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LA 13 Assembly Item

I need to bring for my part:

Daniel C: Elly:

Quiet please. Good afternoon, welcome to LA 13s assembly. Together we acknowledge past and present traditional owners of the land on which we stand, the Nyoongar people. We are honoured to be able to use this site with the approval of all Aboriginal Australians and non-Aboriginal Australians to the education of all children and people in this country we all live in and share together - Australia. Please stand quietly to sing the Australian National Anthem.

Zach: Kyle:

The year sixes and sevens have been participating in swimming lessons and were lucky enough to be doing these at Mullalloo beach. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Setting: Beach setting, people wearing bathers and beach wear. A group of friends is visiting the beach and they are continually asking questions about what they should be doing. Yasmina / Dejan: Millions of people visit our spectacular beaches every day of the year - not only people from Australia, but visitors from all over the world. Today you will learn helpful information and advice that must be remembered so that you can make the most of our beaches. Friends walking up to beach. Connor W runs straight past the signposts. Cassandra: Wait there Connor, you ran straight past this signpost without reading it! Lets take a look at what it says. (Reads signpost on large screen). Kayla: Strong currents, shallow water, rough surf, submerged rocks...? Connor W: What does that mean? Cassandra: It means that the water might look like it is calm but the current (water below the surface) is rushing past quite quickly. We need to remember that the water is shallow, so be careful when you dive down to the seabed. Dylan: Rough surf means we need to be aware of large waves knocking people over, and the submerged rocks means that there are rocks we cant see!

LA 13 Assembly Item
Kayla: Wow, that is a lot of things we need to remember! Im glad we checked the signpost out! Friends moves closer to the beach. Grace: How about we set up for the day over here? Dylan: Okay, lets drop our things and get in! Katie: Hold it there, can you see these red and yellow flags? We have them up for a reason! It indicates that there is currently a lifesaving service operating on the beach in this area. Nic: We have chosen a section of the beach that is best for swimming and will closely supervise this area. Lifeguards pay more attention to the area between the red and yellow flags than any other part of the beach. Grace: Good idea. Lets go between the flags. We should remember to swim between the flags too. Friends moves to the section inside the flags. Dylan: Bailey, would you please go and ask the lifeguards how the conditions are today? Bailey walks over to Bella Bailey: Hi Miss Lifeguard! What are the conditions like today? Is there anything we need to be aware of? Bella: Well, Im glad you asked because every beach IS different! Francesco: We have had a couple of ripcurrents this morning, which you need to be careful of. Ripcurrents occur when a waves breaks on the beach. When that water reaches the shore, it has to find a way to get back out to sea. It does this by flowing downwards into deeper channels in the surf zone. This can be dangerous as people dont realise they are in a ripcurrent and can panic when they get caught in one. Sam: What would we do if we were caught in one? Tessa: Theres a couple of things you could do: stay calm, float, raise your arm to attract attention. Or you could swim parallel to the beach, towards the breaking waves. The key is staying calm and focus on getting someones attention or getting out by swimming. This is also why it is important to swim between the red and yellow flags: we are here to help!

LA 13 Assembly Item
Bailey: How do you spot a rip? Bella: Well, the water tends to look a bit darker, there are less breaking waves and sometimes the sandy coloured water looks like it is churning up. Tessa: It is easier to look for where the waves are breaking consistently, and then look where they dont break. Where theyre not breaking is where the ripcurrent is. Sam: Thanks for the advice, we will be sure to keep an eye out for them! Dylan: Now that we have those things in mind, lets jump in! Remember to always swim with a friend - that way we can keep an eye out for each other! Friends all jump in the water and swim. Lifeguards move to main microphone. Katie: Remember, kids, these are our top tips; number one: always swim between the red and yellow flags. Nic: Read the safety signs before you enter the water. Francesco: Ask a lifeguard for safety advice. Bella: Swim with a friend - not only is it a fun way to enjoy the beach, it is also very sensible. Tessa: If you need help, stay calm and attract attention. Jake: We hope you will remember these top tips for enjoying our beautiful beaches here in Australia! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Everyone stands and curtseys or bows.


Would Mrs Bin Salleh and Mrs Thompson please come forward to present the merit certificates? Thank you Mrs Bin Salleh and Mrs Thompson and congratulations to all the award recipients. A special thank you to our buddies for attending our assembly. Ms White/ Mrs Mattock, would you please come forward to present Aussie of the Month and address the assembly?



LA 13 Assembly Item
Emma: Thank you Ms White/ Mrs Mattock. Would the student councillors please come forward to address the assembly? Thank you student councillors. Would anyone else like to address the assembly? That concludes our assembly. We would like to thank Mrs Milton and our wonderful parents for helping us with our assembly. Please listen carefully to your teachers.



Friend 1: Connor W 2: Grace 3: Kayla 4: Bailey 5: Sam 6: Cassandra 7: Dylan 1: Katie 2: Nic

Lifeguard Elly Zach Emma Kyle Daniel C Yasmina Alireza Sophie Brooke Ajsela Jake


3: Francesco 4: Bella 5: Tessa

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