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After beating the main game of Pokemon Black and White, Team Plasma will more or less disperse

but its leadership, the Seven Sages, will go on the lamb. ind out how to grab all of them below.

! irst up is "hetsis, who, technicall#, #ou can never find. $ross the %arvelous Bridge east of &imbasa $it#, however, and #ou'll encounter the Shadow Triad. The#'ll tell #ou that "hetsis is still running, and give #ou the Adamant, (ustrous and "rieseous )rbs before disappearing. ! Second is Sage *in+olin. l# to ,riftveil $it# and check in $old Storage, right at the back where #ou previousl# fought Team Plasma. *in+olin is waiting, and he'll give #ou T%-., /one $laws. 0ead more in "ames 1 Portal and Be#ond Addicted to Smurfs 2 ! Third is Sage 0#oku. 0eturn to the 0elic $astle under the ,esert 0esort and proceed to the bottom floor. A ma+e has opened up in the basement, and within #ou'll find 0#oku 0ead more3 http344gameolosoph#.com4games4how!to!find!the!seven!sages!in!pokemon! black!and!white45i6++.7W++8ici ! ourth is Sage 0ood. /e's waiting on the ver# west edge of 0oute .9, to the west of 0oute .. :ou'll need Surf to find him. /e surrenders T%7;, ,ouble Team.

! ifth is Sage "iallo. /ead out of Black $it# or White orest through the north e6it, then go east on 0oute .<. Ascend the waterfalls using, #'know, Waterfall in this region and #ou'll find him on one of the riverbanks. /e has T%-9, Bulk =p.

! Si6th is Sage "orm. Proceed through the basement of the ,ream#ard east of Striaton $it# to find him outside the ruins on the other end. /e has T%8>, Swords ,ance. ! (ast is Sage Bronius. /e's waiting on the bottom level of $hargestone $ave, and #ou'll have to fight some Team Plasma grunts to get him. /e gives up T%?@. 0ead more3 http344gameolosoph#.com4games4how!to!find!the!seven!sages!in!pokemon! black!and!white45i6++.7W+s0Aa(

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