls Lhere evldence of E%'-" F+%#&" ln your ob[ecL?
- ls Lhere evldence of G"$%*' Lo show your halr $"H$-I"?

:25;<253 J9 @2>:<))
A ZenLangles are creaLed uslng a varleLy of deLall and
lncorporaLe muluple deslgns (l.e. round, sLralghL, Lhlck, Lhln)
A encll marks are mlnlmal. Shadlng ls smooLh and correcL
drawlng Lechnlque ls evldenL.

:25;<253 K9 :23D;)?36)L5@
A 1here ls clear evldence LhaL you Look your ume and execuLed
your drawlng neaLly.
A Are edges LhoughL of"? Lxample: Smudge marks are erased,
paper ls noL folded/rlpped

:25;<253 M9 /5DD5:NC;O
A ?ou gave your besL eorL and creaLed a work of arL LhaL
shows progress and wllllngness Lo lmprove.

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