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St. au!

6&ite+ 7etho+ist 4hurch

Fe-ruar( 2015 0ssue

St. Paul United Methodist Church

618-372-3255 Office Hours Tues, Thur, Fri 9:00-1:00

Thank You cards

Dear St. au!"s #outh $rou%, Tha&' (ou for the thou)htfu! care %ac'a)e *ith the su%%!ies to stu+( *ith, the s&ac's, a&+ the e&coura)i&) ,i-!e .erses that restore+ /( faith i& /(se!f. 0t *as so thou)htfu! a&+ he!%e+ *ith /( stu+(i&)1 2o3e 4iara 2au-scher

It can not have escaped your attention that it has been a little chilly in the Brighton area lately. For chionophiles (organisms that can thrive in cold winter conditions) such as myself this is been a source of great delight. Unfortunately, for those who crave tropical heat, January has not been a kind month. And we do well to remember the homeless, and those who struggle to heat their homes at this time of year. Either way, there is comfort in knowing that the Creator God who set the universe in motion is consistently with us. God is with us in the heat of summer, and in the bitter cold of winter - just as God is with us in our moments of intense joy, as well as in our moments of deep sadness. We give praise to the God who made the seasons, and who has promised to love us eternally. As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease. (Genesis 8:22, NRSV)

ood Pantr!
We want to thank the congregation for their prayers and support of the food pantry. Also wanted to let you know that last month because of your generosity we were able to help 32 families (a total of 101 people). Karen Porter

"ith S!#$ath!
Our condolences to Marsha Chamberlain and family on the death of her father, Kenneth Sanders, on Dec 27, 2013.

St. au! 4hurch, Tha&' (ou a!! so /uch for the care %ac'a)e1 0t *as 3er( u&e8%ecte+ -ut )reat!( a%%reciate+. 0t"s &ice to '&o* that %eo%!e fro/ )oo+ o!" ,ri)hto& are sti!! thi&'i&) a-out /e. Tha&'s so /uch1 9o!! Ti+e1 Hu&ter :atso& Dear St. au! 4hurch Fa/i!(, Tha&' (ou so /uch for the 4hrist/as 2o3e $ift. #our )e&erosit( is )reat!( a%%reciate+1 $o+ ,!ess ;are& ;!affer Dear St au! 6&ite+ 7etho+ist 4hurch frie&+s, :e *ou!+ !i'e to tha&' (ou for the -eautifu! f!o*ers (ou se&t for Da+"s fu&era!. #our su%%ort +uri&) this +ifficu!t ti/e *i!! a!*a(s -e re/e/-ere+. Si&cere!(, 7arsha 4ha/-er!ai& a&+ the Sa&+ers Fa/i!(

%&'(& )N&
Evangelism in a Social Media World Rev. Dr. Len Sweet 2:30-4:30 At Bethalto UMC St. Paul is a co-sponsor of this event. Remember to register in advance for free admission. For details: 618-377-8413

Pioneer Club Trivia Night/ Silent Auction

Friday, Jan 31 at 6:30 in the Cartwright Building Ways to help reserve a table or come fill an empty chair.

Donate a baked good to be used as door prizes Donate an item, basket, gift card, etc for silent auction Give a cash donation

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