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November 24, 2013 Dear Mr.


Crommers 16 did this and my name is Rob Xombie and I am a graduate of the UW Medical program from 2011 and a native of Cromers, WA. You probably do not remember me, but we actually did meet back in 2010 in Washington, DC, while interviewing for a potential Administrative Residency at . During my three years in this position, I was able to gain a great deal of experience in healthcare operations and project management. The time I spent with the MFA was a period of rapid growth for the organization and I am a proud benefactor of that wealth of experience. Even though the is an ambulatory care center, and not a full-fledged, in-patient hospital, we employed over 900 doctors in over 50 clinical specialties, who cared for thousands of patients every day. I believe, the projects and challenges I faced at the, have prepared me very well for a career in hospital operations and project management. Despite very much enjoying my experience working at the and the experience it provided, in June of this year, I finally decided to make the transition back home to Connecticut. This had been my inevitable plan since coming to in 2008 for the HSML program. I parted on excellent terms with my former employers and can produce sparkling references attesting to my dedication and hard work. Since moving back, I have been working at my fathers small business in The reason for my message today, is that I wanted to make you aware of my strong desire to be a part of Hartford Healthcare. I truly believe that your organization is a leader in this area, and I admire HHCs proven record of creating access to care for patients by enhancing local healthcare delivery capabilities. I have witnessed the continued growth of your organization first-hand growing up in and aspire to one day be a part of this growth. To that end, I constantly scour your website looking for vacancies in Operations/Project Management/Strategic Planning/Management, where I have experience and training, and feel I could be a great asset to your organization. Just the other day, I applied for a position (15428 PRACTICE MANAGER HDICAL GROUP) in your medical group.If there is any advice you would wish to impart on me, I would be extremely grateful for that opportunity. I have enclosed a copy of my Resume as well as a reference letter from

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