13 Week Special FORCES Training Programme

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SPECIAL FORCES TRAINING PROGRAMME Week 1.1 1.# 1.$ 1.4 1.3 1.0 1.( Time am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm Time am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm Time am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm Activity Trial BFA Scored Trial swim test (400m) plus heaves Trial $.#%m plus ropes Timed Pac% wal% (%m Timed )lectro*ic machi*e circuit ,eight programme 1 $.#%m ru* plus #%m wal% a*d o*e rope asce*t 01#0 p.ups2 013 heaves plus a4s.l-4ac% 1 5u* 0%m ,eight programme # a4s.l-4ac% # 70mi* pac% wal% 5est or additio*al sessio* i* wea% area 1#130m swims 8191 plus #mi* tread water 40mi* stretchi*g sessio* . lower 4ac% e1:s Activity 70mi* pac% wal% Bod; weight circuit 5u* 0%m with 411mi* surges 5est or swim 411%m spri*ts <4mi*:s ,eight programme #2 a4s.l-4ac% # )lectro*ic machi*e circuit 43mi*:s (1#0 p.ups2 (13 heaves plus a4s.l-4ac% 1 5u* #.4%m plus41400m spri*ts 8 191 ,eight programme 1 70mi* pac% wal% 5est or additio*al sessio* i* wea% area 1#130m swims 8191 plus #mi* tread water 40mi* stretchi*g sessio* . lower 4ac% e1:s Activity 1#0mi* pac% wal% Bod; weight circuit 5u* (%m with 311mi* surges 5est or swim 411%m spri*ts <3mi*:s ,eight programme #2 a4s.l-4ac% # )lectro*ic machi*e circuit 30mi*:s '1#0 p.ups2 '13 heaves plus a4s.l-4ac% 1 5u* #.4%m2 rest2 1.#%m2 rest2 000m ,eight programme 1 1#0mi* pac% wal% 5est or additio*al sessio* i* wea% area '1100m swims2 00sec rest plus #mi* t.water 40mi* stretchi*g sessio* . lower 4ac% e1:s Dress PT P!" P&('%g) F&(#0%g) PT PT P!" ru**ers.ri/le PT PT PT F&(10%g) swimmers PT Dress F&(10%g) PT PT P!" ru**ers.ri/le PT PT PT PT PT F&(10%g) P!" shirt PT Dress F&(13%g) PT PT P&(4%g)ru**ers PT PT PT PT PT F&(13%g) P!" shirt PT Intensity High High High High +ow High.low 6ed 0%m.hr High Intensity (%m.hr 6ed.high High +ow 6ed.high 0%m.hr 6ed Intensity (%m.hr 6ed.high High +ow 6ed.high 0%m.hr 6ed -

Week #.1 #.# #.$ #.4 #.3 #.0 #.(

Week $.1 $.# $.$ $.4 $.3 $.0 $.(

Week 4.1 4.# 4.$ 4.4 4.3 4.0 4.(

Time am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm Time am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm Time am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm

Activity 1#0mi* pac% wal% Bod; weight circuit 5u* '%m with 4170sec surges 5est or swim $11.3%m ru*s <(.$0mi*:s 81912 #1 ropes ,eight programme #2 a4s.l-4ac% # )lectro*ic machi*e circuit 00mi*:s 101#0 p.ups2 1013 heaves plus a4s.l-4ac% 1 5u* 1%m2 swim #00m 1 $times co*ti*uous ,eight programme 1 1#0mi* pac% wal% 5est or additio*al sessio* i* wea% area 10130m swims2 $0sec rest plus #mi* t.water 40mi* stretchi*g sessio* . lower 4ac% e1:s Activity #-$0hr pac% wal% Bod; weight circuit 5u* '%m with 3170sec surges 5est or swim #1#%m ru*s <10mi*:s 81912 #1 ropes ,eight programme #2 a4s.l-4ac% # )lectro*ic machi*e circuit 00mi*:s 01#3 p.ups2 01' heaves plus a4s.l-4ac% 1 5u* #.4%m plus 41400m spri*ts 8191.3 ,eight programme 1 $hr pac% wal% 5est or additio*al sessio* i* wea% area '1100m swims2 00sec rest plus #mi* t.water 40mi* stretchi*g sessio* . lower 4ac% e1:s Activity $-$0hr pac% wal% Bod; weight circuit )lectro*ic machi*e circuit 00mi*:s 5est or swim 5u* 3%m plus #1 ropes ,eight programme #2 a4s.l-4ac% # BFA trial $.# trial plus #1 rope asce*ts Heave test2 Swim test(400m) #mi*:s t.water ,eight programme 1 Trial 4hr pac% wal% =#3%m 5est or additio*al sessio* i* wea% area 41#00m swims2 00sec rest plus #mi* t.water 40mi* stretchi*g sessio* . lower 4ac% e1:s

Dress F&(13%g) PT PT P&(0%g)ru**ers PT PT PT PT PT F&(#0%g) P!":s PT Dress F&(#0%g) PT PT P&('%g)ru**ers PT PT PT PT PT F&(#0%g) P!":s.ru**ers PT Dress F&(#0%g) PT PT P!".ru**ers.ri/le PT PT P&('%g) P!".ru**ers PT F&(#0%g) P!" shirt PT

Intensity (%m.hr 6ed.high High +ow 6ed.high 0%m.hr 6ed Intensity (%m.hr 6ed.high High +ow 6ed.high 0%m.hr 6ed Intensity 0%m.hr +ow +ow High High 6ed.high (%m.hr 6ed -

Week 3.1 3.# 3.$ 3.4 3.3 3.0 3.(

Week 0.1 0.# 0.$ 0.4 0.3 0.0 0.(

Week (.1 (.# (.$ (.4 (.3 (.0 (.(

Time am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm Time am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm Time am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm

Activity 5ecover; da; Bod; weight circuit 5u* '%m with $1#mi* surges 5est or swim 10%m wal% (ru* 1st #%m <7.$0)2 #1 ropes ,eight programme #2 a4s.l-4ac% # )lectro*ic machi*e circuit 00mi*:s '1#3 p.ups2 '1' heaves plus a4s.l-4ac% 1 5u* 41 1%m spri*ts 8191 ,eight programme 1 0hr 4ush wal% i* local state /orest (*ave1) 5est or additio*al sessio* i* wea% area 1%m ope* water swim plus #mi* t.water 40mi* stretchi*g sessio* . lower 4ac% e1:s Activity 4hr wal% Bod; weight circuit 5u* 10%m with 41#mi* surges 5est or swim 1#%m wal% (ru* 1st #%m <7.$0)2 #1 ropes ,eight programme #2 a4s.l-4ac% # )lectro*ic machi*e circuit 00mi*:s '1#3 p.ups2 '1' heaves plus a4s.l-4ac% 1 5u* 1%m2swim #00 1 4 times co*ti*uousl; ,eight programme 1 'hr 4ush wal% i* local state /orest (*ave1) 5est 1.#%m ope* water swim plus #mi* t.water 40mi* stretchi*g sessio* . lower 4ac% e1:s Activity 4hr wal% Bod; weight circuit 5u* 10%m with 31#mi* surges 5est or swim 13%m wal% (ru* 1st #%m <7.$0)2 #1 ropes ,eight programme #2 a4s.l-4ac% # )lectro*ic machi*e circuit 00mi*:s 01$0 p.ups2 0110 heaves plus a4s.l-4ac% 1 5u* 1%m2 '1 400m spri*ts 8 191.3 ,eight programme 1 10hr 4ush wal% i* local state /orest (*ave1) 5est 1.3%m pool swim 40mi* stretchi*g sessio* . lower 4ac% e1:s

Dress PT PT P&('%g) PT PT PT PT PT Pac%(#3%g) P!":s /or 1st 400m PT Dress F&(#0%g) PT PT P&('%g) PT PT PT PT PT Pac%(#3%g) P!":s /or 1st 000m PT Dress F&(13%g) PT PT P&('>?)ru**ers PT PT PT PT PT PA!>(#3>?) Swimmers PT

Intensity 6ed.high High.low +ow 6ed.high 3.3%m.hr 6ed Intensity 0.3%m.hr 6ed.high High.low +ow 6ed.high 3%m.hr 6ed Intensity (%m.hr 6ed.high High.low +ow 6ed.high 3%m.hr 6ed -

Week '.1 '.# '.$ '.4 '.3 '.0 '.(

Week 7.1 7.# 7.$ 7.4 7.3 7.0 7.(

Week 10.1 10.# 10.$ 10.4 10.3 10.0 10.(

Time am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm Time am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm Time am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm

Activity $hr pac% wal% Bod; weight circuit 5u* 10%m with 01#mi* surges 5est or swim '%m wal% (ru* 1st 1.3%m <(.10)2 #1 ropes ,eight programme #2 a4s.l-4ac% # )lectro*ic machi*e circuit 00mi*:s (1$0 p.ups2 (110 heaves plus a4s.l-4ac% 1 BFA trial $.# trial 4hr e*dura*ce march trial =#0%m 5est Swim test trial (400m) plus #mi* t.water 40mi* stretchi*g sessio* . lower 4ac% e1:s Activity $hr pac% wal% Bod; weight circuit 5u* (%m with 4170sec surges 5est or swim 0%m wal% (ru* 1st 1.3%m <(.0mi*)2 #1 ropes ,eight programme #2 a4s.l-4ac% # )lectro*ic machi*e circuit 30mi*:s (1$0 p.ups2 (110 heaves plus a4s.l-4ac% 1 5u* $11%m 8 191.3 ,eight programme 1 0hr 4ush wal% i* local state /orest (*ave1) 5est 1.3%m pool swim 40mi* stretchi*g sessio* . lower 4ac% e1:s Activity 4-$0hr pac% wal% Bod; weight circuit 5u* 3%m with $100sec surges 5est or swim 3%m wal% (ru* 1st 1%m <4.$0mi*) ,eight programme #2 a4s.l-4ac% # )lectro*ic machi*e circuit 43mi*:s $1ma1 p.ups2 $1 ma1 heaves2 a4s.l-4ac% 1 5u* $1400m 8 1912 41#00m 8 19$ ,eight programme 1 #-$0hr e*dura*ce march 5est 1%m pool swim 40mi* stretchi*g sessio* . lower 4ac% e1:s

Dress F&(13%g) PT PT P&('%g)ru**ers PT PT PT PT P&('%g) F&(#0%g) P!".ru**ers PT Dress F&(13%g) PT PT P&('%g)ru**ers PT PT PT PT PT Pac%(#3%g) P!" shirt 1st 400m PT Dress F&(10%g) PT PT P&('%g) PT PT PT PT PT F&(13%g) Swimmers PT

Intensity 0%m.hr 6ed.high High.low +ow 6ed.high High (%m.hr 6ed Intensity (%m.hr 6ed.high High.low +ow 6ed.high 0.3%m.hr +ow Intensity (%m.hr 6ed.high High.low +ow 6ed.high 0.3%m.hr +ow -

Week 11.1 11.# 11.$ 11.4 11.3 11.0 11.(

Week 1#.1 1#.# 1#.$ 1#.4 1#.3 1#.0 1#.(

Week 1$.1 1$.# 1$.$ 1$.4 1$.3 1$.0 1$.(

Time am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm

Activity 1hr pac% wal% Bod; weight circuit 5u* #1#.4%m with 10mi* rest2 4oth < 7.$0 5est or swim 4%m wal% (ru* 1st 1%m <4.$0mi*) ,eight programme #2 a4s.l-4ac% # )lectro*ic machi*e circuit 40mi*:s #1ma1 p.ups2 #1 ma1 heaves2 a4s.l-4ac% 1 5u* #1400m 8 1912 #1#00m 8 19$ 5est 5est 5est 1%m pool swim 40mi* stretchi*g sessio* . lower 4ac% e1:s

Dress F&(10%g) PT PT P&('%g) PT PT PT PT swimmers PT

Intensity (.3%m.hr 6ed.high High.low +ow 6ed.high +ow -

LEGEND PT ru**i*g shoes2 shorts a*d shirt P& P!":s2 4oots a*d we44i*g weighi*g amou*t stated F& P&('%g) plus pac% weighi*g amou*t stated INTENSITY LEVELS +&, 40-00@ o/ ma1imum heart rate (6H5) 6) 00-'0@ o/ 6H5 HA?H = '0@ o/ 6H5 6H5 B ##0 C ;our age 5H5 B resti*g heart rate2 to 4e ta%e* ever; mor*i*g at the same time # mi*utes a/ter ;ou wa%e. "sed as a guide to i*crease or decrease ;our trai*i*g i*te*sit; level /or that da; TH5 trai*i*g heart rate B D @ 1 E6H5-5H5FG H 5H5 TRAINING NOTES I Sta; h;drated 4; dri*%i*g water 4e/ore2 duri*g (ever; 13mi*)2 a*d a/ter ever; trai*i*g sessio* I )*sure ;ou eat withi* $0mi* a/ter ever; trai*i*g activit; I Su4stitute ru**ers /or 4oots wherever possi4le to reduce the cha*ce o/ i*Jur; I ,arm up2 stretch a*d carr; out a cool dow* /or ever; activit; I P& a*d F& activities are to 4e co*ducted o* grass2 gravel or 4ush la*d I &* the lo*ger e*dura*ce wal%s ;ou should trai* i* pairs a*d *oti/; someo*e o/ ;our route a*d )T5 I A/ ;ou do *ot recover /rom the previous da;s trai*i*g have a* e1tra rest da; I A/ ;ou /eel recovered do *ot add i* a* e1tra trai*i*g sessio* as the program i*creases with i*te*sit; /rom wee% to wee% I A/ ;ou sustai* a* i*Jur; duri*g the program2 do a* alter*ative sessio* to compe*sate. DO NOT trai* with a* i*Jur; I 6o*itor ;our 5H5 each mor*i*g to determi*e trai*i*g i*te*sit; /or that da; I Kou are remi*ded that the mai* emphasis o/ the SF selectio* process i* o* /ield e*dura*ce AIM This program is desig*ed to prepare ;ou adeLuatel; e*ough to success/ull; pass the SAS5 Selectio* Process CONDUCT The program should 4e started 1$ wee%s prior to the start date o/ the Selectio* Process. At is i* ;our 4est i*terest to complete all activities i* the 1$ wee%s so that ;ou are *ot u*der prepared i* a*; area. Kou are remi*ded that the Selectio* Process co*ce*trates o* /ield e*dura*ce activities eg. F& I I Y !r PTI in t"e # c$# $re$ %i## "e#& y ! %it" $nyt"in' y ! $re !ns!re ( $) !t t"is &r 'r$m A/ ;ou have a*; /urther dou4t or reLuire more i*/ormatio* co*tact the SAS5 PTA:s o* the /ollowi*g *um4er 0' 7$'$ 0034



PULLDOWN TO CHEST (wide grip plus 10 PUSH UPS


SE"TED ROW (#$rr%w grip plus 10 CLOSE GRIP PUSH UPS


30 15 8 4 4 REST 30 15 8 4 4 REST 30 15 8 4 4 REST 30 15 8 4 4 REST 30 30 15 15 8 8 4 4 4 4





CONDUCT The a4ove wor%out co*sists o/ two e1ercises per muscle group. The "i'"#i'"te, e1ercise is the maJor e1ercise2 the *o* highlighted e1ercise is the superset e1ercise a*d it is co*ducted i* the /ollowi*g regime. $0 reps o/ "i'"#i'"te, e1ercise /ollowed 4; *o* highlighted e1ercise immediatel;2 rest $0-43seco*ds 13 reps o/ "i'"#i'"te, e1ercise /ollowed 4; *o* highlighted e1ercise immediatel;2 rest $0-43seco*ds ' reps o/ "i'"#i'"te, e1ercise /ollowed 4; *o* highlighted e1ercise immediatel;2 rest $0-43seco*ds 4 reps o/ "i'"#i'"te, e1ercise /ollowed 4; *o* highlighted e1ercise immediatel;2 rest $0-43seco*ds 4 reps o/ "i'"#i'"te, e1ercise /ollowed 4; *o* highlighted e1ercise immediatel;2 rest $0-43seco*ds ,eights are to 4e recorded to mo*itor stre*gth a*d e*dura*ce gai*s2 as ;our 4od; adapts to the programme i*crease ;our weights 4; 1-#%g at a time /or ma1imal gai*s AIM To 4uild upper 4od; stre*gth2 e*dura*ce2 4od; weight /it*ess a*d h;pertroph;



#0 1$ % 4 4 REST TWO MINUTES #0 1$ % 4 4 REST TWO MINUTES #0 1$ % 4 4 REST TWO MINUTES #0 1$ % 4 4 REST TWO MINUTES #0 1$ % 4 4 REST TWO MINUTES



L(!NG LEG CURL Plus % 10) HIGH POWER *UMPS +,u-p up ./0 step 0!w/1

B"RBELL SHOULDER PRESS Plus % CLEANS +s.-e w2t th.t 3!u p ess1 UPR!GHT ROW Plus % LATERAL &L4ES

#0 1$ % 4 4 The a4ove wor%out co*sists o/ two e1ercises per muscle group. The "i'"#i'"te, e1ercise is the maJor e1ercise2 the *o* highlighted e1ercise is the superset e1ercise a*d it is co*ducted i* the /ollowi*g regime. $0 reps o/ "i'"#i'"te, e1ercise /ollowed 4; *o* highlighted e1ercise immediatel;2 rest $0-43seco*ds 13 reps o/ "i'"#i'"te, e1ercise /ollowed 4; *o* highlighted e1ercise immediatel;2 rest $0-43seco*ds ' reps o/ "i'"#i'"te, e1ercise /ollowed 4; *o* highlighted e1ercise immediatel;2 rest $0-43seco*ds 4 reps o/ "i'"#i'"te, e1ercise /ollowed 4; *o* highlighted e1ercise immediatel;2 rest $0-43seco*ds 4 reps o/ "i'"#i'"te, e1ercise /ollowed 4; *o* highlighted e1ercise immediatel;2 rest $0-43seco*ds ,eights are to 4e recorded to mo*itor stre*gth a*d e*dura*ce gai*s2 as ;our 4od; adapts to the programme i*crease ;our weights 4; 1-#%g at a time /or ma1imal gai*s AIM To 4uild lower 4od; a*d shoulder stre*gth2 power2 e*dura*ce a*d h;pertroph; .ODY WEIG*T CIRCUIT

E/ERCISE &M)5?5ASP H)AM)S P"SH "PS +KAN? &M)5?5ASP H)AM)S F"++ B& K APS ,)A?HT) SO"ATS (#0%g) ,)A?HT) ST)P "PS (10 %g) BFA SAT "P S>AP

+ST TIME 10 #0 #0 10 #0 #0 #0 1 6AN

-ND TIME ' 1' 1' ' 1' 1' 1' 1 6AN

0RD TIME 0 10 10 0 10 10 10 1 6AN

1T* TIME 4 14 14 4 14 14 14 1 6AN

2T* TIME # 1# 1# # 1# 1# 1# 1 6AN


CONDUCT Start i* colum* o*e a*d complete e1ercises i* order /rom top to 4ottom2 whe* ;ou reach the last e1ercise complete colum*:s #-3 i* the same order u*til ;ou have /i*ished. 5ecord the total time ta%e* to mo*itor /it*ess improveme*ts. A/ at /irst ;ou have trou4le completi*g the circuit i*troduce a 1mi* rest period a/ter each s%ippi*g sessio* u*til ;our stre*gth 4uilds up. AIM To i*crease 4od; weight /it*ess a*d all over 4od; stre*gth A.DOMINALS AND LOWER .AC3 + BFA SAT "P A+T ,5AST T& A+T >N)) !5"N!H)S S+A AN? BFA (ha*ds sta; i* co*tact with /loor) H))+ T&"!H)S (per/orm o*e side at a time) S>AP CONDUCT 10 10 10 10 10 30 revolutio*s

!omplete /rom top to 4ottom i* order a*d repeat 3-( times co*ti*uousl;2 /eet are *ot to 4e held. 1# 5)PS P # TA6)S 1# 5)PS P # TA6)S 1# 5)PS P # TA6)S 1# 5)PS P # TA6)S 1# 5)PS )A!H SA ) P # TA6)S

BA!> )PT 6A!HAN) (do *ot h;per e1te*d) P5&N) SAN?+) +)? 5AAS) P5&N) A+T A56 Q +)? 5AAS) A+T A56 Q +)? 5AAS) (o* ha*ds a*d %*ees) +)FT AN 5A?HT HAP 5&++S CONDUCT AIM

!omplete /rom top to 4ottom two times2 use a swiss 4all i/ availa4le To i*crease stre*gth i* the a4domi*als a*d lower 4ac% providi*g core sta4ilit;

A.DOMINALS AND LOWER .AC3 BFA SAT "P 100 5)PS BFA A+T ,5AST T& A+T >N)) 30 5)PS R BFA SAT "P (/i*gertips to %*ees o*l;) 30 5)PS CONDUCT !omplete /rom top to 4ottom i* order a*d repeat 3-( times co*ti*uousl;2 /eet are *ot to 4e held. 1# 5)PS P # TA6)S 1# 5)PS P # TA6)S 1# 5)PS P # TA6)S 1# 5)PS P # TA6)S 1# 5)PS )A!H SA ) P # TA6)S

BA!> )PT 6A!HAN) (do *ot h;per e1te*d) P5&N) SAN?+) +)? 5AAS) P5&N) A+T A56 Q +)? 5AAS) A+T A56 Q +)? 5AAS) (o* ha*ds a*d %*ees) +)FT AN 5A?HT HAP 5&++S CONDUCT AIM

!omplete /rom top to 4ottom two times2 use a swiss 4all i/ availa4le To i*crease stre*gth i* the a4domi*als a*d lower 4ac% providi*g core sta4ilit; ELECTRONIC MAC*INE CIRCUITS


E/ERCISE )P)5!AS) BA>) ST)PP)5 5&,)5

INTENSITY (3-'3 5P6 +&, 30-00 ST)PS P)5 6AN $0-$# ST&>)S P)5 6AN

TIME #0 6AN #0 6AN #0 6AN

E/ERCISE T5)A 6A++ 5&,)5 ST)PP)5 5&,)5 !K!+) 5&,)5 CONDUCT AIM

INTENSITY 1#-14 >6.H $0-$# ST&>)S P)5 6AN"T) 30-00 ST)PS P)5 6AN"T) $0-$# ST&>)S P)5 6AN"T) (3-'3 5P6 $0-$# ST5&>)S P)5 6AN"T)

TIME 13 6AN 1#00 6 13 6AN 1000 6 13 6AN '00 6

To 4e do*e at a low i*te*sit; level2 ;ou have # programs to choose /rom2 adJust the times to suit the le*gth o/ ;our trai*i*g sessio*. At is per/ormed i* order /rom top to 4ottom. A* e*dura*ce cross trai*i*g sessio* to develop muscular e*dura*ce at a low i*te*sit; level

CONDUCT AIM Stretches are to 4e co*ducted 4e/ore a*d a/ter ever; trai*i*g sessio*. The stretches i* the warm up should 4e held /or $-3 seco*ds2 stretches i* the cool dow* should 4e held /or 10-$0 seco*ds. To reduce the cha*ce o/ muscle sore*ess a*d i*Jur;2 to promote good muscle /le1i4ilit; a*d elasticit;.

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