Question Bank For PT 181903

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Faculty of Engineering, SSES-Rajpur Mechanical Engg.

8th Sem Subject:- Production Technology (181903) Question Bank for Weekly Test-1

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

What is Gear? Explain in brief. Write a short note on Gear generation Process. Explain gear hobbing and list their advantages and disadvantages. Explain gear forming process. Explain Thread Cutting. List the various types of locating device used for both Jig and Fixtures and explain any three of them with neat sketch. 7. Describe the degrees of freedom for work piece located in space. Draw a simple sketch to show the 3- 2 - 1 locating principle and explain. 8. Enlist types of Jig. Explain construction and working of template jig. 9. Enlist types of Fixtures. Explain any two with sketch. 10. Describe with neat sketch any three types of clamping device with their features and application. 11. Enlist types of Fixtures. Explain any two with sketch. 12. Define Tool Geometry with functions of all the angles. 13. What is tool Signature? Explain Tool Geometry in ASA system with their functions. 14. Explain the Formation of Chips along with the factors affecting it. 15. Explain Merchant Circle Diagram. 16. Differentiate Positive and Negative Rack Angle.

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