Observation 1: Problem 1 My Observations

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PROBLEM 1 My Observations

Observation 1


Observation 2

Water added with salt solution.

Observation 3

Water added with double a&ount o" salt solution.

My Conclusion
Underline the correct answer

he ( more / less ) the !uantity o" salt solution added to the water# the ( higher / lower ) the $osition o" the e%% in the water.

PROBLEM 2 My Observation '$on%e ( B C My Conclusion

Underline the correct answer

(&ount o" water le"t in the bea)er *c& +

he ( bigger / smaller ) the s$on%e# the ( more / lesser ) a&ount o" water le"t in the bea)er. he ( bigger / smaller ) the s$on%e# the ( more / lesser ) water is absorbed.

PROBLEM 3 My Observations

Objects Pa$er cli$ Metal s$oon Rubber band Metal ruler ,rin)in% straw -ilter $a$er .ail Cloth One sen coin Match stic)

Bulb lights up ( )

My Conclusion Ob/ects which can conduct electricity Ob/ects which do not conduct electricity

Underline the correct answer

he &aterials which can conduct electricity are &ade o" ( metal / non metal )

PROBLEM 0 My Observations able 1 Wei%ht o" the $endulu& bob *%+ 21 111 i&e ta)en "or 11 co&$lete swin%s *s+

able 2 Len%th o" the $endulu& bob *c&+ 21 31 i&e ta)en "or 11 co&$lete swin%s *s+

My Conclusion
Underline the correct answer

he * &ore 3 lesser + the len%th o" the $endulu& bob# the * &ore 3 lesser + the ti&e ta)en "or 11 co&$lete swin%s.

,o the wei%ht o" the $endulu& bob a""ect the ti&e ta)en "or 11 co&$lete swin%s4 * 5es 3 .o +

PROBLEM 2 My Observation Ob/ects

'li$$er. Manila card Condensed &il) tin

Measure&ent *c&+

My Conclusion

Underline the correct answer

*(rea 3 Len%th + is the &easure&ent between two $oints. Len%th by width o" a rectan%le is e!ual to 6666666666666.

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