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DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL Yamuna Nagar Jagadhri

Class : XII Subject : GENERAL STUDIES (G.S.) Upload Date : 04-10-2013 Impo t!"t I"#t uct$o" (#) : %. Write these uestions in !our G. S. "ote boo& in !our o"n #and"riting $P $"te' A##$("me"t $# "ot !pp)$c!b)e%. *. &ssignment must 'e done '! + $'!, E-e"$"( . /e $0, !our ans"ers (or this assignment on 1ON2 345%35*3%6 "ith the help o( A"#7e 8e, a)aila'le on s*hool "e'site )ia m,#c9oo)p! t"e #tu'e"t:# )o($"

T$c& m! & (;) t9e co ect opt$o":5
+,1 +,2 +,3 +,4 +,= Whi*h temple got the name o( -la*. /agoda0 a% 1un temple '% 2ingara3a temple *% Jagannath temple Whi*h 5ughal .ing tried to stop the pra*ti*e o( 1ati0 a% 1hah3ahan '% &.'ar *% #uma!un Whi*h one o( the (ollo"ing slogans is attri'uted to 1u'hash Chandra -ose0 a% Jai Ja"an Jai 4isan '% 7ande 5ataram *% Jai #ind Who among the (ollo"ing has authored the 'oo. #ind 1"ara30 a% -al :angadhar ;ila. '% 5ahatma :andhi *% :opal 4rishna :o.hale #ot 'elt is .no"n as a% > uatorial region '% 1a)anna region *% Dr! and "et region d% 5editerranean region Wind po"er is emplo!ed prominentl! in a% @ran*e '% #olland *% 1audhi &ra'ia ;ea. and 1al are the prin*ipal trees in the (orest .no"n as a% Dr! de*iduous '% ;ropi*al moist de*iduous *% Dr! e)ergreen d% ;ropi*al moist e)ergreen Cperation -la*.'oard aims at a% /romoting adult litera*! '% /ro)iding edu*ation to ur'an slum d"ellers *% Cpening o( ne" s*hools spe*iall! (or (emale *hildren d% /ro)iding primar! edu*ation in an edu*ationall! 'a*."ard area DWC<& stands (or a% De)elopment and Wel(are o( Cat*hment <ural &reas '% De)elopment o( Women and Children in <ural &reas *% Dire*t Wel(are o( Children in <ural &reas d% &ll o( the a'o)e ;he minimum e((e*t o( Dire*t ;aEes is on a% @ood pri*e '% Consumer goods *% Capital goods Night 'lindness *an 'e *orre*ted '! the inta.e o( a% 7itamin-& '% 7itamin-- *ompleE *% 7itamin-C ;he Common Wealth :ames "ere not held in the !ears a% 1D42 and 1D=0 '% 1D4? and 1D=0 *% 1D42 and 1D4? ;he (irst atomi* po"er rea*tor in 8ndia "as a% Dhru) '% Jarlina *% /oornima Where is 8ndian 8nstitute o( /etroleum lo*ated0 a% 7isha.hapatnam '% Dehradun *% Delhi Who is *alled the (ather o( >nglish /oetr!0 a% Charles Di*.ens '% 5ilton *% Words Worth

d% 4ailash temple d% &urang6e' d% 8n ila' 9inda'ad d% 5: <anade

+,? +,A

d% Canada



+,10 +,11 +,12 +,13 +,14 +,1=

d% 8n*ome d% 7itamin-D d% 1DB? and 1DD0 d% &psara d% Chennai d% Chau*er


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