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New York City College of Technology – City University of New York

300 Jay Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201

Using Microsoft Excel

Class Agenda:

1. The history of spreadsheets

2. Using Microsoft Excel
a. Page Setup and Pages Sizes
b. Print Range and Print Preview
c. Columns and Rows, Inserting, Deleting
d. Setting column widths and heights
e. =(For+mulas)/using
f. Cell Formating, $ and .00
g. Borders and Shading
h. Headers and Footers


Create a Cost Estimate using Microsoft Excel

Your client would like to change the interior finishes of their Living Room. The room is
15’ x 24’ with a ceiling height of 9’-6”. One of the long walls is floor to ceiling window.

They are changing the floor material, wall material, removing the base molding and the
crown molding. They are also open to adding a new hanging light fixture if you can find
a suitable design, for now leave a budget of $2,000 for it. Below are some estimated
prices including labor and materials. Select the finishes your client would like.

Floor Materials (Choose One)

Oak Flooring $18.50 sf
Carpet $13.00 sf
Marble $44.00 sf
Linoleum $13.50 sf
Cork $ 21.00 sf

Ceiling Finish
Painting $ 2.75 sf

AR-3609 Integrated Software in the Architectural Office

New York City College of Technology – City University of New York
300 Jay Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201

Wall Materials (Choose One)

Painting $ 1.75 sf
Wood Wall Paneling $ 28.50 sf

Additional Costs
Base Molding (removal) $ 1.50 lf
Crown Molding (removal) $ 3.00 lf
1 Light Fixture (Budgeted) $2,000
Misc Demo.and Removals $1,000

You will also be charging your client a 12% fee on the total cost of the project. Include
your fee as a separate cost of the project. Also place at the bottom of your estimate
sheet an image of your past work that might provide a reference for what the client
might expect from you. This image should be in a 16 by 9 ratio.

There should be a total cost of the project for the client including all the materials and
your fee. Include a 15 % profit and overhead for the Contractor.

Your cost estimate should add up the totals by using formulas. It should look profes-
sional as if you were presenting it to a client.

Page formatting and professional presentation is a major part of this assignment.

Next Class:

Microsoft Excel Part Two.. Using Excel to create a schedule

AR-3609 Integrated Software in the Architectural Office

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