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Mechanics of Materials


Again working relative to the zero slope point at the centre C , slope at A
= -[area

1 El

of B.M. diagram between A and C (Fig. 5.23)]

Deflection of A relative to C ( = central deflection of C)
= -[moment


of B.M. diagram between A and C about A]

& [( z ; i q ) (E ) ] 48EI


5.8. Principle of superposition

The general statement for the principle of superposition asserts that the resultant stress or strain in a system subjected to several forces is the algebraic sum of their effects when applied separately. The principle can be utilised, however, to determine the deflections of beams subjected to complicated loading conditions which, in reality, are merely combinations of a number of simple systems. In addition to the simple standard cases introduced previously, numerous different loading conditions have been solved by various workers and their results may be found in civil or mechanical engineering handbooks or data sheets. Thus, the algebraic sum of the separate deflections caused by a convenient selection of standard loading cases will produce the total deflection of the apparently complex case. It must be appreciated, however, that the principle of superposition is only valid whilst the beam material remains elastic and for small beam deflections. (Large deflections would produce unacceptable deviation of the lines of action of the loads relative to the beam axis.)

5.9. Energy method

A further, alternative, procedure for calculating deflections of beams or structures is based upon the application of strain energy considerations. This is introduced in detail in Chapter 1 1 aild will not be considered further here.

5.10. Maxwells theorem of reciprocal displacements

Consider a beam subjected to two loads W A and W Bat points A and B respectively as shown in Fig. 5.24. Let W Abe gradually applied first, producing a deflection a at A. Work done = 3 W A a When W Bis applied it will produce a deflection b at Band an additional deflection 6,, at A (the latter occurring in the presence of a now constant load W J . Extra work done = 3 WBb + W A dab


total work done = f W A a + 3J W B b

+ W Aa ,

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