Hattori Cut Syl (FX) HL and Shape

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Hattori_Cut_Syl = table.duplicate(PfxM_Box); table.

inbox(Hattori_Cut_Syl, "hi-li
ght[fx]: Hattori Cut Syl","Syl",true,false,"#E2EAFD","#3F3C3C","#FFFFFF","0","0"
,"0","l.start_time + syl.start_time","l.start_time + syl.end_time + 300","","","
","","syl.center","syl.middle","","","5","1","fx.pos_x, fx.pos_x + math.polar(va
r.syl.theta + 180*(j-1), D, 'x')","fx.pos_y, fx.pos_y + math.polar(var.syl.theta
+ 180*(j-1), D, 'y')","","1","","(j < 3) and syl.text or format('{\\\\fr%s\\\\b
4)\\\\t(60,240,\\\\fscy0\\\\blur0)\\\\p1}%s', var.syl.theta + 90, 'm 2 0 b 0 33
0 67 2 103 b 4 67 4 33 2 0 ')","(j < 3) and tag.movevc(slider(D*syl.width/4, var
.syl.theta + 180*(j-1)))..'\\\\fad(0,200)' or ''","D = 12*ratio; theta = R(72)*5
; slider = function(val, angle) Shape = format('m 0 %d l %d %d l %d 0 l 0 0 l 0
%d l %d %d l 0 %d ', val/2, val, val/2, val, val, val, val, val) maxloop(3) retu
rn shape.origin(shape.rotate(Shape, angle)) end","Lua"); table.insert(hilight_fx
_library, Hattori_Cut_Syl); table.insert(hilight_fx, "Hattori Cut Syl")
Hattori_Cut_Syl_Blood = table.duplicate(Shape_Box); table.inbox(Hattori_Cut_Syl_
Blood, "shape[fx]: Hattori Cut Syl Blood","Syl",true,false,"#9A1515","#ADC4D6","
#6A8DD6","0","255","0","l.start_time + syl.start_time + R(syl.dur/2)","fx.start_
time + 220","","","","","syl.center","syl.middle","","","5","R(0,1)","fx.pos_x +
R(-syl.width/2, syl.width/2)","fx.pos_y + R(-syl.height/2, syl.height/2)","","R
(5,10)","R(2,12)","shape.circle","'\\\\fad(0,80)'","","Lua"); table.insert(shape
_fx_library, Hattori_Cut_Syl_Blood); table.insert(shape_fx, "Hattori Cut Syl Blo

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