My Life Presentation

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About Me

By: Cassandra Ramirez

Cassandra Ramirez 2/25/2014

O Born April 7, 1999 O Lived in Pembroke from 2nd - 5th grade. O Moved back to St. Anne in 5th grade.

O Won 2012 Pumpkin Festival Princess

Pageant. O In cheerleading since 5th grade.

O Graduated from St.

Anne Grade School. O Made honor roll through grade school. O Was in NJHS (National Junior Honors Society).

O 5 siblings:
O Angela, Devin, Alejandra(Lexie), Victoria, &

O Mom: Becky O Dad: Alex O We live on a farm. O We watch movies on our free time.

O Jell-O O Singing O The color green O Swimming O Summer O My BFFs O Animals(mostly

pigs) O Art class O Cheerleading

O Winter O School O Drama O Drunk people O Mud O Being late O Green Beans, Peas O Chores in the cold O Homework

O Bullies
O Spiders

Short-Term Goals
O Eat a LOT on Thanksgiving. O Buy my family Christmas gifts. O Get a good grade on this presentation.

Long-Term Goals
O Graduate High school with good grades.
O Go to college. O Become a zoologist.

O Twenty years from now you will be more

disappointed by the things that you didnt do than by the ones you did do. Mark Twain
O You get what you get, and you dont throw a

fit. Ms. Martin (3rd grade teacher)

O I've lived such a great, fantastic life already,

but there's still so much more. Katy Perry

My To-Do-List
O Eat O Feed Animals O Clean room O Eat O Wash dishes O Homework O Eat O Watch T.V. O Go on Facebook O Eat O Shower O Bedtime

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