Bpa-245 Advanced Pastry Design Summation

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BPA-245 Advanced Pastry Design Summation

I must admit I was a bit apprehensive about what we would be learning and doing in the Advanced Pastry Design class. While I had enjoyed the torting and icing of the cakes in the Basic akes and !arts class" I was a bit burnt out.

!he biggest surprise in this course was the freedom to plan our own production list. #ur class groups were given a list of items and components that needed to be made for that day or the ne$t and we decided what order to do them in based on how long it took to make each component%item. #ne of the biggest challenges in this class for me was learning about all the entremets and keeping all the components%elements straight. !he classic entremets that we learned in class were the harlotte &usse" #pera ake" 'acher !orte" Dobos !orte" Black (orrest )ntreme" #pal Passion (ruit )ntreme and the aramel *arnet )$treme.

In this class I really learned that mental mise en place is e$tremely important when doing any kind of prep work" but its even more essential when making the different pieces of the entremets. I found that it was very overwhelming trying to keep all the entreme components for each individual entreme straight and not mi$ them up. 'tudying all the recipes and figuring out what goes into each dessert item is definitely something I need to work on. I find I learn faster if I can see or visually picture the finished dessert" than if I just read a description of the components.

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