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St. Mary Coptic Orthodox Church

Name: Bible Questions for the Gospel of John

Sunday 2/23 John Chapter 9 Verse 1 to 17 How did the Lord Jesus heal the man born blind? a- He anointed his eyes with clay. b- He anointed his eyes with oil. c- He asked one of his disciples to heal him. Which day of the week this miracle was done?

Monday 2/24 John Chapter 9 Verse 18 to 41 What the Jews and Pharisees do when they heard about this miracle? a- They belied that the Lord Jesus is the Son of God. b- They cast him out of the synagogue. c- They were happy for him. The Lord Jesus is teaching us that if we believe that we have no sins then we are blind. Which verse number explains this teaching? a- 35 b- 37 c- 41

Tuesday 2/25 John Chapter 10 Verse 1 to 21 -

I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep. What is the reference of this verse? And who is the good Shepard? a- 10:11 b- 10:15 c- 10:17

Wednesday 2/26 John Chapter 10 Verse 22 to 42 -

Put this verse in the right order: Perish- and they follow me- my sheep- and I know them- my voice- and I give them- and they shall never- eternal life.

Thursday 2/27 John Chapter 11 Verse 1 to 27 Which of the following is true? The Lord Jesus raised Lazarus from death a- After an hour from his death b- after he was buried in the tomb for 4 days 3 days.

c- after

Friday 2/28 John Chapter 11 Verse 28 to 57 How did the chief priests and the Pharisees feel about the miracle of Lazarus? a- They believed in the Lord Jesus b- They were happy c- They plotted to put him to death.

Saturday 3/1 John Chapter 12 Who anointed Jesus feet with costly oil? a- Lazarus b- Judas Iscariot c- Mary Lazaruss sister.

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