Temple University - Department of Chemistry CHE 3302 - Spring 2014

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Temple University - Department of Chemistry CHE 3302 - Spring 2014 Problem Set#4 Due 2/25/2014

1) Consider the following wave function

= 10 + 11 + 12
3 3 3
where 0, 1 and 2 are the three lowest harmonic oscillator eigenfunction. Show that <E> for this system is (3/2)hv. 2) Consider the harmonic oscillator in the v=0 state. Calculate <x2>.

3) Write down the v=1 eigenfunction for the harmonic oscillator. Substitute this eigenfunction into the Schrodinger equation and show that the eigenvalue is (3/2)h.

4) Consider a rotating particle in the l=4, ml=3 quantum state. i) What is the rotational energy of the system in terms of the moment of inertia, I, and h-bar? ii) What is the magnitude of the angular momentum? iii) What is the z-component of the angular momentum? iv) What is the angle that the angular momentum makes with the z-axis?

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