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Expectations for Cooperating School Sites

Month August University Expectations of Student Teacher Attend University Courses & complete assignments Attend beginning of the year teacher meetings Begin teaching one course at the high school Obtain a copy of school rules Meet with the principal Introduction to NCA ue Aug !" #repare and teach ON$ course Attend University Courses & complete assignments #art " of NCA due by %ept !/ #repare and teach ON$ course Attend University Courses & complete assignments Attend National --A Convention #art 0 of NCA due by Oct !" #repare and teach ON$ course Attend University Courses & complete assignments Attend 1egional Meeting #art ! of NCA due by Nov !/ #repare and teach ON$ course University Expectations of Resident Teachers to Provide the Student Teacher with the opportunity to: %et up time to meet with student teacher &'()month* to loo+ over lesson plans, set up observations, and allow the student teacher opportunities to participate in various school activities Obtain a #rogram of Activities)wor+ #articipate in --A activities when available Coach one or more Opening)Closing .eams Identify students to assist with National Chapter Application .a+e the student teacher on two home visits during the month .a+e the C%$.



Attend the National --A Convention


Assist with %tate egree Application Assist with #roficiency Application .a+e the C%$. Attend the CA.A meeting

December January






Attend University Courses & complete assignments Attend University Courses & complete assignments Attend 1ecord boo+ %coring #repare and teach ON$ course Attend University Courses & complete assignments Attend 1egional Meeting 1esume and Cover 2etter due #repare and teach .3O courses Attend University Courses & complete assignments .a+e the C%$. #repare and teach .3O courses Attend University Courses & complete assignments #repare and teach .3O courses Attend University Courses & complete assignments 2ast time to ta+e the C%$. #repare and teach a full load of courses for three wee+s #lan the ban4uet for the ne(t years student teachers Attend University Courses & complete assignments #repare and teach .3O courses

Coach a team and attend one state finals with that team &-resno or Cal #oly with a team the student teacher has been the primary coach*

Attend the CA.A meeting

Attend %tate --A Convention

Attend the CA.A %ummer Conference

#lease ON25 have the student teacher teach one course during the fall 4uarter #lease ON25 have the student teacher teach two courses &one during the winter and one during spring 4uarter, e(cept for the three wee+ ta+e

over A-.$1 fully passing the C%$.* .he student teacher may substitute, ON25 in the agricultural department %tudent teacher MU%. attend all %ectional and 1egional CA.A events with the school #lease notify 2ynn Martindale &lmartindale6ucdavis7edu ) 8"9:9/9:;!!;* in the event there is any 4uestions

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