App Letter

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Friday, 07 February 2014 Dear Parents/Carers, As part of our learning initiative this year, roadgreen!

s "nglish Depart#ent are a$tively en$ouraging the use of iboo%s and apps both inside and outside of the $lassroo#& 'e believe that this use of te$hnology (ill serve to enhan$e and $onsolidate (hat pupils been learning during "nglish lessons& 'e (ould li%e to ta%e this opportunity to re$o##end so#e useful and engaging Apple and Android apps that your $hild #ay find benefi$ial as a supple#entary revision aid& )hese $an all be found on the i)unes, Android and *oogle Play stores via the sear$h engine . +pelling ,ero *a#e *ra##ar -p +tory .deas Chi$%tionary +pelling )est Free /iss +pell0s Class 'orld 'eb Di$tionary "nglish *ra##ar in use "nglish test pa$%age "nglish tenses +(ipespeare "nglish tests and "nglish ga#es 1evise 2f /i$e and /en free *C+" 1evision 3uestions 1evise Confli$t Poetry

As (e are %een to pro#ote reading for pleasure, . (ould also li%e to ta%e this opportunity to re$o##end the 4indle app (hi$h is available on all tablet and #obile devi$es, as (ell as e1eaders& )his app allo(s boo%s to be do(nloaded and read dire$tly fro# your personal devi$e& 'hilst so#e boo%s $an be do(nloaded at a $harge, #any titles 5espe$ially $lassi$s (hi$h are outside of $opyright la(s6 are $o#pletely free& .f you (ould li%e #ore infor#ation regarding the "nglish Depart#ent, please refer to our ne( depart#ental (ebsite 'e re$o##end that pupils log on to this (ebsite fre7uently to $he$% to app updates, re$o##ended reads and revision tips& 4ind 1egards,

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