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Rising Storm Training Academy Summer Samurai Clinic

Summer 2014 Session Dates

July 14th July 18th, 9am-2:30pm August 18th 22nd, 9am-2:30pm About Rising Storm Training Academy at New England Movement Arts
RSTA was established in 2011 and offers classes for men, women and children in Kempo Karate, Cardio-Kickboxin and !rapplin " #$r oal is to pro%ide &$alit' martial arts trainin that will help $ide o$r st$dents in becomin more positi%e, prod$cti%e and balanced indi%id$als in all aspects of their li%es b'( Providing a safe training environment. Developing a code of conduct as well as learning effective self!defense. "ffering a friendly professional staff. Acting as a positive force in our community.

#arate $amp
Schools o$t) And what a reat wa' to *$mpstart the s$mmer) A week of f$n + fitness at RSTA" This pro ram is a reat alternati%e to other s$mmer camps" Kids not onl' ha%e f$n while pla'in ames and doin different acti%ities b$t also learn the finer points of their martial arts trainin that re $lar class time does not allow"

Summer Samurai $linic

This camp session is dedicated to Sam$rai themed Karate skills" ,earn the art of Kob$do combined with problem sol%in skills" -ecome a sam$rai warrior for a week and not onl' will 'o$ work hard, 'o$ will ha%e f$n A./ impro%e 'o$r martial arts"

%EE# "NE &'(&)'(&TS

Team Challen es 0artial Arts Contests-1ri2es))) #$tdoor Karate + !ames 3weather permittin 4 Awards

5nd of the week part' + to$rnament And so m$ch more6

%&AT T" *R'N(

Snacks78ater ,$nch and7or snacks Shorts or sweat pants and T-shirt 3bathin s$its-certain da's4


,earn ad%anced martial arts techni&$es /e%elopment drills + f$n ames ,earn the art of weaponr' 3kob$do4 Teamb$ildin skills 9a%e lots of f$n)))


:$ll da' 3;(00am-2(<0pm4 =200"00 per week Space is limited + +


:amil' %al$es like respect, h$milit', self-control and honest' are an inte ral part of o$r 0artial Arts 1ro ram" Karate is one of the %er' few places o$tside of the home where these principles are ta$ ht" The' are the f$ndamental difference between 0artial Arts and an' other acti%it' in which 'o$r child ma' participate"

M"RE A*"-T $AMP . -S

At Risin Storm, each week of camp is intended not onl' to be f$n, b$t also to be ed$cational" >o$?ll ne%er see kids r$nnin wildl' or standin aro$nd bein bored either" A trained instr$ctor will s$per%ise and coordinate e%er'thin from be innin to end" 5ach week is theme oriented and is filled with speciall' desi ned drills and ames makin it possible for all of the kids to ha%e a reat experience"

Please call 781-272-6 62 to reser!e your s"ace#

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