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The Man At The Counter

Worksheet 2

A salty summertime ago, when I was just sixteen, When everyone was saving up, and swimming the ravine, When all you really thought about was buying your first car, Even if you never planned on going very far, I was serving soy lattes to make a measly buck, And one day, when I felt I could use a little luck, An old man came into the store and ordered a tall drip, Waited kindly, smiled and paid, even left a tip. I m not sure why I noticed, but as he approached the door, !e pocketed some sugar packets, then he took some more. I didn t think too much of it, but when the next day came, !e ordered, waited, left a tip, and then he did the same. "he third day he came walking in, I asked him #uite in vain, $ome sugar in your coffee, sir% !e said, I take it plain. !e smiled, left a tip and winked, then as I watched him leave, !e grabbed & sugar packets up, and put them in his sleeve. I couldn t think of why this man would want these sugar packets. 'aybe he just liked to keep them in his pants and jackets% (r did he want to bake a cake% (r make some creme brulee% (r was he using it on rats to test for tooth decay% I thought and thought about this man until I couldn t stand it, $o, finally I decided to confront this sugar bandit. "he next day, when the man came in, his eyes a little red, I didn t wait for him to speak, but came right out and said, )lain coffee right% *o milk, no cream% !e nodded, eyes still swollen, "hen may I ask what s with all the sugar that you ve stolen% 'y wife of fifty years is very sick and cannot eat, +ut everyday she asks me if I ll bring her something sweet.

The Man At The Counter

'y eyes welled up with salted guilt, I swallowed hard with shame, 'y #uaking voice rose just enough to ask the old man s name, ,rimes. he said. "hen winked his weary eye and gave a tip, !e left the store with several sugar packets in his grip.

"he next day, when he didn t come to claim his bitter drink, I figured he was fine, but missed the comfort of his wink. "he next day, when he didn t show, and the day to follow, $omething deep inside my chest began to feel all hollow. -ourteen days went by before I saw in the "imes. +uried in (bituaries, there was .obert ,rimes. /arpenter of 01 years. 2oving dad of three. )assed away just two weeks after his darling wife, 'arie. I know it s kind of strange to tell this story on this day, I guess, it just embodies what I can t find words to say. Rebecca Sue Haber

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