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The ghost enters and Horatio believes.

He says that the

ghost comes to warn of what will happen to Denmark.

The ghost almost speaks to the guards, but the rooster

crows, signaling the coming of morning and the ghost leaves. The men decide to tell Hamlet about the ghost.

Personification of the coming morning. The morning

is describes as someone coming over a mountain.

Pun on the word sun. King Claudius asks Hamlet why

he is still sad. Hamlet replies that he is too much in the sun to be sad. Implying that he is Claudiuss son by the marriage of Claudius to his mother.

The king gives a speech to the council discussing the

death of King Hamlet, his marriage to Hamlets wife (Hamlet is his brother), and the impending war between Norway and Denmark. He uses the royal we and tells the court not to question his actions or else

Horatio, Marcellus, and Barnardo tell Hamlet about

the ghost.

Inversion- But answer made it none. Rather than

saying it didnt make an answer.

Alliteration- green girl An alliteration is the

repetition of a letter. The G in green is repeated in the G in girl.

Laertes and Polonius give advice to Ophelia about a

romantic relationship between her and Hamlet.

Hamlet sees the ghost and is beckoned to follow it.

Horatio and Marcellus warn Hamlet that the ghost could harm him, but Hamlet ignores them. They decide to follow Hamlet.

The ghost tells Hamlet that he is here for revenge.

Revenge for the murder of King Hamlet. The ghost gives details of his murder. The ghost also gives orders about how Hamlet is to go about taking revenge.

Parallelism- Of life, of crown, of queen. The

repetition of the word of followed by a noun.

Horatio and Marcellus come and find Hamlet. He

makes them swear to tell no one about the ghost or what they have seen. Hamlet tells them that he will begin to act crazy, but they cannot tell anyone he is acting. Hamlet believes that he is fated to take revenge.

Polonius sends Reynaldo to spy on his son Laertes

Irony- Polonius thinks that Hamlet is crazy with love,

but in reality, he is crazy with hate.

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, Hamlets old friends,

are asked by the king and queen to spy on Hamlet.

The ambassadors return from Norway. King Fortinbras

wants to go through Denmark to go to war against Poland. Polonius tells the King that he knows why Hamlet is acting crazy. The king is more interested in Hamlet than the diplomatic decision he needs to make.

Metaphor- the world is a prison and Denmark is the

worst dungeon.

Play actors come to Elsinore to perform. Hamlet is very

close with these actors. He plans to use a play that will resemble the murder of his father. Hamlet will watch King Claudius to see if he shows any signs of guiltiness.

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern will continue to spy on


King Claudius and Polonius spy on Hamlet while he

talks to Ophelia.

Claudius figures out that Hamlet is not really crazy,

but rather that he is very bothered by something.

Polonius plans to spy on Hamlet while Hamlets

mother talks to him.

Hamlet confides in Horatio, it is given that he has

already discussed this subject with Horatio. Hamlet tells Horatio what will happen during the play and asks him to help him watch King Claudius while the play is taking place.

King Claudius leaves during the play. This seals his

guilt. Hamlet plans to hurt his mother with words, but not physically.

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern plan to take Hamlet to

England, according to King Claudius.

Claudius knows that he is guilty, but he still wants the

spoils he got from murdering his brother.

Metaphor- Claudius says that his heart is of steel. It

compares his heart to steel, something that is dark, cold, and unbendable.

Hamlet walks in on King Claudius praying. He decides

not to kill him since Claudius would go straight to heaven because he is confessing.

Hamlet kills Polonius while he is arguing with his


Allusion- Hamlet compares his father to Jove. The

reference to Jove is from the Roman name for the god, Zeus.

The ghost enters to talk to Hamlet while he is talking

to his mother. Hamlet is the only one who can see it, his mother believes her son is crazy.

Pun- Hamlet says that Poloniuss death is most grave.

The pun is on the word grave because Polonius will be put in a grave and the event is very grave in the sense that it is a serious matter.

Queen goes straight to Claudius and tells him that

hamlet is crazy and has killed Polonius.

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are sent to find Hamlet

and Poloniuss body.

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern find Hamlet but he will

not tell them where the body is.

Metaphor- Sponge soaks up water just like how

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern soak up the rewards King Claudius gives them.

Dark Humor- Hamlet is talking about how Polonius is

at supper, implying that he is being an animals supper.

Claudius sends Hamlet to England. He plans to ask

England to kill Hamlet for him.

Fortinbras tells Hamlet that he is not fighting for the

land, but rather for the title of the land.

Ophelia has gone totally crazy because of her fathers

death and Hamlets actions towards her.

Laertes comes back from his school in France to take

revenge for his fathers murder. The people want Laertes to be king, so Claudius directs the anger towards Hamlet. Claudius has shifted the mob and Laertes to Hamlet and away from himself.

Horatio receives a letter from Hamlet that says he was

captured by pirates on his way to England and taken back to Denmark.

Claudius joins with Laertes in a plan to kill Hamlet.

They plan to kill Hamlet by asking him to duel against Laertes. Laertes will use a sharp sword instead of a blunt sword. His sword will also be dipped in poison. Claudius will also give Hamlet a poisoned drink during the duel.

Ophelia has committed suicide.

Gravediggers are saying that Ophelia shouldnt get a

proper burial because she committed suicide.

Gravedigger throws up skulls and Hamlet remarks that

the skull used to be a person. He remarks that even two great people, Caesar and Alexander the Great, even return to dust.

Ophelias funeral procession comes and Hamlet and

Laertes get in a fight.

Hyperbole- more than forty thousand brothers

Hamlet is telling Laertes that he loved Ophelia more than he could forty thousand times.

Hamlet realizes that Laertes loss is like his own, but

still does not connect the facts that he killed his father.

Osric, who replaced Polonius in the court, tells

Hamlet that there is a wager on the fight between him and Laertes. The king has sent him to see if Hamlet will duel Laertes.

Hamlet says that he was crazy when he killed Polonius.

Laertes says that he forgives him for his actions.

Hamlet and Laertes duel. Hamlet gets the first point to which

the king says to drink, but Hamlet is not ready for a drink yet. During the duel, Hamlet is cut with the poisoned sword. The swords are mixed up and Hamlet cuts Laertes. Gertrude drinks from the poisoned cup intended for Hamlet. While Laertes is dying, he tells Hamlet that Claudius is responsible for all the events. Hamlet cuts Claudius with the sword and forces him to drink form the poisoned cup. Hamlet dies before the ambassadors return from England with word that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern have been killed. Hamlet had found the letter that issued his death and changed it to be the death warrant of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Hamlet tells Horatio that he cannot kill himself because someone will need to tell the story of what happened. Hamlet leaves the throne to young King Fortinbras. Fortinbras gives Hamlet a military funeral.

Irony- Claudius toasts and says that the drink is to

Hamlets health, but in fact, it is meant to kill Hamlet.

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