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Real NAT on Windows XP

Follow these steps to have your Windows XP to work as a NAT but without the restrictions of ICS (Internet
Connection Sharing)


1. To have two network cards:

1. NIC1: One connected to the internal network (any network not only
2. NIC2: The other one connected to the Internet (or other network you want to connect to)
2. To have administrative access to stop/start some services.


1. Disable ICS on both NICs.

1. Right-click on NIC -> Properties -> Advanced. Make sure Allow other network users to
connect through this computer’s Internet connection is unchecked.
2. Enable Routing and Remote Access Service.
1. Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services. Enable Routing and Remote Access
3. Disable Firewall/ICS Service (which might take precedence over step 1)
1. Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services. Disable Windows Firewall/Internet
Connection Sharing (ICS)
4. Configure the NICs:
1. Only 1 should have a gateway (In my example is NIC2). Disable the gateway on the other NIC
2. Add the NAT configuration.
- You still need to find out the name of your network cards. Here are presenting them as NIC1
and NIC2. In reality they could be something like “Local Area Connection”
type the command netsh

pushd routing ip nat

set global tcptimeoutmins=1440 udptimeoutmins=1 loglevel=ERROR
add interface name="NIC2" mode=FULL
add interface name="NIC1" mode=PRIVATE

And that’s it!. Your users on the private network can go to the internet using NAT, just make sure they can route
their packets through this configured PC.

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