Question Tag Exercise 1

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Question Tag Exercise 1 1) She is collecting stickers, isn't she? 2) We often watch TV in the afternoon, don't we?

3) You have cleaned your bike, haven't you? 4) John and Max don't like Maths, do they? 5) Peter played handball yesterday, didn't he? 6) They are going home from school, aren't they? 7) Mary didn't do her homework last Monday, did she? 8) He could have bought a new car, couldn't he? 9) Kevin will come tonight, won't he? 10) I'm clever, aren't I?

Exercise 2 1 You're Australian, aren't you? 2 You aren't English, are you? 3 Marlene smokes, doesn't she? 4 Sharks don't like chicken, do they? 5 Moles can't see, can they? 6 You'll be there, won't you? 7 David won't come, will he? 8 Bob's got two cats, hasn't he? 9 You and I are going to the party, aren't we? 10 Let's go out, shall we? 11 Shut up, will you? 12 Maggie failed, didn't she? 13 Clive missed his flight, didn't he? 14 We've already seen that movie, haven't we? 15 Annie wouldn't say no, would she?

Exercise 3 Complete each sentence with the correct tag question. 1. He plays football, doesnt he? 2. Mary is going to see that movie, isnt she? 3. You're living in France, arent you? 4. You live in France, dont you? 5. Thomas is coming over tonight, isnt he? 6. Fiona is Irish, isnt she? 7. Peter and Nancy are coming to the party, arent they? 8. The neighbours like us, dont they? 9. Stefan is German, isnt he? 10. We have another carton of milk, dont we?

Exercise 4 Complete the sentences with the correct question tags. 1. Mr McGuinness is from Ireland, isn't he? 2. The car isn't in the garage, is it? 3. You are John, aren't you? 4. She went to the library yesterday, didn't she? 5. He didn't recognize me, did he? 6. Cars pollute the environment, don't they? 7. Mr. Pritchard has been to Scotland recently, hasn't he? 8. The trip is very expensive, isn't it? 9. He won't tell her, will he? 10. Hugh had a red car, didn't he?

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