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Intermediate Composition Tyler Branson 17 November 2013 Action Steps END OBJECTIVE: Execute an on campus event that raises

awareness through a visual representation of how many sexual assaults occur in the military that are reported and how many are not reported in order to raise awareness for the issue. Awareness of the issue will hopefully be increased even further through a YouTube video that will be posted on and linked to my Weebly Portfolio. I want to increase awareness of the issue using the most complete argument I can and I think that the YouTube video will give me a chance to display the main parts of the arguments that the many sources I have gathered over the semester used. In partnership with one or more of the following organizations: TCU Womens Studies Department, Student Veterans Alliance, V-day Campaign, TCU PanHellenic Organization and petition SGA for $3,000 in order to purchase 3,374 red flags and 7 double-sided yard signs. o In order to partner with these organizations look up the chairs and presidents of these organizations using orgsync and other TCU affiliated websites and contact them via TCU e-mail. Facilitate meetings no later than one month apart from each other in the Third floor in the BLUU at a time to be determined after discussion with the officers and/or persons interested in planning the event. I prefer to do

weekly discussion based meetings in which issues that I am not able to realize by myself. o During such meetings determine the date and time of flag and sign setup, the length of time the flags and signs should remain up, and the date and time of take down. o Determine the placement of the flags and signs. My recommendation would be to place them in front of Reed Hall. Once the date and time of setup has been determined contact the physical plant to get the date, time, and duration of the spatial argument approved and order the yard signs with a white background and black writing. Determine the 6 facts that will be based on the facts presented in the academic writings done for the class. On the bottom of the signs, there will be a link to my Weebly website and the YouTube video will be posted on the home page of that site. Order 3,374 red flags from If a storage place for these objects cannot be found wait until 2 weeks before the determined date to place the order for them. In case they come before the determined date of the event and there is not a determined storage area the members involved in planning the event shall volunteer to store some of the objects in their living spaces. During the time before the event, go to all the organizations that are involved, all the organization of which I am a member, and all of the

sororities and recruit volunteers to set up and take down the flags and yard signs. Within one week before the determined event, create the script for the YouTube video based upon academic assignments done for the course in a more casual style of speaking. Film the video using my laptops built in camera and edit the footage using software installed in my computer. The video should be no longer than 3 minutes. At the end of the video, the viewers will be encouraged to look at my portfolios and my sources for themselves if they want more information. If they view it through YouTube, the link to the Weebly page will be posted in the videos description. o Do not use a visually unappealing background, use engaging speech patterns and maybe some hand gestures to emphasize what is being said. o The video is intended to be an informative video that will present my argument and explain it concisely and clearly. o Ask Rachel Murray (a friend who has 500 subscribers and gets an average of 100 views) if she would post the video on her channel. o Contact Rachel if there are certain ways to edit videos that I do not understand how to do. Post the video on YouTube and add the link to my Weebly website and the relevant sources used in my arguments. Set up the flags and signs the morning before the event. Although the set up is to be determined and agreed upon by all persons in partner organizations,

I recommend having one yard sign in front of the red flags explaining what they represent, and three signs on either side of the set up with further facts about sexual assault in the military. The link to my YouTube video will be posted on the bottom of the yard signs. In order to spread the word even further, contact my high school friends, my sisters in Alpha Delta Pi, and my sisters in Eta Iota Sigma to post the video on their Facebook pages to increase the number of views that the video has.

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