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Mayank Negi

Male, 22 years Marketing/Finance

#areer 01*ective To enhance my skills to achieve personal and professional goals for the best service of organization and society Academic Qualifications Qualification MBA

/II / 0ther Qualifications

School / Institute (Board / University) Instit te !f Management "t dies )'*'B +arh,al -niversity,"rinagar 0'A'1 & blic "chool, 2('B'"'3 Board4 T'('+ & blic "chool 2('B'"'3 Board4

ear of !assing 2#$% 2#$$ 2##5 2##6

Marks (") & rs ing .# .# %.

(ertificate in (omp terized and Man al Acco nting 27orked ,ith TA8894 (ertificate in "A& b siness mod le

(raining .2$erience Name of the #om$any% 3ast African2India4 !verseas &ocation% 0ehrad n 'rom% $# : ly 2#$; (o% ;# A g st 2#$; !ro*ect )escri$tion % !ro*ect (itle< (ons mer Behavior on !nline "hoping )e$artment% Marketing

)uration% 2 Months

+ey learning,s% 0efining target markets and opport nities ,ithin them &rocessing and analyzing ra, data into reports +iving recommendations to senior managers based pon research findings'

.2tra3curricular Activities Attended the - .S/ program of Art of 8iving Active Football player in school and (ollege *IIT program &articipated in =B siness "im lation &rogram> &articipated in =B?&lan !rganised by IIT Bombay>

Achievements/4ecognitions &art of a school football team and also played in = )ansra@ To rnment>

!ositions of 4es$onsi1ility S$orts #a$tain d ring +rad ation

!ersonal )etails &anguages +no5n 6 7indi8 .nglish !ermanent Address3 )ate of Birth % 2nd *ovember $AA$ 'ather,s Name % Mr' "atendra "ingh *egi Mother,s Name % Mrs' &oonam *egi Address % $o9kum1hi chour 8vill9 vishan$ur8 kotd5ara .mail I) % mayanknegi:;<iuu9in Mo1ile Num1er % BA$? A#.5.2#.$$

!lace% )ehradun )ate %

Mayank Negi (Student Signature)

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