March 14 Newsletter

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1t% 2aul 3#ite" !

etho"ist 4hurch
!arch 2010 &ssue

St. Paul United Methodist Church

618-372-3255 Office Hours Tues, Thur, Fri 9:00-1:00

Thank You cards

From the Family of

Fasting and prayer and reflection! Oh my!

:ell it+s the time i# the church year that ma#y )e,i# to thi#$ a#" tal$ a)out the sacrifices 'e may choose to ma$e "uri#, e#t% :e "o this to *re*are for the cele)ratio# of ;aster% :e "o this to remem)er the forty "ays /esus s*e#t 'a#"eri#, i# the 'il"er#ess% 1ometimes 'e <ust "o it )ecause 'e lo(e a challe#,e% &# a#cie#t times the *ractice of a e#te# fast 'as far more e=treme tha# a#y that 'e mi,ht attem*t to"ay, all the same the *ractice of ,i(i#, u* some thi#, "uri#, 6sh :e"#es"ay a#" ;aster 1u#"ay ca# )e ,oo" for our s*iritual li(es% et+s remem)er, thou,h, that the *oi#t of fasti#, is #ot lear#i#, to li(e 'ithout somethi#,, )ut rather to ma$e s*ace for somethi#, )etter% :he# 'e ,i(e somethi#, u* 'e ofte# fi#" that 'e ha" )ee# usi#, that thi#, to fill i# some hollo' s*aces i# our li(es% 5o#+t )e afrai" of those s*aces% -o" is more tha# 'illi#, to fill them u* a#" to heal% 1o, *ut asi"e so"a, or chocolate, or re" meat, or face)oo$, or sho**i#,, or 'atchi#, s*ort o# t(% % % )ut remem)er to *ic$ u* *rayer > a#" 'atch 'hat -o" ca# "o 'ith all your hollo' *laces% You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. (Psalm 23:5, !"#$

Food Pantry
Food Pantry News Thanks to the generosity of the church family and other congregations in the community, the Brighton food pantry was able to help 27 families this past month. Special thanks to Dorothy Schroeder, Sylvia Skinner and Barb Miller for filling in for me while I am off due to foot surgery. They are doing an amazing job! I am also thankful for the many get well cards I have received. Continue to pray for patience for me and a speedy recovery. PS See the newsletter for details on a way to double your donations to the food pantry in March and April! Thanks for your help!! Karen Porter

ucille !oore a"ies, Tha#$ you so much for the "elicious "i##er% &t 'as a'esome% !om 'oul" ha(e )ee# *rou"% &+m sure she 'as u* there )eami#,% This 'as a 'o#"erful 'it#ess% -o" .less /u"y 5ear 1t% 2aul Family, Tha#$ you so much for the *ho#e calls, car"s, flo'ers a#" *rayers throu,hout 4asey+s time i# my *re,#a#cy a#" her )irth% 1*ecial tha#$s to 2astor 6my for *rayi#, 'ith me )efore sur,ery a#" the 7ayso# family for cari#, for 8eeley 9 .re##a# u#til family mem)ers coul" arri(e to care for them% 1i#cerely, /ill 1hoema$er

!ttention" !ttention #reaking $e%s

The loan of $75,000. which was used for the enlargement of the parsonage when the Raysons were assigned to St. Paul was paid off in full as of February. Praise God for the individuals who made a financial commitment to make this possible. There were 6 months when financial support wasnt enough to make the full payment, and I had to use monies from other accounts. Consequently, our goal now is to repay the accounts. Again, Praise God! Treasurer, Tom Graham

ith Sympathy
Our condolences to Lucille Moores family Judy Burk and Sharon & Gary Werts. Lucille passed away Thursday, January 23, 2014. Our condolences to Wendi Powell & Family on the death of her grandmother, Dorothy Crowe on January 27, 2014 Our condolences to Carol Powell & family on the death of her brother, Raymond Buddy Chambers on February 12, 2014

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