2014 For Teachers-Annotated MONITORING FORM

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PERSONAL QUALITIES Encouraging Manner Confidence Classroom Atmosphere / Seating Arrangement / Rapport Dynamism / Liveliness Smiles / Verbal Praise / Use of Students names Voice projection Negative: Patronising attitude / Unsmiling / Harsh / Rude / Impersonal / No rapport, etc. COMMAND OF ENGLISH / CLASSROOM LANGUAGE Teachers command of English: Accuracy, Fluency, Pronunciation, Appropriateness in the Use of English CR language graded to level Handling language content (grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, register, etc) Negative: Inaccurate language / Inaccurate model of key language / High teacher talk (amount and level) / Confusing explanations and instructions / Unnecessary use of Spanish (by the teacher and/or students), etc. EXECUTION / LESSON DEVELOPMENT Student Language Production : ORAL & written Student Involvement & Student Participation Pacing & Timing of Activities Variety of activities, Groupings & Interactions Effective Instructions (CLARITY, DEMO, CHECKING UNDERSTANDING as appropriate, MOTIVATING) Effective Monitoring of activities Effective Feedback after activities Error Correction (grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, etc) Adequate procedures for language focussed lessons: elicitation, discovery, clarification, practice VOLUME, PRONUNCIATION practice Adequate procedures for skills focussed lessons Adequate handling of classroom discipline Effective use of resources: IT, WB, Video, Supplementary Materials, etc. Negative: Slow pace / Limited student involvement and participation / Limited oral practice / Limited student-student Interaction / Teacher-dominated interaction / NO pronunciation practice De-motivating introduction of lessons and activities / NO error correction / Unprepared Lesson / No Challenge / Lack of sensitivity etc.


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