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The Pass-Along Family Memoir Slam Book

by Martha Jewett and Evan Marshall


This Slam Book Belongs to: www.WriteYourMemoir.com

The Pass-Along Family Memoir Slam Book

by Martha Jewett and Evan Marshall


FamSlam, The Pass-Along Family Memoir Slam Book. Copyright 2010 by Martha Jewett and Evan Marshall. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems without permission in writing from the publisher. Published by Martha Jewett and Evan Marshall, 6 Tristam Place, Pine Brook, New Jersey 07058-9445. (973) 882-1122. First edition. Visit our website at www.WriteYourMemoir.com for more resources for memoir writers. PICTURE CREDITS Cover Blue67 | Dreamstime.com; page 2 Dole | Dreamstime.com; 3 Papepi | Dreamstime.com; 4 Photosaurus | Dreamstime.com; 5 V.e.r.i.k | Dreamstime.com; 6 Dimensionsdesign | Dreamstime.com; 7 Gheburaseye | Dreamstime.com; 8 Sernak | Dreamstime.com; 9 Herreid | Dreamstime.com; 11 Sur | Dreamstime.com; 12 Cthoman | Dreamstime.com; 13 Grav | Dreamstime.com; 14 Maraquero | Dreamstime.com; 15 Annsunnyday | Dreamstime.com; 16 Dennis Cox | Dreamstime.com; 17 Pooterjon | Dreamstime.com; 18 E-lena | Dreamstime.com; 19 Luvigraph68 | Dreamstime.com; 20 Desertfox99 | Dreamstime.com.


Did you have a slam book in school? We did. It was a notebook we filled with questions for our friends to answer. It was called a slam book because we had to slam it closed when a teacher was nearby! FamSlam is a slam book to take to family gatherings and pass among your relatives. Print it out (color is best) and staple the pages on the left to make a book. Then pass it around! Make sure each person signs in a different color so youll know who wrote what! Heres how a page might look:

My Favorite Pet
ster my ham , e i l r a Ch t of tting ou e g t p e who k ed nd scar a . . . e g his ca to er half h t o m my death.

My goldfi

sh, Elliott !

he g, t carn a d Y m the an r o n f i Y h r ved fo s i f i d ol gol l wh a v ni rs. ye a

The cham e elementa leon I won in ry schoo l, Rainbow.

r you e l t tur nd in ox u b he I fo t . , d tle an ron Myr e Bill n Sha i cl Un wamp s the

Never had a pet as a child. Thats why I now have 6 cats!


Please sign in (Use a New Color!)


The Best Together-With-Family Time I Ever Had


The Biggest Adventure I Ever Had


My Favorite Pet


My Favorite Holiday


My Favorite Family Saying And Who Said It


My Best Vacation


An Unforgettable Trip


The Worst Food I Ever Ate


The Most Amazing Thing I Ever Saw


A Funny Family Story


A Favorite Family Recipe


A Relative I'd Like to See More


A Question I'd Like To Ask A Relative Who's Gone


An Embarrassing Moment


A Funny Family Memory


I Wonder Whatever Happened To . . .


The Relative I'd Most Like To Trade Places With For a Day


A Final Message To the Owner Of This Slam Book


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