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Note 161347 Note Language: English

CUA: Tables in the central user maintenance

Version: 5 Validity:
Valid from 28.10.2002

You want to inform yourself about which tables are used in the central user maintenance. This information is always helpful if you make manipulations that deviate from the recommended standard procedures and you want to ensure that the control tables of the central user maintenance have the correct status.Most of the named tables are only filled in the central system.If these tables are put into another system by means of the database, the control of the central user maintenance can become confused.We therefore advise against moving table contents between systems.In particular, these tables should be left blank for database copies. Information on system infrastructure as well as systems per user USBAPILINK Default Bapilink for central user administration USZBVLNDRC Central user administration landscape receiver USZBVLNDSC Central user administration - landscape - sender USZBVPROT Central user administration: Logs for distributed users USZBVPROTC Central user administration: Logs, company addresses USZBVSYS Systems and users from the central user administration USZBVSYSC Systems and company addresses from the central user administration USL04 CUA: Assignment of user - local profiles USLA04 CUA: Assignment user - local activity groups Field attributes: USRFLD Definition logical fields USRFLDDEF Definition logical field names ALE distribution user USRFLDGRP Field selection groups USRFLDSEL Field selection central user administration USRFLDT Text table for the definition of logical fields USRFLDVAL Values of field selection user distribution ( -> Transaction SCUM) F4/short texts for local data mirrored for faster access to the central system (function key 'Text comparison from child systems') USRSYSACT Activity groups in distributed systems USRSYSACTT Activity groups in distributed systems USRSYSPRF List of the distributed profiles USRSYSPRFT List of the distributed profiles Make sure that the ALE landscape and RFC destinations can also be interfered with by system copies.

More Terms
ZBV, CUA, CUM, central user maintenance

Cause and Prerequisites Solution

With the Support Package, unnecessary table maintenance dialogs for some of these tables are deleted.
12.10.2007 Page 1 of 2

Note 161347 -

CUA: Tables in the central user maintenance

Header Data
Release Status: Released on: Priority: Category: Main Component Released for Customer 05.11.2002 15:28:51 Recommendations/additional info Installation information BC-SEC-USR-ADM Users and Authorization administration

Valid Releases
Software Component SAP_APPL SAP_BASIS SAP_BASIS SAP_BASIS Release 45 46 46C 60 From Release 45A 46B 46C 610 To Release 45A 46B 46D 640 and Following X X X X

Support Packages
Support Packages SAP_APPL SAP_BASIS SAP_BASIS SAP_BASIS SAP_BASIS SAP_BASIS Release 45B 46B 46C 46D 610 620 Package Name SAPKH45B58 SAPKB46B48 SAPKB46C39 SAPKB46D28 SAPKB61027 SAPKB62014

Related Notes
Number 191207 Short Text CC-TOPIC: Client copy and central user admin


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