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Can a Woman's heart be won back after a break up, and how? Free Dating, Singles and Pe...

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Can a Woman's heart be won back after a break up, and how?

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My question is this... Is there a possibility of re-uniting with an ex girlfriend after a break up? A friend of mine who is/was in a long-distant relationship, was told over the phone by his girlfriend that she doesn't think the relationship would work out as she feels they are not compatible enough. Prior to this devastating news, the relationship has been going on well, they hardly argued with each other, infact it was like a match made in heaven, and they were planning seriously on getting married! But this girl in question was introduced to my friend by his mum, so because of this reason, his girlfriend always had this notion that the guy was probably forced into the relationship. So from a Female's point of view, why would a female suddenly decide to end a relationship without any just-cause? Is there a possibility of winning the gal's heart back? If there is a possibility of winning her heart back, what ways should he go about it without sounding pathetic? Did she make this decison just to make absolutely sure the guy loves her, and by so doing; clear any lingering doubts on her mind that the guy wasn't forced into the relationship by his mum? My friend has asked her so many times if she has feelings for someone else, but she keeps denying it, so I don't really feel that is the case @ the moment. I decided to put this out here to have a better understanding of the female psyche, and possibly know what advice I could give my friend, as he is emotionally wrecked @ the moment. Thanks for reading and your inputs!

Joined: 10/11/2007 Msg: 1 view profile History

Can a Woman's heart be won back after a break up, and how? muffin.cakes
Posted: 6/17/2009 5:13:39 PM

a girls heart can almost always be won back, in my opinion, unless they're been cheated on, even sometimes then. to be totally honest it does sound like shes found someone else especially if its long distance, I mean I just got out of a long distance relationshipa fter finding out he had been cheating on me the majority of the time. it could also be that shes just worried, maybe even a little scared about the whole marriage deal?

Joined: 4/20/2009 Msg: 2 view profile History

Can a Woman's heart be won back after a break up, and how? hala-steve
Posted: 6/17/2009 5:18:08 PM

I mean...if she has found someone else, why doesn't she have the nerves to just say it, but she would have the nerves to tell him the relationship is not working and over? Doesn't make sense!

Joined: 10/11/2007 Msg: 3 view profile History

Can a Woman's heart be won back after a break up, and how? hopefull210
Posted: 6/17/2009 5:22:55 PM

Speaking from past experience I can tell you that love isn't sounds to me like she does love him but that there are things that she just doesn't want to deal with for the rest of her life. Hope that doesn't sound to harsh. It doesn't necessarily mean she's found someone else - but if she is having these feelings now then he should prob. chalk it up to incompatability and try and walk away. The heartache will only be worse after they get married and she still feels this way and wants a divorce.


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Can a Woman's heart be won back after a break up, and how? bklynrebel Joined: 11/30/2008 Msg: 5
Posted: 6/17/2009 5:27:25 PM

They were talking about getting married yet she broke it off over the phone. Even though there's quite a distance between them (apparently in more ways than one), giving him this news via phone was not very classy. I think your friend should back off and leave well enough alone. I don't think things will get better.

Can a Woman's heart be won back after a break up, and how? KISS MY A$$ Joined: 9/6/2008 Msg: 6
Posted: 6/17/2009 5:33:58 PM

If it was another man it would be easy. Now your "friend" has to take a look at himself and try to figure out what turned her off. If she isn't willing to tell him then all any of us can do is guess. I think if someone doesn't want to be with me enough is said. I don't have to go digging for reasons. If it was something that could easily be changed perhaps the lady would have been more specific. She isn't giving you much opportunity to "fix" this if she won't open up and tell you what is really going on. If she thinks you're the kind of guy that is so easily persuaded by his mother maybe that has something to do with it. Who knows? Only she does. If she is willing to give you the time of day, wear your heart on your sleeve, put your cards on the table and TALK to HER. You can't read her mind so ask her to talk. Good luck.

Can a Woman's heart be won back after a break up, and how? hopefull210
Posted: 6/17/2009 5:36:52 PM

If she isn't willing to tell him then all any of us can do is guess. I think if someone doesn't want to be with me enough is said. I don't have to go digging for reasons. I totally agree. No one should put themselves through that guessing game...what she dislikes someone else may love!!! He can't force will only fail in the end! Joined: 4/4/2009 Msg: 7 view profile History

Can a Woman's heart be won back after a break up, and how? Valentine74
Posted: 6/17/2009 5:38:48 PM

She has already answered the question on why she wanted to end the relationship. She felt like they were not compatible enough. Yes, anyones heart can be won back but y0ur friend needs to ask himself is she worth it? There seems to be a lack of concern for his feelings and if a person doesnt have any regard for your feeling then f##k them. Tell your friend that its over and that y0u know that it hurts for the moment but it will pass with time.

Joined: 5/7/2009 Msg: 8 view profile History

Can a Woman's heart be won back after a break up, and how? namrael Joined: 8/10/2008 Msg: 9
Posted: 6/17/2009 5:46:08 PM

He can let her know how he feels, but if she ended the relationship, chances are she's given it quite a bit of thought and made up her mind. Would he really want to "win back" someone who decided she doesn't want to be with him?

Can a Woman's heart be won back after a break up, and how?
Posted: 6/17/2009 5:48:12 PM


Can a Woman's heart be won back after a break up, and how? Free Dating, Singles and Pe... Page 3 of 4


If she felt they weren't compatible enough, why did she allow the guy's parents' to go see her own parents in preparation for the wedding ceremony. The girl is in medical school, in her 5th yr to graduate next year, so it was decided between both parents that they would allow the gal to graduate before they get married. Why did she allow all that protocol before if she wasn't sure? Why didn't she just tell the guy to tell his parents not to see her parents to discuss about the wedding preparation until she finally made up her mind? They had a very little misunderstanding recently, but in all honesty, that argument was so insignificant to cause any problem. Or did the argument trigger hidden forces? Crazy....

Joined: 10/11/2007 Msg: 10 view profile History

Can a Woman's heart be won back after a break up, and how? gtomustang
Posted: 6/17/2009 6:01:08 PM

Just because she didn't argue, didn't mean she didn't have complaints. That, perhaps along with the phone call breakup, suggests she may not like confrontation. can't make people think, they have to think for themselves. And they don't miss what fails to go away. She's gotta decide for herself how to spend the rest of her life, and marriage is supposed to be for the rest of her life. Let her get her med boards out of the way, residency picked, and maybe when it calms down...she may, might, decide she wants your friend back in her life. Buuuuutttt...don't count on it. she's still young, she's still finding herself.

Joined: 6/16/2007 Msg: 11 view profile History

Can a Woman's heart be won back after a break up, and how? The Ringleader Joined: 10/25/2008 Msg: 12
Posted: 6/17/2009 6:04:51 PM

My answer is yes, a woman's heart can be "won" back, however respect has to be remaining in that relationship for that to ever happen. When your heart is broke the damage is severe and certainly the pain created is as deep as you choose to allow. The reason she left could be several, but I would tell your friend to simply ask her why the sudden "we're not compatible" question. You can never let go of someone you truly love.

Can a Woman's heart be won back after a break up, and how? red_relaxed Joined: 7/18/2007 Msg: 13
Posted: 6/17/2009 7:48:37 PM

Sounds like there was a lot of pressure from both sets of parents maybe?

Is there a possibility of winning the gal's heart back? Sure, but he's got to find out why he lost it in the first place. Talking to her is the only way to determine this.

If there is a possibility of winning her heart back, what ways should he go about it without sounding pathetic? Arrange a face to face meeting if she's agreeable. If not, he ought to just take her word that she feels they're incompatible.

Did she make this decison just to make absolutely sure the guy loves her, and by so doing; clear any lingering doubts on her mind that the guy wasn't forced into the relationship by his mum? That seems rather excessive to me if they've been planning a marriage ceremony. I mean surely her doubts would have been aleviated before she agreed to marry him. Could be more going on here. In all honesty, it sounds like she's met someone else and doesn't want to fess up. She'd look bad in his mother's eyes as well as her own parents if this is the case, she could be saving face. He ought to try one last time for a heart to heart, cards on the table, mature grown up, no whining, crying and snivelling talk with HER.

Can a Woman's heart be won back after a break up, and how? LD44 Joined: 8/23/2008
Posted: 6/17/2009 7:53:48 PM

UM that would be the day I took a girl back who broke up with me over the phone, f&ck that shit, NEXT


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Msg: 14

Can a Woman's heart be won back after a break up, and how? Gigglemepink Joined: 5/11/2009 Msg: 15 Can a Woman's heart be won back after a break up, and how?
Posted: 6/17/2009 8:03:53 PM

IMO No. Once it's over, it's over.

Can a Woman's heart be won back after a break up, and how? Miss W
Posted: 6/17/2009 8:05:12 PM

I have personally found that it can be but it isn't worth it for after they have wooed you...they go back to the same behaviors that made you break it off in the first place. A bit of advice: don't look or go back.

Joined: 12/4/2006 Msg: 16 view profile History

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