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Coroners Comprehensive Report of Death Investigation

Date: May 16, 1889 ,ime: 1:-pm

Contacted By: gt! "rancette Draper .gency: /ondon Morg$e

Case #$m%er: &&'()'8*(()+B

Decedent Demographic Information

Decedent #ame .ddress C5 56ip Co$nty of Residence Marita0 tat$s 4cc$pation 8mp0oyer #ame .ddress C5 56ip ir Char0es Bas1ervi00e 1&) Bas1ervi00e 3a00 7rimpen, Dartmoor, Devon, 8ng0and 7reater /ondon ing0e :o0itician #one recorded e2: D4B: .ge: Race: 3eight: 9eight: 8yes: 3air: Re0ationship: M 1/23/1835 54 Caucasian 62 150 Blue brown Son

#e2t of ;in Information

ir 3enry Bas1ervi00e 1&) Bas1ervi00e 3a00 7rimpen, Dartmoor, Devon, 8ng0and

Ca$se5Manner5Circ$mstances of Death
:rimary Ca$se Manner of Death .ttending :hysician Death D$e to In<$ry Co$nty of In<$ry: :0ace of In<$ry > pecify? .ddress C5 56ip .$topsy :0ace of Incident :0ace of Death Body :osition C0othing cars ,attoos :o0ice 8M Resc$e B$ad 3eart .ttac1 M$ti0ation Dr! De00 Rye =es 8sse2 .00ey@ay near Bas1ervi00e 3a00 1&) Bas1ervi00e Co$rt /ondon, 8ng0and, 1&)*( =es Bas1ervi00e 3a00 .00ey@ay %ehind Bas1ervi00e 3a00 n5a Bed@ear #one reported #one Interva0 Date of Death ,ime of Death Date of In<$ry ,ime of In<$ry M$nicipa0ity ,ime :rono$nced Date :rono$nced :rono$nced By Crime /a% M$nicipa0ity Body Condition Dr$g Ase B0ood :resent n/a 5/14/1889 10:30 p 5/14/1889 10:29 p !rea"er #on$on 10:35 p 5/14/1889 %r& 'arr( )illia s *o u"ila"e$ *one presen" +es

.ssisting .gencies
=es =es #o Contact Contact Contact 911 911 n5a

Decedents #ame: Sir C,arles Bas-er.ille Medica0 3istory and 4ther ignificant Conditions
*o e$ical ,is"or(

:ersons :resent at ,ime of Death: no one An$s$a0 Circ$mstances 4cc$rring :rior ,o Death:
Sir Bas-er.ille was runnin/ "owar$ Bas-er.ille 'all w,en ",e ,oun$ a""ac-e$ ,i

Body /ocation >In re0ationship to s$rro$ndings?

%ia/onal "o alle(wa( w,ere ",e bo$( was 0oun$

C0othing >,ype, Co0or, Condition?

Be$wear1 brown1 u"ila"e$

:ersona0 :roperty >Ase persona0 property inventory form, a0so?

*one repor"e$

Description of In<$ries and5or Identifying Mar1s:

Bo$( was co ple"el( u"ila"e$

9as ,his :atient a #$rsing 3ome Resident:


Description of Investigation
2 "ele/rap, was recei.e$ a" appro3i a"el( 10:30 las" ni/,"& 4 arri.e$ on scene an$ 0oun$ a bo$( in a bac- alle(wa(& 5i/," ne3" "o ",e bo$( was an unusuall( lar/e paw prin" ",a" loo-e$ li-e ",a" o0 a ,ell,oun$& 20"er ",e e$ical e3a iner "oo- ",e bo$( awa(1 4 s"ar"e$ 6ues"ionin/ ",e s"a00 ",a" wor-e$ a" Sir Bas-er.illes ,o e1 Bas-er.ille 'all& 7ne o0 ",e s"a00 ,a$ "ol$ e ",e le/en$ o0 ",e 'oun$ o0 ",e Bas-er.illes& 'e sai$ ",a" i0 an( e ber o0 ",e 0a il( was ou" o0 ",e ,ouse a0"er $us-1 ",e ,oun$ woul$ 0in$ ",e an$ u"ila"e ",eir bo$ies& 'e also sai$ ",e le/en$ be/an wi", ",e $ea", o0 Sir 'u/o Bas-er.ille1 Sir C,arless 0a",er& 4 in0or e$ %e"ec"i.e 'ol es o0 ",e le/en$ w,en ,e "oo",e case&

Investigating Coroner5Dep$ty Information

Coroner5Dep$ty Cordan Donne00y Cert igned By

Charles Martinson

Date Cert igned Certificate Disposition

5/16/1889 n/a

8or$an %onnell( Investigating Coroner

Ma( 161 1889 Date

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