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12-02-2014 Mukka From: Mr. Prakash Library staff, Srinivas School of n!in""rin!

, Mukka - #$414% &o: &h" Princi'al Srinivas School of n!in""rin!, Srinivas (nt"!rat") *am'us, Mukka - #$414% +"s'"ct") Sir, Subject: Inability to attend Annual day program ( am a m"mb"r of th" sta!" committ"" un)"r ,r. -arunakara ."!)". &h" annual /atr" of my hom"to0n at Pa)r" is b"in! c"l"brat") on 14th an) 1#th F"bruary 2014. Sinc" it is a bi! f"stival for m" an) my family, ( 0ill not b" abl" to att"n) to my )uti"s on 14 th an) 1#th F"bruary 2014 12 )ays only2. ( r"3u"st you to acc"'t my r"3u"st an) r"li"v" m". &hankin! you 4ours Sinc"r"ly,


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