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DSpace How-To Guide

Tips and tricks for managing common DSpace chores (Now serving DSpace 1.4.2 and Manakin 1.1)

Authors / Contributors
(alphabetically by last name) Tim Donoh(e Scott /hi&&ips Dorothea Sa&o

2 !"2 # $% a&& '(thors ) *ontri$(tors (&isted a$ove) This work is &icensed (nder *reative *ommons 'ttri$(tion"Noncommercia&"Share '&ike +. ,icense. To view a cop% of this &icense- visit http.))$%"nc"sa)+. )

This short $ook&et is intended to introd(ce the commonest non"o$vio(s c(stomi0ation" re&ated tasks for newcomers to DSpace administration. 1t has $een written against the sta$&e version 1.4.2 of DSpace and the Manakin (ser interface- version 1.1. 2e have tried to inc&(de instr(ctions for different operating s%stems as re3(ired4 most c(stomi0ations- however- work identica&&% cross"p&atform.

Before you start

Different parts of DSpace &ive in different areas on the DSpace server. 5eca(se each DSpace administrator decides where some parts of DSpace &ive- and operating s%stems have different ideas a$o(t where other parts &ive- we have emp&o%ed ita&ics to mark missing pieces of fi&e paths. Some directories whose precise &ocation varies among s%stems re3(ire specia& attention.

[dspace-source] 6 The director% into which the DSpace administrator (npacks the down&oaded DSpace code. [manakin-source] 6 The director% into which the DSpace administrator (npacks the down&oaded Manakin so(rce code. [dspace] 6 The director% into which the 7ava ant command deposits compi&ed DSpace code. This &ocation is set in DSpace8s config(ration fi&e- dspace.cfg- as

D Space H ow-To Guide

[tomcat] 6 The director% where 'pache Tomcat is insta&&ed. 1f %o( are not (sing 'pache Tomcat- %o( ma% wish to c(stomi0e some of these 9how"to: doc(ments to $etter match %o(r serv&et engine of choice (e.g. 7ett%- ;esin- etc).

Other DSpace resources

'&tho(gh this 9DSpace <ow"To =(ide: introd(ces man% common c(stomi0ations c(rrent&% avai&a$&e within DSpace- it sho(&d not $e considered a stand"a&one doc(ment. >o( sho(&d $e aware of man% other va&(a$&e DSpace reso(rces- inc&(ding. DSpace <omepage 6 http.))

DSpace 2iki 6 http.)) DSpace Technica& ?'@ " http.)) DSpace ;eso(rces ,isting (inc&(ding S%stem Doc(mentation and Mai&ing ,ists) " http.));eso(rces Manakin doc(mentation 6 http.))di.tam(.ed()proAects)Bm&(i)

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Other useful resources

This 9DSpace <ow"To =(ide: introd(ces man% c(stomi0ations which re&% on some genera& know&edge of other techno&ogies- inc&(ding C<TM,- *SS- CM, and CS,T. 1f %o( need a refresher on an% of these techno&ogies- here are a few (sef(& we$ reso(rces (avai&a$&e as of 7(ne 2 #). 2+Schoo&s T(toria&s)=(ides (http.))www.w+schoo& 6 introd(ctor% t(toria&s- references- and eBamp&es for C<TM,- *SS- CM,- CS,T- S@,- among man% others. <TM, Dog (http.))www.htm& 6 <TM, and *SS ;eferences and t(toria&s for a&& &eve&s of know&edge <o&% *SS De&dmanE (http.)) 6 a&& things *SSwith intermiBed &inks to good <TM,- 7avascript- and we$ design sites. MaBDesign (http.)) " *SS t(toria&s for we$ deve&opers. *overs c(stomi0ing page &a%o(t (sing *SS"$ased f&oats- &ists and se&ectors.

Other useful skills

Man% tasks that are c(m$ersome to manage thro(gh the DSpace we$ interface can $e easi&% managed in the data$ase with a &itt&e S@,. ?or eBamp&e- withdrawing a&& the items in a partic(&ar co&&ection takes 3(ite some time in DSpace proper- $(t can $e done in A(st one 3(ick S@, 3(er%. <owever- %o( sho(&d a&wa%s $e s(re to $ack(p %o(r data$ase $efore r(nning an% S@, 3(eries which wi&& modif% or remove a &arge n(m$er of itemsE Time spent &earning S@, $asics wi&& reap rich ret(rns in time saved.

D Space H ow-To Guide

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Table of Contents
Introduction........................................................2 Table of Contents..............................................4 Quick Subject Inde ..........................................! CUSTOMIZING DSPACE, VE SION !"#"$""""""""""" % "ebuild DSpace..................................................# "ebuild DSpace..................................................$ Chan%e pa%e te t.............................................&' (dd ne) te t to a *S+....................................&& ,i Chan%e o/erall layout.....................................&0 Chan%e sin%le pa%e layout............................. &4 (dd a custo. .etadata sche.a..................&! (dd a ne) .etadata field..............................&1 2o/e a .etadata field.................................... &3 2odify search fields.........................................&# 2odify search fields.........................................&$ 2odify default search options...................... 2' "e4inde DSpace............................................. 2& Confi%ure .edia filters...................................22 Confi%ure .edia filters...................................20 Confi%ure full te t inde in%.......................... 24 2odify bro)se fields.......................................2! Chan%e bro)se layout....................................21 (lter sub.ission input for.s....................... 23 (lter sub.ission input for.s....................... 2# (lter sub.ission input for.s....................... 2$ Chan%e a for. /alue.......................................0' 5se Controlled 6ocabularies....................... 0& 5se Controlled 6ocabularies....................... 02 Chan%e displayed ite. .etadata................. 00 5se DSpace Statistics.....................................04 5se DSpace Statistics.....................................0! 5se Dspace Statistics......................................01 5se DSpace Statistics.....................................03 5se the O(I4+27 interface......................... 0# Confi%ure "SS feeds........................................0$ Confi%ure "SS feeds........................................4' Confi%ure checksu. checker.......................4& Confi%ure checksu. checker.......................42 Confi%ure checksu. checker.......................40 Troubleshoot an error...................................44 CUSTOMIZING MANA&IN, VE SION !"!"""""""""" #' "ebuild 2anakin...............................................41 "ebuild 2anakin...............................................43 Install a the.e..................................................4# Create a ne) the.e.......................................4$ Custo.i8e header or footer........................ !' 2odify ite. .etadata display.......................!& (dd lo%os to an ite.9s display......................!2 (dd te t to a pa%e :i&#n;.............................. !0 Install an (spect...............................................!4 Troubleshoot an error...................................!!

D Space H ow-To Guide

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(uic) Sub*ect Inde+

General Tips
;e$(i&d DSpace FGH ;e$(i&d Manakin F4!H Tro($&eshoot an error (DSpace) F44H Tro($&eshoot an error (Manakin) FIIH

Browse Tips

*hange $rowse &a%o(t F2!H Modif% $rowse fie&ds F2IH

Management Tips

User Interface Tips

*onfig(re checks(m checker F41H Mse DSpace Statistics F+4H

DSpace JSP User Interface Dissemination Tips *hange overa&& &a%o(t F1+H *hange sing&e page &a%o(t F14H *onfig(re ;SS feeds F+KH *hange page teBt F1 H Mse the O'1"/M< interface F+GH 'dd new teBt to a 7S/ F11H ?iB F12H (See specific DSpace functionality for additional tips) anakin ! " User Interface 1nsta&& a theme F4GH *reate a new theme F4KH *(stomi0e header or footer FI H Modif% item metadata disp&a% FI1H 'dd &ogos to an itemLs disp&a% FI2H 'dd teBt to a page (i1Gn) FI+H 1nsta&& an 'spect FI4H

D Space H ow-To Guide

Metadata Tips

'dd a c(stom metadata schema F1IH 'dd a new metadata fie&d F1!H Move a metadata fie&d F1#H *hange disp&a%ed item metadata F++H Mse *ontro&&ed Noca$(&aries F+1H

Submission Tips
'&ter s($mission inp(t forms F2#H *hange a form va&(e F+ H Mse *ontro&&ed Noca$(&aries F+1H

Search Tips
Modif% defa(&t search options F2 H Modif% search fie&ds F1GH *onfig(re f(&& teBt indeBing F24H *onfig(re media fi&ters F22H ;e"indeB DSpace F21H
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FThis page intentiona&&% &eft $&ank.H

D Space H ow-To Guide

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Custo,i-in. DS/ace, Version !"#"$

D Space H ow-To Guide

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How to...

[Customizing DSpace, Version 1.4.2]

ebuild DS/ace

[dspace-source] [dspace-source])$(i&d) [#omcat])we$apps) (Mac OSC Server. )&i$rar%)A$oss)+.2)dep&o%)

$ote% 75OSS comes pre"insta&&ed with Mac OS C server. <owever- for $oth sever and desktop editions Tomcat ma% $e (sed as with other p&atforms.

Quick "estart (Just restarts the &eb ser'er after confi(uration chan(es))
()*+ception , -han(es to essa( al&ays re/uires a rebuild0) 1. Stop Tomcat (123$I$4% this &ill brin( do&n the &ebsite)

(,in(B ) OS C ) So&aris) [#omcat]/bin/ (Mac OS C Server) Mse Server 'dmin to stop Tomcat (9'pp&ication Server:) (2indows) Mse Tomcat Service Monitor (in Notification 'rea) to stop Tomcat (,in(B ) OS C ) So&aris) [#omcat]/bin/ (Mac OS C Server) Mse Server 'dmin to start Tomcat (9'pp&ication Server:) (2indows) Mse Tomcat Service Monitor (in Notification 'rea) to start Tomcat

2. Start Tomcat

D Space H ow-To Guide

Quick Build< (5uick build after smaller6 usually JSP-based6 chan(es)

1. ,ogon to the server DSpace is r(nning on (e.g. ssh). Make s(re to &ogin as the (ser who initia&&% insta&&ed DSpaceE 2. Open a command prompt (if %o( don8t have one a&read%)- and cd [dspace-source] +. ant update (recompi&es a&& DSpace code and reinsta&&s third"part% 7'; fi&es) 4. '&ternative&%- if %o( do not need to reinsta&& 7'; fi&es- %o( co(&d instead r(n ant build_wars (which A(st recompi&es DSpace code) I. cp build/*.war [#omcat]/webapps/

(Mac OS C Server) cp build/*.war /library/jboss/3.2/deploy

!. Test changes in DSpace

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How to...

[Customizing DSpace, Version 1.4.2]

ebuild DS/ace
:continued; ,ull "efresh="ebuild< (-ompletely refresh all of DSpace)
1. ,ogon to the server DSpace is r(nning on (e.g. ssh). Make s(re to &ogin as the (ser who initia&&% insta&&ed DSpaceE 2. Open a command prompt (if %o( don8t have one a&read%)- and cd [dspace-source] +. ant clean (removes o&d compi&ed code) 4. ant update (recompi&es a&& DSpace code and reinsta&&s third"part% 7'; fi&es) I. Stop Tomcat (123$I$4% this &ill brin( do&n the &ebsite)

(,in(B ) OS C ) So&aris) [#omcat]/bin/ (Mac OS C Server) Mse Server 'dmin to stop Tomcat (9'pp&ication Server:) (2indows) Mse Tomcat Service Monitor (in Notification 'rea) to stop Tomcat (Mac OS C Server) cp build/*.war /library/jboss/3.2/deploy

!. cp build/*.war [#omcat]/webapps/

#. (7ptional6 but recommended) *omp&ete&% remove an% dspace or dspace-oai directories created in [Tomcat]/webapps ( /library/jboss/3.2/deploy for Mac) " 8* -23*9U":you don;t &ant to remo'e the &ron( directory0

D Space H ow-To Guide

To force Tomcat to recompi&e ever%thing- %o( ma% a&so wish to remove an% dspace or dspace-oai directories created in [Tomcat]/work/Catalina/localhost (,in(B ) OS C ) So&aris) [#omcat]/bin/ (Mac OS C Server) Mse Server 'dmin to start Tomcat (9'pp&ication Server:) (2indows) Mse Tomcat Service Monitor (in Notification 'rea) to start Tomcat

G. Start Tomcat

K. Test %o(r changes in DSpace

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How to...

[Customizing DSpace, Version 1.4.2]

C0an.e /a.e te+t


[dspace-source])Asp)(JSP containin( the te+t you &ant to chan(e) [dspace-source])config)&ang(age"packs)

1. Open and search for the teBt %o( wish to change. Note. contains pairs of 9ke%s: and 9va&(es:. ?or eBamp&e.
jsp.home.search1 = earch

=enera&&% speaking- the 9ke%: (s(a&&% refers to the &ocation of the 7S/ on which this teBt resides (e.g. jsp.home.search1 is 9search"re&ated: teBt disp&a%ed in [dspace-source]/jsp/home.jsp) 2. 1f contains that teBt in more than one p&ace- open the re&evant 7S/ and find the key attri$(te of the appropriate !"mt#messa$e% e&ement. ?or eBamp&e.
!"mt#messa$e key=&jsp.home.search1& /%

D Space H ow-To Guide

+. *hange the teBt (that corresponds to the ke%) in 4. /erform the steps in Rebuild DSpace.

1. 2hen adding or modif%ing teBt in $e ver% caref(& that %o( have a(tomatic &ord-&rap turned off in %o(r teBt editorE The 9ke%: and its corresponding 9va&(e: m(st a&wa%s $e on the same &ine within a. (e.g.) This is NOT a va&id entr% in$1 = 'his is a really lon$ headin$ which actually $ets wrapped automatically by my te(t editor so that it ends up on three separate lines.

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How to...

[Customizing DSpace, Version 1.4.2]

Add ne1 te+t to a 2SP


[dspace-source])Asp)(JSP containin( the te+t you &ant to chan(e) [dspace-source])config)&ang(age"packs)

1. Open the re&evant 7S/ and add a new !"mt#messa$e% e&ement where %o( want the new teBt to appear- making s(re that the va&(e of the key attri$(te is (ni3(e. ?or eBamp&e.
!"mt#messa$e key=&jsp.home.mynewkey& /%

2. Open and (for neatness) find the &ist of ke% va&(es for the 7S/ %o( A(st changed. 'dd a new &ine corresponding to %o(r new ke%.
jsp.home.mynewkey = 'e(t o" my new key

+. Note. contains pairs of 9ke%s: and 9va&(es:. ?or eBamp&e.

jsp.home.search1 = earch

=enera&&% speaking- the 9ke%: (s(a&&% refers to the &ocation of the 7S/ on which this teBt resides (e.g. jsp.home.search1 is 9search"re&ated: teBt disp&a%ed in [dspace-source])Asp)home.Asp) 4. /erform the steps in Rebuild DSpace.

D Space H ow-To Guide


>o( can- of co(rse- simp&% add the teBt direct&% to the 7S/- $(t %o( wi&& find it easier to maintain teBt in %o(r DSpace insta&&ation if it is a&& kept in ;emem$er- when adding or modif%ing teBt in $e ver% caref(& that %o( have &ord-&rap turned off in %o(r teBt editorE

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How to...

[Customizing DSpace, Version 1.4.2]

3i+ 444so,e")e5"na,e444

[dspace-source])config)&ang(age"packs) [dspace-source])Asp)&oca&)(JSP producin( <<<<<< te+t)

1. Search for the string inside the 3(estion marks in the fi&e. 2. Search for the same string inside the 7S/4 it sho(&d $e the va&(e of a key attri$(te to a !"mt#messa$e% e&ement. 1f $oth the 7S/ and appear to contain the string- $e s(re the strings match eBact&%. +. 1f does not contain the string- add it.'e(t that should appear

4. /erform the steps in Rebuild DSpace.

D Space H ow-To Guide

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How to...

[Customizing DSpace, Version 1.4.2]

C0an.e o6erall la5out


[dspace-source])Asp)&oca&)&a%o(t)P.Asp [dspace-source])Asp)&oca&)st%&es.css.Asp

D Space H ow-To Guide

1. *hange the <TM, in header"defa(&t.Asp (Defa(&t <eader) - footer"defa(&t.Asp (Defa(&t ?ooter)- &ocation"$ar.Asp (,ocation 5ar)- nav$ar.Asp (Defa(&t Navigation 5ar)- and nav$ar"admin.Asp ('dmin Navigation 5ar). 2. *hange the *SS in st%&es.css.Asp. +. /erform the steps in Rebuild DSpace.


5e caref(& of moving the search form (in the navigation $ar) ear&ier in the page (e.g. to page"top). This can $reak the e"person se&ector in the 'dministration (ser interface. *heck the DSpace Technica& ?'@ (http.)) for possi$&e fiBes.

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How to...

[Customizing DSpace, Version 1.4.2]

C0an.e sin.le /a.e la5out


'n% 7S/ in [dspace-source])Asp)&oca&)

1. ?ind the fo&&owing 7S/ Tag near the top of the 7S/.
!dspace#layout ) %

2. /ass this tag an% of the fo&&owing 9attri$(tes:- to c(stomi0e the &a%o(t of this 7S/.
style 6 specifies the 9st%&e: of header)footer to disp&a% for this 7S/

o (e.g.) style=&my tyle& means the header"myStyle.Asp and footer" myStyle.Asp wi&& $e (sed for this 7S/. o 1f style is (nspecified- header"defa(&t.Asp and footer"defa(&t.Asp are (sed.
na*bar 6 specifies the navigation $ar to (se for this 7S/

o (e.g.) na*bar=&my+a*i$ation& means the nav$ar"my$a'i(ation.Asp wi&& $e (sed for this 7S/

D Space H ow-To Guide

o na*bar=&o""& t(rns off the navigation $ar on a page. o 1f na*bar is (nspecified- nav$ar"defa(&t.Asp is (sed.
locbar 6 specifies t%pe of &ocation $ar to (se. There are on&% a few va&(es

of rea& importance.

o locbar=&o""& 6 t(rns off the &ocation $ar on this 7S/. o locbar=&no,ink& 6 do not provide &inks in &ocation $ar. o locbar=&comm,ink& 6 attempt to provide a&& parent comm(nities within the &ocation $ar. o 1f locbar is (nspecified- a&& parent comm(nities)co&&ections are disp&a%ed as &inks in the &ocation $ar. +. /erform the steps in Rebuild DSpace.

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How to...

[Customizing DSpace, Version 1.4.2]

Add a custo, ,etadata sc0e,a

D Space H ow-To Guide


http#//&eb-address-to-my-dspace/dspace-admin (3e/uires 2dministrator "o(in)

1. ,ogin as a DSpace 'dministrator and visit the DSpace 'dministration (ser interface (http#//&eb-address-to-my-dspace/dspace-admin) 2. *&ick on the 9Metadata ;egistr%: in order to see a&& c(rrent metadata schemas within DSpace. 5% defa(&t- %o( sho(&d on&% see the D($&in *ore (dc) schema +. 't the $ottom of the page- enter in a new metadata schema 9namespace: and give it a 9name:. (There is no re3(irement that the namespace $e reso&va$&e. '&so- %o( ma% wish the 9name: to $e on&% a few characters- since it serves d(a& p(rpose as a prefiB for this schema). *&ick 9Save: 4. The new metadata schema is now added to the (nder&%ing data$ase. >o( wi&& then want to add new metadata fie&ds $% fo&&owing the instr(ctions in Add a new metadata field. 1t is a&so possi$&e to move metadata fie&ds from one schema to another- $% fo&&owing the instr(ctions in Move a metadata field.


DSpace c(rrent&% on&% s(pports 9f&at: (non"hierarchica&) metadata schemas.

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How to...

[Customizing DSpace, Version 1.4.2]

Add a ne1 ,etadata field


http#//&eb-address-to-my-dspace/dspace-admin (3e/uires 2dministrator "o(in)

1. ,ogin as a DSpace 'dministrator and visit the DSpace 'dministration (ser interface (http#//&eb-address-to-my-dspace/dspace-admin) 2. *&ick on the 9Metadata ;egistr%: in order to see a&& c(rrent metadata schemas within DSpace. Then- c&ick on the namespace of the schema to add a fie&d to that partic(&ar schema. +. 't the $ottom of the page- %o( wi&& find the 2dd etadata 9ield form- where %o( can specif% an 9e&ement:- 93(a&ifier:- and 9scope note: for the new metadata fie&d. On&% the 9e&ement: is re3(ired. *&ick 9'dd New: to add the new fie&d. 4. The new metadata fie&d is now added to the (nder&%ing data$ase as a mem$er of the c(rrent metadata schema. 1f %o( wish- %o( can now make this fie&d searcha$&e (see Modify search fields)- add this fie&d to the s($mission forms(see Alter submission input forms)- and)or disp&a% this fie&d in the item disp&a% (see Change displayed item metadata).

D Space H ow-To Guide

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How to...

[Customizing DSpace, Version 1.4.2]

Mo6e a ,etadata field


http#//&eb-address-to-my-dspace/dspace-admin (3e/uires 2dministrator "o(in)

1. ,ogin as a DSpace 'dministrator and visit the DSpace 'dministration (ser interface (http#//&eb-address-to-my-dspace/dspace-admin) 2. *&ick on the 9Metadata ;egistr%: in order to see a&& c(rrent metadata schemas within DSpace. Then- c&ick on the namespace of the schema %o( wish to move a metadata fie&d from. +. 't the $ottom of the page- %o( wi&& find the o'e 9ield form. Msing this form %o( can se&ect one or more fie&ds (in the c(rrent schema)- and se&ect the schema %o( wish to move those fie&ds to. Once %o( have se&ected the fie&d(s) and the schema to move them to- c&ick 9Move:. 4. The se&ected metadata fie&ds are now moved to the se&ected schema. Since %o( moved these fie&ds- %o( ma% need to (pdate how the% are $eing (sed in DSpace. ?or eBamp&e- %o( can now make these fie&ds searcha$&e (see Modify search fields)- add these fie&ds to the s($mission forms (see Alter submission input forms)- and)or disp&a% these fie&ds in the item disp&a% (see Change displayed item metadata).

D Space H ow-To Guide


Moving a metadata fie&d wi&& a&so remo'e it from its eBisting metadata schema. <owever- an% items which previo(s&% (sed this metadata fie&d wi&& $e (pdated a(tomatica&&% (i.e. no eBisting metadata sho(&d $e &ost).

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How to...

[Customizing DSpace, Version 1.4.2]

Modif5 searc0 fields


[dspace])config)dspace.cfg [dspace-source])Asp)&oca&)search)advanced.Asp [dspace-source])config)&ang(age"packs)

1. ,ook for this &ine in dspace.cfg.
----- .ields to /nde( "or earch -----

2. 5eneath it %o( wi&& see severa& &ines &ike this.

search.inde(.1 = author#dc.contributor.* search.inde(.2 = author#dc.creator.* search.inde(.3 = title#dc.title.* search.inde(.0 = keyword#dc.subject.* search.inde(.1 = abstract#dc.description.abstract

+. 'dd another search.indeB.Q &ine to the $ottom. 1f %o( A(st want to add a different D($&in *ore (dc) fie&d to one of the eBisting 9named indices:- (se the mode&s a$ove as a g(ide. 1f %o( wish to specif% a different metadata schema- rep&ace dc with the other metadata schemaLs name. The 9name: to the &eft of the co&on (e.g. a(thor- tit&e- ke%word- etc) is important. 1n the a$ove eBamp&e- a search on 9a(thor: is specified to search a&& D($&in *ore (dc) contributor and creator fie&ds. 2hereas- a search on 9a$stract: on&% searches the dc.description.abstract fie&d.

D Space H ow-To Guide

4. 1f %o( want to add an entire&% new search fie&d- %o( wi&& a&so have to modif% (see Change page text) to add a (ser"friend&% &a$e& for itand the advanced"search 7S/ (advanced.Asp) to add an appropriate !option% e&ement- as $e&ow.
!option *alue=2author2 !3= "ield1.e4uals52author26 7 2selected=82selected822 # 22 3%%!"mt#messa$e*anced.type.author2/%!/option%

The 9va&(e: attri$(te of %o(r !option% e&ement sho(&d correspond to the name of one of %o(r search indices (e.g. a(thor- tit&e- ke%word- etc.)

I. /erform the steps in Re-index DSpace. !. /erform the steps in Rebuild DSpace.
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How to...

[Customizing DSpace, Version 1.4.2]

Modif5 searc0 fields

:continued; >otes<
1n DSpace- the most conf(sing concept regarding search fie&ds is the ke%word search. o 1n the $asic search $oBes (as seen $e&ow)- an% terms entered are searched for any&here within an% of the search indices (i.e. an% of the search.inde(.- fie&ds in dspace.cfg)- or the f(&& teBt of the doc(ment (if it is f(&&"teBt indeBa$&e). These search $oBes perform what most refer to as a key&ord or keyterm search.

o <owever- to make things a &itt&e conf(sing- %o(8&& notice a ke%word search indeB &isted in dspace.cfg.
search.inde(.0 = keyword#dc.subject.*

D Space H ow-To Guide

This (rather inappropriate&% named) indeB is act(a&&% (sed d(ring sub=ect specific searches (hence the subject.*). 1t does not have an% contro& over a norma& key&ord search that is r(n from the $asic search $oB in DSpace.

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How to...

[Customizing DSpace, Version 1.4.2]

Modif5 default searc0 o/tions



1. >o( ma% wish to c(stomi0e which $oo&ean search operator is (sed $% defa(&t. The DSpace search engine defa(&ts to (sing $oo&ean 9: (re3(ires at &east one search term to $e present) when m(&tip&e terms are entered . <owever- if desired- %o( ma% specif% to (se $oo&ean ;+< (re3(ires a&& terms to $e present) $% modif%ing the fo&&owing &ine in dspace.cfg.
search.operator = 9:

The specified search operator wi&& $e the defa(&t operator (sed whenever someone enters m(&tip&e terms into the main search $oB

2. 1f %o( want to modif% which metadata fie&ds are searcha$&e- see Modify search fields

D Space H ow-To Guide

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How to...

[Customizing DSpace, Version 1.4.2]

e7inde+ DS/ace


1. ,og on to the machine r(nning DSpace. 2. *hange director% to [dspace])$in. +. ;(n the re"indeBing script

(,in(B or Mac OSC) ./inde(-all (2indows) run from command prompt

./dsrun or$.dspace.browse./nitiali=e>rowse ./dsrun or$< /nde(er

4. Stop and restart Tomcat (See 5uick 3estart in Rebuild DSpace).


This process re"creates DSpace8s search and $rowse indices. ;(n it after an%thing %o( do to the insta&& that co(&d change the content of these indices (e.g. man(a&&% changing metadata- withdrawing items). 1n addition- r(n it if %o( decide to change %o(r searcha$&e metadata fie&ds (see Modify search fields). >o( ma% wish to have a sched(&ed process (e.g. cron) to re"indeB DSpace dai&%. ,ots of &itt&e changes that add (p over time witho(t a re"indeBing can ca(se DSpace8s search f(nction to $ecome erratic.

D Space H ow-To Guide

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How to...

[Customizing DSpace, Version 1.4.2]

Confi.ure ,edia filters


[dspace])$in)fi&ter"media [dspace])config)dspace.cfg ' sched(&ing program (e.g. MniB cron or 2indows Sched(&ed Tasks)

1. 1n DSpace- 9media fi&ters: are what contro& $oth full-te+t inde+in( and automated creation of thumbnail ima(es. 5oth can $e sched(&ed $% ca&&ing the "ilter-media script (which in t(rn ca&&s the or$"ilter.?edia.ilter?ana$er c&ass). 2. The &ist of a&& c(rrent&% ena$&ed 9media fi&ters: is avai&a$&e in %o(r dspace.cfg config(ration fi&e (nder the section &a$e&ed.
---- ?edia .ilter plu$ins 5throu$h @lu$in?ana$er6 ----

+. 1f %o( wish to disa$&e or ena$&e a specific 9media fi&ter:- %o( can remove or add them from the se3(ence &ist in that section.
plu$in.se4uence.or$"ilter.?edia.ilter = 8 or$"ilter.@<..ilterA 8 or$"ilter.B'?,.ilterA 8 or$"ilter.Cord.ilterA 8 or$"ilter.D@EF.ilter

D Space H ow-To Guide

(Make s(re that each separate &ine ends with a $acks&ash 8 characterE ' &ist of what each 9media fi&ter: does is avai&a$&e in the $otes section on the neBt page) 4. ?or ,in(B or Mac OSC- %o( can sched(&e the "ilter-media she&& script to r(n $% adding a cron entr% simi&ar to the fo&&owing to the cronta$ for the (ser who insta&&ed DSpace.
G 2 * * * [dspace]/bin/"ilter-media

(The a$ove entr% wo(&d sched(&e fi&ter"media to r(n night&% at 2am. >o( wo(&d need to change [dspace] to the f(&& path of %o(r DSpace insta&&ation director%.) I. ?or 2indows- %o( wi&& $e (na$&e to (se the "ilter-media she&& script. 1nstead%o( sho(&d (se 2indows Sched(&ed Tasks to sched(&e the fo&&owing command to r(n at the appropriate time of da%.
[dspace]/bin/dsrun.bat or$"ilter.?edia.ilter?ana$er

(#he abo'e command should appear on a sin(le line.)

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How to...

[Customizing DSpace, Version 1.4.2]

Confi.ure ,edia filters

:continued; >otes<

5e&ow is a &isting of a&& c(rrent&% avai&a$&e Media ?i&ters- and what the% act(a&&% do.

B'?,.ilter 6 eBtracts the f(&& teBt of <TM, doc(ments for f(&& teBt


D@EF.ilter 6 creates th(m$nai& images of =1?- 7/R= and /N= fi&es >randed@re*iewD@EF.ilter 6 creates a $randed preview image for =1?-

7/R= and /N= fi&es (disabled by default)

@<..ilter 6 eBtracts the f(&& teBt of 'do$e /D? doc(ments (on&% if teBt"

$ased or O*;ed) for f(&& teBt indeBing

Cord.ilter 6 eBtracts the f(&& teBt of Microsoft 2ord or /&ain TeBt

doc(ments for f(&& teBt indeBing

/&ease note that the "ilter-media or ?edia.ilter?ana$er wi&& a(tomatica&&% (pdate the DSpace search indeB $% defa(&t (see Re-index DSpace). This is the recommended wa% to r(n these scripts. 5(t- sho(&d %o( wish to disa$&e it- %o( can pass the -n f&ag to either script to do so. The fo&&owing additiona& options are a&so avai&a$&e for either the "ilter-media or ?edia.ilter?ana$er scripts.

D Space H ow-To Guide

-* S ver$ose mode (prints o(t a&& eBtracted teBt and additiona& messages) -" S forces reprocessing of a&& $itstreams ($% defa(&t on&% (nprocessed

$itstreams are processed $% this script)

-n S do not (pdate the search indeB after comp&etion -i !handle% S on&% process $itstreams within a partic(&ar comm(nit%)co&&ection)item represented $% the !handle% -m !-% S on&% process a maBim(m n(m$er of $itstreams (specified $% !-%) .

This is (sef(& if %o( want to process $itstreams &itt&e"$%"&itt&e in order to avoid taBing %o(r server too m(ch.

2 !"2 # $% a&& '(thors)*ontri$(tors &isted This work is &icensed (nder *reative *ommons 'ttri$(tion"Noncommercia&"Share '&ike +. ,icense. 2+

How to...

[Customizing DSpace, Version 1.4.2]

Confi.ure full te+t inde+in.


[dspace])$in)fi&ter"media [dspace])config)dspace.cfg

1. ?irst- fo&&ow the instr(ctions in *onfig(re media fi&ters- since f(&& teBt indeBing is performed $% those media fi&ters (specifica&&% the B'?,.ilter- @<..ilter- and Cord.ilter) 2. >o( ma% wish to modif% the"ieldlen$th fie&d in %o(r dspace.cfg config(ration fi&e. This fie&d specifies the maBim(m n(m$er words to indeB for each doc(ment- and $% defa(&t is set to the first 1 words. (Set it to the va&(e -1- if %o( want to indeB an (n&imited n(m$er of words)"ieldlen$th = 1GGGG

1f %o( choose to modif% the"ieldlen$th fie&d %o( m(st Re-index DSpace $efore the change wi&& take affect.


D Space H ow-To Guide

?(&& teBt indeBing is on&% avai&a$&e for the fo&&owing formats at this time.

'do$e /D? (on&% if teBt"$ased or O*;ed) Microsoft 2ord /&ain TeBt <TM,

?(&& teBt searching in DSpace occ(rs when a (ser searches via the defa(&t search $oB (see $e&ow)- or when a (ser se&ects the 9Te%word: option from the 'dvanced Search screen.

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How to...

[Customizing DSpace, Version 1.4.2]

Modif5 bro1se fields



1. 1n dspace.cfg- %o( ma% (ncomment the fo&&owing &ines to specif% which metadata fie&ds %o( wo(&d &ike to $e $rowsing in DspaceLs 95rowse $% Date:95rowse '(thors:- 95rowse Tit&es: and 95rowse S($Aects: interfacesrespective&%.
- webui.browse.inde(.date = - webui.browse.inde(.author = dc.contributor.* - webui.browse.inde(.title = dc.title - webui.browse.inde(.subject = dc.subject.*

2. The a$ove commented o(t va&(es of these fie&ds show the defa(&t fie&ds $rowsed within DSpace. *(rrent&%- %o( are on&% a$&e to specif% a sing&e metadata e&ement (e.g. for each indeB- $(t ma% add one or more 3(a&ifiers (e.g. the issued 3(a&ifier on Note the fo&&owing a$o(t 3(a&ifiers.

D Space H ow-To Guide

'dding an asterisk (*) in p&ace of a 3(a&ifier a&&ows %o( to specif% a&& possi$&e 3(a&ifiers. So- specif%ing dc.subject.* means the $rowse indeB wo(&d inc&(de a&& of the fo&&owing fie&ds. dc.subject- dc.subject.lcshdc.subject.custom- etc. >o( can a&so specif% no 3(a&ifier (e.g. dc.title)- which means the $rowse indeB does not inc&(de fie&ds with 3(a&ifiers (so specif%ing dc.title wi&& not inc&(de dc.title.alternati*e)

+. 1f %o( modif% an% of the $rowse indicies in dspace.cfg- %o( m(st ;e"indeB DSpace for the changes to take affect.


>o( can a&so c(stomi0e which metadata fie&ds are disp&a%ed whenever %o( $rowse a &ist of items (thro(gh an% of the DSpace $rowse interfaces). To do sosee the section entit&ed Change browse layout.

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How to...

[Customizing DSpace, Version 1.4.2]

C0an.e bro1se la5out




D Space H ow-To Guide

1. 1n dspace.cfg- %o( can change the metadata fie&ds which are disp&a%ed for each item in the $rowse item &isting. To do so- &ook for the fo&&owing sing&e &ine in %o(r dspace.cfg and (ncomment it.
-webui.itemlist.columns = dc.titleA dc.contributor.*

2. 5% defa(&t- whenever %o( see a &ist of items- %o(L&& see the Issue Date- #itle- and 2uthor(s) co&(mns in that order. <owever- %o( can (se the a$ove config(ration option to rearrange these co&(mns or change which co&(mns %o( want disp&a%ed. '&tho(gh not re3(ired- %o( ma% wish to match these co&(mns with %o(r specified $rowse indicies (see Modify browse fields). +. 's norma&- specif%ing a sing&e 3(a&ifier (e.g. issued on or no 3(a&ifier (e.g. dc.title) wi&& on&% disp&a% va&(es from those specific metadata fie&ds. <owever- specif%ing an asterisk (*) as the 3(a&ifier wi&& disp&a% a&& fie&ds for that e&ement (whether it has a 3(a&ifier or not). So- specif%ing dc.contributor.* wi&& ca(se an%)a&& of the fo&&owing fie&ds to $e disp&a%ed in that co&(mn. dc.contributor- dc.contributor.editer- etc. 4. Stop and restart Tomcat (See 5uick 3estart in Rebuild DSpace)- for the changes to take affect.

2 !"2 # $% a&& '(thors)*ontri$(tors &isted This work is &icensed (nder *reative *ommons 'ttri$(tion"Noncommercia&"Share '&ike +. ,icense. 2!

How to...

[Customizing DSpace, Version 1.4.2]

Alter sub,ission in/ut for,s



1. This CM, fi&e contains form definitions- each contained within its own !"orm% e&ement. Rach !"orm% e&ement contains !pa$e% e&ements that represent sing&e pages of inp(t. Rach !pa$e% e&ement contains !"ield% e&ements with instr(ctions for creating the fie&ds on that page. This str(ct(re is mocked (p $e&ow- for a sing&e form with a sing&e page.
!"orm-de"initions% !"orm name=&traditional&% !pa$e number=&1&% !"ield% ... !/"ield% !/pa$e% !/"orm% !/"orm-de"initions%

D Space H ow-To Guide

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How to...

[Customizing DSpace, Version 1.4.2]

Alter sub,ission in/ut for,s

2. The defa(&t form has a name attri$(te whose va&(e is Htraditional&. To change a&& s($mission forms thro(gho(t DSpace- edit the CM, inside this form. +. To change a s($mission form for a specific collection- add a new !"orm% e&ement with a new and (ni3(e co&&ection"re&ated va&(e for the name attri$(te. (>o( can cop% the CM, from the defa(&t and edit as desired- as &ong as %o( change the name attri$(te va&(e.) Once %o(8ve created %o(r new !"orm% e&ement- %o( wi&& have to map it to %o(r specific co&&ection (sing the !"orm-map% section at the top of the CM,.
!"orm-map% !name-map collection-handle=2de"ault2 "ormname=2traditional2 /% !/"orm-map%

>o(8&& need to create a new !name-map% e&ement to 9map: %o(r co&&ection8s hand&e to the new !"orm% %o( A(st created.

4. *reate a&& appropriate !pa$e% e&ements- n(m$ering them se3(entia&&% starting from 1 in the number attri$(te. 2ithin them- add individ(a& !"ield% e&ements according to this temp&ate.
!"ield% !dc-schema%dc!/dc-schema% !dc-element%identi"ier!/dc-element% !dc-4uali"ier%citation!/dc-4uali"ier% !repeatable%"alse!/repeatable% !label%Citation!/label% !input-type%onebo(!/input-type% !hint%Enter the standard citation "or the pre*iously issued instance o" this item.!/hint% !re4uired%!/re4uired% !*ocabulary%!/*ocabulary% !/"ield%

D Space H ow-To Guide

I. Stop and restart Tomcat (See 5uick 3estart in Rebuild DSpace).

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How to...

[Customizing DSpace, Version 1.4.2]

Alter sub,ission in/ut for,s

:continued; >otes<

The !re4uired% e&ement contains the teBt(a& hint disp&a%ed to the s($mitter a$o(t wh% the fie&d is re3(ired. ,eave it empt% for optiona& fie&ds. The !*ocabulary% e&ement is optional. 1t a&&ows %o( to specif% the contro&&ed voca$(&ar% (see Use Controlled ocabularies for more information) that this fie&d sho(&d se&ect its va&(es from. This fie&d a&so has an optiona& closed attri$(te. 1f closed is set to true- a (ser can on&% se&ect va&(es from the contro&&ed voca$(&ar%. 5% defa(&t- closed is set to "alse- which a&&ows a (ser to a&so enter in free teBt if he)she chooses. ?or eBamp&e.
!*ocabulary closed=&true&%srsc!/*ocabulary%

The name of the contro&&ed voca$(&ar% m(st correspond to the name of the CM, fi&e (witho(t 9.Bm&:) which contains the voca$(&ar%. So- in the a$ove eBamp&esrsc references the voca$(&ar% specified in the fi&e &ocated at [dspace])config)contro&&ed"voca$(&aries)srsc.Bm&

Na&id inp(t t%pes (for !input-type%) are.

D Space H ow-To Guide

9date: 9name: (two teBt $oBes- &a$e&ed &ast and first name) 9one$oB: (a one"&ine teBt$oB) 9two$oB: (two teBt$oBes on a sing&e &ine) 9dropdown: (for which %o( m(st specif% a *alue-pairs-name attri$(te referring to the !*alue-pairs% &ist of a&&owed va&(es- see Change a form value) 93(a&dropUva&(e: (a teBt$oB- which is preceded $% a 93(a&if%ing: dropdown of va&(es. ;e3(ires a *alue-pairs-name attri$(te- simi&ar to 9dropdown:. '&so re3(ires !repeatable% is set to 9tr(e:) 9teBtarea: Setting the !repeatable% e&ement to 9tr(e: creates an 9'dd more: $(ttonwhich a&&ows %o( to add m(&tip&e va&(es into that partic(&ar fie&d. RBamp&es of this inc&(de the a(thors and ke%words fie&ds in the standard DSpace s($mission process.

2 !"2 # $% a&& '(thors)*ontri$(tors &isted This work is &icensed (nder *reative *ommons 'ttri$(tion"Noncommercia&"Share '&ike +. ,icense. 2K

How to...

[Customizing DSpace, Version 1.4.2]

C0an.e a for, 6alue



1. ,ook for the !"orm-*alue-pairs% e&ement in inp(t"forms.Bm&. 2. ,ook for the !*alue-pairs% e&ement for the D($&in *ore e&ement whose va&(es %o( wish to change. +. 'dd or change a !pair% e&ement- where the !displayed-*alue% e&ement contains what the s($mitter sees in the dropdown $oB- and the !stored-*alue% e&ement contains what DSpace sho(&d archive as the information8s &a$e&.
!pair% !displayed-*alue%Fo*It <oc -!/displayed-*alue% !stored-*alue%$o*doc!/stored-*alue% !/pair%

D Space H ow-To Guide

4. Stop and restart Tomcat (See 5uick 3estart in Rebuild DSpace).


This set of instr(ctions changes the eBisting choices when DSpace disp&a%s an option"$oB or dropdown men(- as for the D($&in *ore 9t%pe: and 9&ang(age: e&ements. 1t does not add a new s($mission widget)fie&d to the (ser interface4 to do this- see Alter submission input forms.
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How to...

[Customizing DSpace, Version 1.4.2]

Use Controlled Vocabularies


[dspace])config)contro&&ed"voca$(&aries)P [dspace])config)dspace.cfg

1. 5% defa(&t- the contro&&ed voca$(&ar% f(nctiona&it% is disa$&ed since it is not compati$&e with 2'1 =(ide&ines. To ena$&e it- (ncomment the fo&&owing &ine in %o(r dspace.cfg.
-webui.controlled*ocabulary.enable = true

2. DSpace on&% has the &icense to redistri$(te the fo&&owing contro&&ed voca$(&aries.

D Space H ow-To Guide

Norwegian Science 1ndeB (nsi.Bm&) 6 5% defa(&t- this voca$ is not (sed Swedish ;esearch S($Aect *ategories (srsc.Bm&) 6 2hen ena$&ed- this voca$ is (sed with the S($Aect (dc.subject) metadata fie&d.

+. Rach of the a$ove contro&&ed voca$(&aries is defined (in [dspace])config)contro&&ed"voca$(&aries)) via an CM, with str(ct(re simi&ar to.
!node id=2acmccsJK2 label=2;C?CC JK2% !isComposed>y% !node id=2;.2 label=2Feneral ,iterature2% !isComposed>y% !node id=2;.G2 label=2FE+E:;,2/% !node id=2;.12 label=2/+':9<LC'9:M ;+< L:NEM2/% ... !/isComposed>y% !/node% ... !/isComposed>y% !/node%

4. The a$ove CM, str(ct(re wo(&d generate a hierarchica& contro&&ed voca$(&ar% with the fo&&owing str(ct(re.

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How to...

[Customizing DSpace, Version 1.4.2]

Use Controlled Vocabularies

;C?CC JK Feneral ,iterature FE+E:;, /+':9<LC'9:M ;+< L:NEM

Msing this str(ct(re- if a s($mitter se&ected FE+E:;, in the a$ove hierarch%- the item wo(&d $e assigned a s($Aect which is an aggregation of a&& terms a$ove the se&ected term in the hierarch%- e.g. ;C?CC JK##Feneral ,iterature##FE+E:;, I. >o( ma% create %o(r own c(stom contro&&ed voca$(&ar% $% generating an CM, str(ct(re for it simi&ar to a$ove. Once created- p&ace %o(r c(stom contro&&ed voca$(&ar% a&ongside the preeBisting contro&&ed voca$(&aries in [dspace])config)contro&&ed"voca$(&aries)

There is a schema provided at [dspacesource])docs)contro&&edvoca$(&ar%.Bsd. The fo&&owing fie&ds are c(rrent&% avai&a$&e in this CM, Str(ct(re (optional attri$(tes)fie&ds are marked)

!node% " represents a sing&e term in the hierarch%

D Space H ow-To Guide

id (optional) 6 a (ni3(e identifier for this term label 6 a &a$e& for this term. This is the act(a& contro&&ed teBt

disp&a%ed in DSpace and stored in the metadata for an item.

!isComposed>y% (optional)" represents the 9composed $%: re&ationship $etween terms. So- in the eBamp&e on the previo(s page- Feneral ,iterature is specified as $eing composed $% FE+E:;, and /+':9<LC'9:M ;+< L:NEM !is:elated'o% (optional) 6 simi&ar to !isComposed>y%- $(t represents

the 9is re&ated to: re&ationship $etween terms.

!has+ote% (optional) 6 specifies a note re&ated to a term. This is never

disp&a%ed $(t is (sef(& for %o(r own doc(mentation)notes.

!. To act(a&&% (se a contro&&ed voca$(&ar% with the s($mission inp(t forms (see image on previo(s page)- %o( m(st specif% the contro&&ed voca$(&ar% to (se for a specific metadata fie&d. This can $e achieved (sing the !*ocabulary% tag within inp(t"forms.Bm&. ?or more information- see the notes on the !*ocabulary% tag in the section Alter submission input forms #. Stop and restart Tomcat (See 5uick 3estart in Rebuild DSpace).

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How to...

[Customizing DSpace, Version 1.4.2]

C0an.e dis/la5ed ite, ,etadata


[dspace])config)dspace.cfg [dspace-source])config)&ang(age"packs)

D Space H ow-To Guide

1. To change the metadata disp&a%- change the ordering of D($&in *ore e&ements after"ault (in dspace.cfg)- or add new e&ements."ault = dc.titleA dc.title.alternati*eA dc.contributor.*A dc.subjectA dc.publisher

2. To change the disp&a% name of a metadata fie&d- search for its D($&in *ore ke% name (which wi&& $egin with metadata.) in
metadata.dc.title.alternati*e = 'itle 5.rench6

+. /erform the steps in Rebuild DSpace.

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How to...

[Customizing DSpace, Version 1.4.2]

Use DS/ace Statistics


[dspace])$in)stat"P (i.e. a&& fi&es $eginning with 9stat":) [dspace])config)dspace.cfg [dspace])config)dstat.cfg and
http#//&eb-address-to-my-dspace/statistics (M;, of DSpace statistics page)

D Space H ow-To Guide

1. DSpace comes with a ver% $asic we$ statistics package which %o( can (se to gather information on page views (not the same as file do&nloads) and genera& activities performed within DSpace (e.g. searches performed- &ogins- errors and warnings). This statistics package wi&& ana&%0e and parse a&& of %o(r o&d DSpace &ogs (in [dspace])&og) to generate <TM, statistica& reports. 1t consists of a set of /er& scripts a&& $eginning with 9stat": in %o(r [dspace])$in) director%. (Note. 1n order to (ti&i0e these scripts %o( m(st have /er& insta&&edE) 2. There are two $asic options in dspace.cfg which a&&ow %o( to specif% whether or not %o(r fina& statistics reports sho(&d $e p($&ic&% accessi$&e (report.public)and where the fina& statistica& reports sho(&d $e stored (report.dir). 1tLs ver% possi$&e %o( ma% not want to change either of these. <owever- if %o( change either option- donLt forget to restart Tomcat (See 5uick 3estart in Rebuild DSpace)
report.public = "alse report.dir = OPdspace.dirQ/reports/

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How to...

[Customizing DSpace, Version 1.4.2]

Use DS/ace Statistics

+. The DSpace Statistics package comes with its own config(ration fi&e- dstat.cfg. This fi&e has some settings which %o( must change (marked with an asterisk $e&ow)- and a few that %o( ma% wish to review.

dspace.lo$P6 the f(&& path of %o(r [dspace])&og director% $eneral.summary 6 actions &isted in the DSpace &og fi&e which %o( want to e(clude.word 6 stopwords to fi&ter o(t of search terms in statistics e(clude.type 6 ,(cene search indeB terms to fi&ter o(t of statistics

&ist in the 9Overview: section. >o( donLt need to change these (n&ess needed.

(corresponds to the search indicies- see Modify search fields).

e(clude.character 6 ,(cene specia& characters to fi&ter o(t of statistics item.type 6 1tem t%pes to find statistics for. *orresponds to the form va&(es (see Change a form value) defined for %o(r dc.type fie&d- or an% metadata fie&d with an e&ement named type. item."loor and search."loor 6 specif% the n(m$er of minim(m accesses

necessar% $efore an item or search term is &isted in statistics

D Space H ow-To Guide

item.lookup 6 specifies the maBim(m n(m$er of items to &ist '(thor)Tit&e

information for in statistics (a&& other viewed items are &isted $% M;,) 6 specifies whether to disp&a% (ser emai& information in &ogin statistics. ?or privac%- this defa(&ts to "alse (i.e. do not disp&a% emai&) and host.urlP 6 The name and M;, of %o(r DSpace insta&&-

which wi&& $e disp&a%ed at the top of the statistics page.

4. 1n addition- the DSpace Statistics package comes with a mapping fi&e ( maps DSpace 9actions: which appear in the &og fi&es (in [dspace])&og) into h(man reada$&e teBt. So- if %o( wish to (pdate the teBt which appears in the statistics reports- or change the &ang(age- %o( can edit this fi&e to do so. I. ?irst- %o( m(st modif% each of these scripts s&ight&% $ased on %o(r own DSpace insta&&ation. ,ook for the fo&&owing section in each of the stat"P fi&es.
- <etails used ------------------------------------------------

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How to...

[Customizing DSpace, Version 1.4.2]

Use Ds/ace Statistics

!. 1n that section- %o( wi&& &ike&% need to modif% an% varia$&e which specifies the f(&& path of a director% or fi&e &ocation (these paths wi&& a&& start with /dspace/ $% defa(&t). 1n partic(&ar keep an e%e o(t for these varia$&es.

Odsrun 6 the f(&& path of the [dspace])$in)dsr(n script Oin_directory 6 the f(&& path of the inp(t director% (for stat"report"P scripts) Oout_directory 6 the f(&& path of the statistica& reports o(tp(t director%. This m(st correspond to the director% &isted in the report.dir option in

%o(r dspace.cfg (see a$ove)E

To keep things simp&e- %o( ma% wish to specif% that $oth the Oin_directory and Oout_directory $e the same &ocation (e.g. [dspace])reports)). >o( ma% a&so wish to modif% the Ostart_year and Ostart_month varia$&es in stat-initial and stat-report-initial. These sho(&d correspond to the %ear and month which %o( wish to start tracking statistics from.

#. Make s(re %o( (pdated e'ery one of the stat"P scriptsE ThereLs siB of them tota&. stat-$eneral- stat-initial- stat-monthly- stat-report-$eneral- statreport-initial- stat-report-monthly G. >o( wi&& first need to r(n the initia&i0ation script to gather data a$o(t a&& of the past months ($ack to the month and %ear specified in Ostart_month and Ostart_year). This script on&% needs to $e r(n once- tho(gh %o( can rer(n it if %o( needed to (in which case it wo(&d overwrite its past res(&ts). 1ts o(tp(t is a set of historic data fi&es which can $e (sed $% stat-report-initial to generate historic <TM, reports.

D Space H ow-To Guide

($ote% ?or 2indows- %o( ma% need to r(n perl [dspace]/bin/stat-initial) K. NeBt- generate a series of month&% reports for a&& of this past data $% r(nning the corresponding stat"report"P script. 'gain- this script on&% needs to $e r(n oncetho(gh %o( can rer(n it as needed. 1ts o(tp(t is historic month&% <TM, reports.

($ote% ?or 2indows- perl [dspace]/bin/stat-report-initial)

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How to...

[Customizing DSpace, Version 1.4.2]

Use DS/ace Statistics

1 . The other fo(r scripts sho(&d $e r(n at &east on a month&% $asis- tho(gh %o( ma% even want to sched(&e them to r(n on a night&% $asis in order to keep %o(r statistics (p"to"date at a&& times. These scripts wi&& generate a report $ased on the activities this c(rrent month (stat-monthly and stat-report-monthly) and a genera& report aggregating a&& activities in the histor% of the repositor% (stat$eneral and stat-report-$eneral). 's in the eBamp&es a$ove- the statreport-* scripts sho(&d a&wa%s $e sched(&ed to r(n after their corresponding stat-* script. 11. ?or ,in(B or Mac OSC- %o( can sched(&e the scripts to r(n $% adding a cron entr% simi&ar to the fo&&owing to the cronta$ for the (ser who insta&&ed DSpace.
3G G * * * [dspace]/bin/stat-monthly 31 G * * * [dspace]/bin/stat-$eneral 3G 1 * * * [dspace]/bin/stat-report-monthly 31 1 * * * [dspace]/bin/stat-report-$eneral

D Space H ow-To Guide

(The a$ove cron entr% wo(&d sched(&e these scripts to r(n night&%. statmonthly and stat-$eneral wo(&d $e sched(&ed for 12.+ am and 12.+Iam respective&%. 2hi&e their corresponding report scripts wo(&d r(n at 1.+ am and 1.+Iam respective&%. $ote% >ou &ould need to chan(e [dspace] to the full path of your DSpace installation directory.) 12. ?or 2indows- %o( sho(&d (se 2indows Sched(&ed Tasks to sched(&e those same commands at an appropriate time of da%. 7(st remem$er to sched(&e stat-monthly and stat-$eneral to r(n $efore their corresponding report scripts (simi&ar to the ,in(B)Mac OSC eBamp&e a$ove). 1n addition- %o( ma% need to ca&& /er& eBp&icit&% (e.g. perl stat-monthly) 1+. 'fter r(nning a&& statistics scripts- %o(r DSpace siteLs statistica& reports wi&& $e avai&a$&e immediate&% at http#//&eb-address-to-my-dspace/statistics

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How to...

[Customizing DSpace, Version 1.4.2]

Use t0e OAI7PM8 interface


http#//&eb-address-to-my-dspace/dspace-oai (72I-P

? base U3")

1. 2henever %o( re$(i&d DSpace (see Rebuild DSpace)- the O'1"/M< (http.)) interface is a(tomatica&&% re$(i&t into the dspace"oai.war. 1n order to ena$&e the O'1"/M< interface- %o( A(st need to cop% this dspace"oai.war fi&e into %o(r [#omcat])we$apps) director%. (1t &ike&% wi&& a&read% $e there if %o( fo&&owed the insta&&ation directions comp&ete&%). 2. 1f %o(Lve never (sed O'1"/M< $efore- there is a 5eginnerLs T(toria& from the Open 'rchives ?or(m avai&a$&e at. http.))www.oafor( +. <ereLs a few $asic O'1"/M< 9ver$s: (i.e. commands) %o( ma% wish to fami&iari0e %o(rse&f with (all e+ample DSpace U3"s should be on a sin(le line).

1dentif% 6 (sed to retrieve information a$o(t a repositor%


D Space H ow-To Guide

,istMetadata?ormats 6 &ists metadata formats s(pported for O'1"/M<


,ist;ecords 6 permits metadata harvesting of a&& or a se&ection of items


,istSets 6 &ists the 9sets: (i.e. DSpace *o&&ections) avai&a$&e in a repositor%

http#//web-address-to-my-dspace/dspaceoai/re4uest7*erb=,ist ets

4. >o( ma% wish to register %o(r 5ase M;, (see 9iles &ist a$ove) in the fo&&owing &ocations- so that others ma% harvest %o(r metadata and &ink $ack to %o(r site.

DSpace O'1 ,isting. http.)) O'1"/M< Data /rovider ;egistr%. http.)) Director% of Open 'ccess ;epositories. http.)) ;egistr% of Open 'ccess ;epositories. http.)) O'1ster. http.))

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How to...

[Customizing DSpace, Version 1.4.2]

Confi.ure SS feeds

http#//&eb-address-to-my-dspace/dspace-oai (72I-P

? base U3")

1. '&& ;SS feed options are avai&a$&e in dspace.cfg (nder the section with the fo&&owing heading.
---yndication .eed ettin$s ------

2. To ena$&e ;SS feeds for new)(pdated items in %o(r DSpace insta&&ation- %o( need to set the fo&&owing varia$&e to true.
webui."eed.enable = "alse

+. >o( can modif% the maBim(m n(m$er of items to disp&a% in %o(r ;SS feed.
webui."eed.items = 0

4. To he&p with performance- %o( can chose the n(m$er of feeds to cache (si=e) as we&& as the n(m$er of ho(rs to cache a feed (a$e).

D Space H ow-To Guide

webui." = 1GG webui."eed.cache.a$e = 0K

I. >o( can a&so chose the ;SS formats %o( wo(&d &ike to offer a feed in. 1tLs recommended to chose either ;SS 1. or ;SS 2. (or $oth).
webui."eed."ormats = rss_1.GArss_2.G

!. >o( need to decide if %o( want %o(r ;SS feed(s) to refer to items via their hand&e (e.g. http.))hd&.hand&!#GK)1) or via %o(r &oca& DSpace M;,. 5% defa(&t- the ;SS feed contains an itemLs hand&e (specified as "alse $e&ow). 5(t%o( can change it to reference %o(r &oca& DSpace M;, $% setting it to true
webui."eed.localresol*e = "alse

#. >o( can a&so c(stomi0e eBact&% which metadata fie&ds %o(r ;SS feed wi&& disp&a% for a&& items. The information a$o(t an item in ;SS genera&&% consists of a #itle- a Date and a Description. >o( can map the #itle and Date (sing the fo&&owing two options.
webui."eed.item.title = dc.title webui." =

Rach of these options on&% accepts a sing&e metadata fie&d. '&tho(gh- %o( can specif% an asterisk (*) as a 3(a&ifier- to inc&(de a&& 3(a&ified fie&ds (so dc.title.* wo(&d inc&(de dc.title- dc.title.alternati*e- etc.)
2 !"2 # $% a&& '(thors)*ontri$(tors &isted This work is &icensed (nder *reative *ommons 'ttri$(tion"Noncommercia&"Share '&ike +. ,icense. +K

How to...

[Customizing DSpace, Version 1.4.2]

Confi.ure SS feeds
G. ?or the ;SS Description- %o( can act(a&&% specif% a &ist of fie&ds (a&& of which wi&& $e disp&a%ed as part of the description of an item). The format is the same as mentioned for the ;SS #itle and Date a$ove- $(t now %o( can provide m(&tip&e fie&ds separated $% commas. (3* * 8*3% if %o( eBpand this option across m(&tip&e &ines- %o( m(st inc&(de a $acks&ash (8) at the end of each contin(ed &ine- as in the eBamp&e $e&ow)
webui."eed.item.description = dc.titleA 8 dc.contributor.authorA dc.contributor.editorA 8 dc.description.abstractA dc.description

K. Once %o(Lve specified a&& of %o(r feed options- %o( m(st restart Tomcat (See 5uick 3estart in Rebuild DSpace) for the changes to take effect. 1 . >o( sho(&d see one or more ;SS feed $(ttons (simi&ar to $e&ow) appear on %o(r DSpace homepage- as we&& as each *omm(nit% and *o&&ection homepage. *&icking on one of these $(ttons wi&& provide %o( with a feed of recent s($missions at either the site &eve& (on DSpace homepage) or at a *omm(nit% or *o&&ection &eve&.

D Space H ow-To Guide

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How to...

[Customizing DSpace, Version 1.4.2]

Confi.ure c0ec)su, c0ec)er


[dspace])$in)checker [dspace])config)dspace.cfg

1. DSpace now comes with a *hecks(m *hecker script ([dspace])$in)checker) which can $e sched(&ed to verif% the checks(m of ever% item within DSpace. Since DSpace ca&c(&ates and records the checks(m of ever% fi&e s($mitted to itthis script is a$&e to determine whether or not a fi&e has $een changed (either man(a&&% or $% some sort of corr(ption or vir(s). The idea $eing that the ear&ier %o( can identif% a fi&e has changed- the more &ike&% %o(Ld $e a$&e to recover it (ass(ming it was not a wanted change). 2. There are severa& config(ration options for the *hecks(m *hecker which appear in the fo&&owing section of dspace.cfg.
---- Checksum Checker ettin$s ----

+. The options %o( sho(&d most pa% attention to are those regarding the checks(m retention histor% (shown $e&ow). These two options specif% how &ong a sing&e checks(m verification action is kept within %o(r DSpace data$ase. More information on each fo&&ows.
- check history retention"ault=1Gy checker.retention.CBECS L?_?;'CB=Kw

D Space H ow-To Guide

The checker.retention.CBECS L?_?;'CB option specifies the timeframe after which a s(ccessf(& 9match: wi&& $e removed from %o(r DSpace data$ase (defa(&ts to G weeks). This means that after G weeks- a&& s(ccessf(& matches are a(tomatica&&% de&eted from %o(r data$ase (in order to keep that data$ase ta$&e from growing too &arge). The"ault option specifies the defa(&t timeframe after which all checks(m checks are removed from the data$ase (defa(&ts to 1 %ears). This means that after 1 %ears- a&& s(ccessf(& or (ns(ccessf(& matches are removed from the data$ase. >o( can specif% an% timeframe for either of these options. Na&id timeframes inc&(de. seconds (s)- min(tes (m)- ho(rs (h)- da%s (d)- weeks (w)- %ears (y) /&ease note- these retention settings are on&% (sed if %o( specif% the -p option for the checker (see $e&ow). Otherwise- the% are ignoredE

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How to...

[Customizing DSpace, Version 1.4.2]

Confi.ure c0ec)su, c0ec)er

4. 1f %o( changed an% option in the dspace.cfg- %o( wi&& need to restart Tomcat (See 5uick 3estart in Rebuild DSpace) for the changes to take affect. I. The *hecks(m *hecker script ([dspace])$in)checker) a&so has severa& command &ine options to $e aware of.

-c 1G S ,imited *o(nt Mode (-c). This &imits the check to on&% the neBt 1

$itstreams (the checker wi&& a&wa%s start where it &eft off). (3ecommended for lar(er repositories who ma% on&% want to check a portion of their repositor% each evening)

-d 2h S D(ration Mode (-d). This te&&s the checker to r(n for 2 ho(rs. The

same timeframes are avai&a$&e as mentioned a$ove for the dspace.cfg options. (3ecommended for lar(er repositories who ma% on&% want to check a portion of their repositor% each evening)

-b 111 112 S Specific 5itstreams Mode (-b). This te&&s the checker to on&%

&ook at the $itstreams with interna& 1Ds of 111 and 112.

-a 1230/12 S Specific <and&e Mode (-a). This te&&s the checker to on&%

check $itstreams within the 1tem)*o&&ection)*omm(nit% specified $% that hand&e.

D Space H ow-To Guide

-l S ,ooping Mode (-l or -,). ' &owercase , (-l) specifies to check ever%

$itstream in the repositor% once. (3ecommended for smaller repositories who are a$&e to &oop thro(gh a&& their content in A(st a few ho(rs maBim(m) 'n (ppercase , (-,) specifies to contin(o(s&% &oop thro(gh the repositor% (not recommended for most repositor% s%stems)

-p S Rna$&e pr(ning (-p). Te&&s the checker to act(a&&% remove o&d res(&ts

from the data$ase $ased on the retention settings specified within dspace.cfg. 1ithout this option6 the retention settin(s are i(nored and the database table may (ro& rather lar(e0 !. >o( sho(&d sched(&e the *hecks(m *hecker to r(n a(tomatica&&%- $ased on how fre3(ent&% %o( $ack(p %o(r DSpace instance (and how &ong %o( keep those $ack(ps aro(nd for). The si0e of %o(r repositor% is a&so a factor. ?or ver% &arge repositories- %o( ma% need to sched(&e it to r(n for an ho(r (e.g. -d 1h option) each evening to ens(re it makes it thro(gh %o(r entire repositor% within a week or so. Sma&&er repositories can &ike&% get $% with A(st r(nning it week&%.

?or ,in(B or Mac OSC- %o( can sched(&e it $% adding a cron entr% simi&ar to the fo&&owing to the cronta$ for the (ser who insta&&ed DSpace.
G 0 * * G [dspace]/bin/checker -d2h -p

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How to...

[Customizing DSpace, Version 1.4.2]

Confi.ure c0ec)su, c0ec)er

(The a$ove cron entr% wo(&d sched(&e the checker to r(n scripts to r(n ever% S(nda% at 4am for 2 ho(rs. 1t a&so specifies to 9pr(ne: the data$ase $ased on the retention settings in dspace.cfg. $ote% >ou &ould need to chan(e [dspace] to the full path of your DSpace installation directory.)

?or 2indows- %o( wi&& $e (na$&e to (se the checker she&& script. 1nstead%o( sho(&d (se 2indows Sched(&ed Tasks to sched(&e the fo&&owing command to r(n at the appropriate time(s).
[dspace]/bin/dsrun.bat or$ -d2h -p

(#he abo'e command should appear on a sin(le line.) #. Optiona&&%- %o( ma% choose to receive automated emails &isting the *hecks(m *heckersL res(&ts. There is no she&& script for this f(nctiona&it%- $(t itLs sti&& a rather eas% change. 7(st make s(re to sched(&e it to r(n after the checker has comp&eted its processing (otherwise the emai& ma% not contain a&& the res(&ts).

There are a few options %o( can specif% to this emai& script.

D Space H ow-To Guide

-a S send a&& res(&ts (ever%thing specified $e&ow) -d S on&% report on de&eted $itstreams -m S on&% report on missing $itstreams -c S on&% report on $itstreams whose checks(ms changed -u S on&% report on (n"checked $itstreams

>o( can a&so com$ine options (e.g. -m -c) for com$ined reports

?or ,in(B or Mac OSC- %o( can add another cron entr% simi&ar to the fo&&owing to the cronta$ for the (ser who insta&&ed DSpace.
G K * * G [dspace]/bin/dsrun or$.dspace.checker.<aily:eportEmailer -a

(The a$ove cron entr% wo(&d sched(&e the emai& to $e sent at Gam each S(nda%- reporting a&& the res(&ts. #he abo'e command should appear on a sin(le line.)

?or 2indows- %o( can (se the same genera& command. <owever- %o( o$vio(s&% sho(&d (se 2indows Sched(&ed Tasks to sched(&e it.
[dspace]/bin/dsrun.bat or$.dspace.checker.<aily:eportEmailer -a

(#he abo'e command should appear on a sin(le line.)

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How to...

[Customizing DSpace, Version 1.4.2]

Troubles0oot an error

DSpace &og fi&e. [dspace])&og)dspace.&og (usually) Tomcat &og director%. [#omcat])&ogs ((s(a&&%) [dspace-source])Asp)&oca&) Serv&et director%. [dspace-source])src)org)dspace)app)we$(i)serv&et


DSpace technica& ?'@. http#//wiki.dspace.or$/'echnical.a4 DSpace So(rceforge page. http#//source"or$ Search dspace"tech mai&ing &ist.

1. 1f the eBpected information simp&% never appears- &eaving a $&ank $rowser screen- the pro$&em is a&most certain&% with a serv&et. The error message sho(&d $e in either [dspace])&og)dspace.&og or [#omcat])&ogs) 2. 1f %o( get an 1nterna& Server Rrror- a 7S/ or some so(rce code co(&d $e the pro$&em. 1f %o(r emai& address is set (p in dspace.cfg as the DSpace administrator- check %o(r emai& for the error &isting. 1f not- ssh to the DSpace machine- cd to the &og director% and tail -1GG dspace.lo$.

D Space H ow-To Guide

(2indows) =o to the DSpace &og director%- and open dspace.&og in %o(r favorite teBt editor. ,ook near the $ottom for the error message.

+. Ms(a&&%- the c(&prit fi&e is in the first five to ten &ines of the error stack &isting. The error stack starts with a &ine simi&ar to.
yyyy-mm-dd time C;:+ ) yyyy-mm-dd time E::9: ) (O;)

4. Search the DSpace technica& ?'@ and the dspace"tech mai&ing &ist for information on the error. Te% words in the error often are (sef(& search terms. I. 1f a&& e&se fai&s- emai& a description of the error a&ong with the error stack &isting to dspace-techTlists.source"or$

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Custo,i-in. Mana)in, Version !"!

D Space H ow-To Guide

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How to...

[Customizing Manakin, Version 1.1]

ebuild Mana)in

[dspace-source] [manakin-source] [#omcat])we$apps) (Mac OS C Server. )&i$rar%)A$oss)+.2)dep&o%)

$ote% 75OSS comes pre"insta&&ed with Mac OS C server. <owever- for $oth sever and desktop editions Tomcat ma% $e (sed as with other p&atforms.

Quick "estart (Just restarts the &eb ser'er after confi(uration chan(es)
1. Stop Tomcat (123$I$4% this &ill brin( do&n the &ebsite)

(,in(B ) OS C ) So&aris) [#omcat]/bin/ (Mac OS C Server) Mse Server 'dmin to stop Tomcat (9'pp&ication Server:) (2indows) Mse Tomcat Service Monitor (in Notification 'rea) to stop Tomcat (,in(B ) OS C ) So&aris) [#omcat]/bin/ (Mac OS C Server) Mse Server 'dmin to start Tomcat (9'pp&ication Server:) (2indows) Mse Tomcat Service Monitor (in Notification 'rea) to start Tomcat

2. Start Tomcat

D Space H ow-To Guide

Quick Build< (5uick build after smaller chan(es)

1. ,ogon to the server DSpace ) Manakin is r(nning on (e.g. ssh). Make s(re to &ogin as the (ser who initia&&% insta&&ed DSpace ) ManakinE 2. Open a command prompt (if %o( don8t have one a&read%)- and cd [manakin-source] +. ant -<dspace=[manakin-source] build_wars (recompi&es a&& Manakin code and $(i&ds a new .war fi&e) 4. cp build/*.war [#omcat]/webapps/

(Mac OS C Server) cp build/*.war /library/jboss/3.2/deploy

I. Test changes in DSpace ) Manakin

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How to...

[Customizing Manakin, Version 1.1]

ebuild Mana)in
:continued; ,ull "efresh="ebuild< (-ompletely refresh all of
anakin) 1. ,ogon to the server DSpace ) Manakin is r(nning on (e.g. ssh). Make s(re to &ogin as the (ser who initia&&% insta&&ed DSpace ) ManakinE 2. Open a command prompt (if %o( don8t have one a&read%)- and cd [manakin-source] +. ant clean (removes o&d compi&ed code) 4. ant -<dspace=[dspace-source] build_wars (recompi&es a&& Manakin and $(i&ds a new fresh .war fi&e) I. Stop Tomcat (123$I$4% this &ill brin( do&n the &ebsite)

(,in(B ) OS C ) So&aris) [#omcat]/bin/ (Mac OS C Server) Mse Server 'dmin to stop Tomcat (9'pp&ication Server:) (2indows) Mse Tomcat Service Monitor (in Notification 'rea) to stop Tomcat

!. cp build/*.war [#omcat]/webapps/

D Space H ow-To Guide

(Mac OS C Server) cp build/*.war /library/jboss/3.2/deploy

#. (7ptional6 but recommended) *omp&ete&% remove an% manakin or dspace directories created in [Tomcat]/webapps ( /library/jboss/3.2/deploy for Mac OS C Server) " 8* -23*9U":you don;t &ant to remo'e the &ron( directory0

To force Tomcat to recompi&e ever%thing- %o( ma% a&so wish to remove an% manakin or dspace directories created in [Tomcat]/work/Catalina/localhost (,in(B ) OS C ) So&aris) [#omcat]/bin/ (Mac OS C Server) Mse Server 'dmin to start Tomcat (9'pp&ication Server:) (2indows) Mse Tomcat Service Monitor (in Notification 'rea) to start Tomcat

G. Start Tomcat

K. Test %o(r changes in DSpace ) Manakin

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How to...

[Customizing Manakin, Version 1.1]

Install a t0e,e

[ne&-theme-source] (This where the new themeLs so(rce code is) [manakin-source])themes)[theme-dir] themeLs so(rce) [dspace])config)Bm&(i.Bconf (This wi&& $e the new &ocation for the

1. 1f %o( are insta&&ing a $rand new theme that is not distri$(ted with Manakin then preform the fo&&owing operations- otherwise skip to the neBt step.
cp [new-theme-source] [manakin-source]/themes/[theme-dir]

2. Open ManakinLs config(ration fi&e- [dspace])config)Bm&(i.Bconf- scro&& to the $ottom and &ocate the !themes% e&ement. +. 'dd a new tag !theme% e&ement inside the !themes% e&ement as $e&ow.
!theme name=&?y new theme& path=&[theme-dir]&/%

4. 1f %o( wish to insta&& this theme onto a partic(&ar comm(nit% or co&&ection then modif% the new !theme% tag as.
!theme name=&?y new theme& handle=&123/1& path=&[themedir]&/%

D Space H ow-To Guide

I. 1f %o( wish to insta&& this theme as the default theme then modif% %o(r new !theme% tag (make sure this ta( is the last theme defined).
!theme name=&?y new theme& re$e(=&.*& path=&[theme-dir]&/%

!. ;estart Tomcat (See 5uick 3estart in Rebuild Mana!in)


Themes are eva&(ated in the order the% appear in the Bm&(i.Bconf fi&e. Th(s- if the defa(&t theme is defined $efore an% other themes then no other themes wi&& $e (sed.

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How to...

[Customizing Manakin, Version 1.1]

Create a ne1 t0e,e


[manakin-source] )themes)[theme-dir])sitemap.Bmap (The themeLs config(ration) [manakin-source] )themes)[theme-dir])st%&e.css (*SS st%&esheet) [manakin-source] )themes)[theme-dir])st%&e"ie.css (*SS st%&esheet for 1R)

1. ?irst determine a director% name for %o(r new theme inside the [manakin-source])themes) director%4 this name wi&& $e referenced as [theme-dir] in these instr(ctions. 2. 1nstead of starting %o(r new theme comp&ete&% from scratch- make a new cop% of the standard theme template in a new director%- [theme-dir] .

cd [manakin-source]/themes cp -: template [theme-dir]

I. NeBt c(stomi0e the themeLs sitemap $% specif%ing the themeLs director% and name. Open- [manakin-source])themes)[theme-dir])sitemap.Bmap- and edit the g&o$a& varia$&es shown $e&ow.
!map#component-con"i$urations% !$lobal-*ariables% !theme-path%[theme-dir]!/theme-path% !theme-name%[the name of your theme]!/theme-name% !/$lobal-*ariables% !/map#component-con"i$urations%

D Space H ow-To Guide

!. NeBt c(stomi0e the themeLs *SS st%&esheets- $% defa(&t there are two st%&e sheets (sed 6 a $ase version for a&& $rowsers and then a s(pp&ementa& version A(st for 1nternet eBp&orer. [manakin-source])themes)[theme-dir])st%&e.css [manakin-source])themes)[theme-dir])st%&e"ie.css #. /erform the steps in "nstall a theme G. /erform the steps in Rebuild Mana!in

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How to...

[Customizing Manakin, Version 1.1]

Custo,i-e 0eader or footer


[manakin-source])themes)[theme-dir])temp&ate.Bs& [manakin-source])themes)dri2Bhtm&)str(ct(ra&.Bs&

(The themeLs st%&esheet)

1. 1f %o( havenLt a&read%- %o( need to Create a new theme 2. To modif% the header- &ocate the temp&ate named 9$(i&d<eader: inside the str(ct(ra&.Bs&. *op% this temp&ate into %o(r themeLs &oca& temp&ate.Bs& and modif% the CS,T as needed.
!(sl#template name=2buildBeader2%


+. To modif% the footer- &ocate the temp&ate named 9$(i&d?ooter: inside the str(ct(ra&.Bs&. *op% this temp&ate into %o(r themeLs &oca& temp&ate.Bs& and modif% the CS,T as needed.
!(sl#template name=2build.ooter2%

D Space H ow-To Guide


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How to...

[Customizing Manakin, Version 1.1]

Modif5 ite, ,etadata dis/la5



(The themeLs st%&esheet)

[manakin-source])themes)dri2Bhtm&)DS"MRTS"1. "D1M.Bs& (D1M metadata hand&er)

1. 1f %o( havenLt a&read%- %o( need to Create a new theme 2. ,ocate the temp&ate named 9itemS(mmar%NiewUDS"MRTS"1. "D1M: inside the $ase D1M (DSpace 1ntermediate Metadata) hand&er. This is the temp&ate that is (sed to disp&a% an item when viewing it direct&% (another temp&ate is ca&&ed when the (ser c&icks show f(&& item record).
!(sl#template name=2item ummaryNiew_< -?E' -1.G-</?2%


+. *op% the temp&ate identified a$ove into %o(r themeLs &oca& temp&ate.Bs& st%&esheet. This wi&& a&&ow the theme to override the defa(&t $ehavior. 4. To modif% the copied temp&ate to add a new D($&in *ore fie&d- add the fo&&owing ta$&e row inside the !table class=2ds-include et-table2% e&ement in the desired position. <ere is an eBamp&e.
!tr class=2ds-table-row2% !td%!span class=2bold2%[>our label]#!/span%!/td% !td% !(sl#copy-o" select=2 Odata/dim#"ieldUTelement=I[ dc element]I and T4uali"ier=I[dc /ualifier]IV/child##node562 /% !/td% !/tr%

D Space H ow-To Guide

I. To modif% the copied temp&ate to remove a D($&in *ore fie&d- remove the (or comment o(t) the ta$&e row- !tr%- containing the (nwanted fie&d.


1f the d($&in core fie&d %o( are adding does not have a 3(a&ifier- s(ch as dc.t%pethen rep&ace 9T4uali"ier=I[dc /ualifier]I: with 9not5T4uali"ier6: so that the r(&e does not match fie&ds with a 3(a&ifier.
2 !"2 # $% a&& '(thors)*ontri$(tors &isted This work is &icensed (nder *reative *ommons 'ttri$(tion"Noncommercia&"Share '&ike +. ,icense. I1

How to...

[Customizing Manakin, Version 1.1]

Add logos to an item's display



(The themeLs st%&esheet)

[manakin-source])themes)dri2Bhtm&)DS"MRTS"1. "D1M.Bs& (D1M metadata hand&er)

1. 1f %o( havenLt a&read%- %o( need to Create a new theme 2. ,ocate the temp&ate named 9itemS(mmar%,istUDS"MRTS"1. "D1M: inside the $ase D1M (DSpace 1ntermediate Metadata) hand&er. This is the temp&ate that is (sed to disp&a% an individ(a& item with in a &arger &ist- as on the $rowse $% page and search res(&ts.
!(sl#template name=2item ummary,ist_< -?E' -1.G-</?2%


+. *op% the temp&ate identified a$ove into %o(r themeLs &oca& temp&ate.Bs& st%&esheet. This wi&& a&&ow the theme to override the defa(&t $ehavior. 4. Modif% the temp&ate to add an !im$% e&ement for the &ogo. The image (sed wi&& $e $ased (pon a D($&in *ore fie&d- in the eBamp&e $e&ow dc.type is (sed.
!im$ class=&item-lo$o&% !(sl#choose% !(sl#when test=2@dataAdim%field[BelementCDtypeD]CDima(eD2% !(sl#attribute name=2src2% !(sl#*alue-o" select=2Otheme-path2/% !(sl#te(t%Aima(esAima(e.=p(!/(sl#te(t% !/(sl#attribute% !/(sl#when%

D Space H ow-To Guide

... add other icon cases ...

!(sl#otherwise% !(sl#attribute name=2src2% !(sl#*alue-o" select=2Otheme-path2/% !(sl#te(t%Aima(esAunkno&n.=p(!/(sl#te(t% !/(sl#attribute% !/(sl#otherwise% !/(sl#choose% !/im$%
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How to...

[Customizing Manakin, Version 1.1]

Add te+t to a /a.e 9i!:n;



(Rng&ish i1Gn cata&og(e)

[manakin-source])config)i1Gn)messages[lan(ua(e E locale].Bm& (non"Rng&ish i1Gn cata&og(es)

1. Open the themeLs CS, temp&ate and modif% the re&evant temp&ates (i.e. the header or footer temp&ates) adding an !i1Kn#te(t% e&ement where %o( wo(&d &ike the new teBt to appear. Make s(re the va&(e of the ke% is (ni3(e- for eBamp&e.
!i1Kn#te(t% (mlui.yourtheme.mynewkey !/i1Kn#te(t%

2. Open the messages cata&og(e- config)i1Gn)messages.Bm&- and for neatness find the ke% va&(es for that $egin with the common prefiB of %o(r new ke%. 'dd a new &ine corresponding to %o(r new ke%.
!messa$e key=2(mlui.yourtheme.mynewkey2% 'e(t o" my new keyW !/messa$e%

D Space H ow-To Guide

+. /erform the steps in Rebuild Mana!in.


i1Gn S internationa&i0ation >o( can- of co(rse- simp&% add the teBt direct&% into the CS,- $(t %o( wi&& find it easier to trans&ate the teBt into other &ang(ages if %o( (se the i1Gn cata&og(e. ;emem$er- when adding or modif%ing teBt in the messages.Bm& cata&og(es $e ver% caref(& to (se CM, escaping r(&es- s(ch as.
R & I ! %

$ecomes $ecomes $ecomes $ecomes $ecomes

RampX R4uoteX RaposX RltX R$tX

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How to...

[Customizing Manakin, Version 1.1]

Install an As/ect


(This where the new 'spectLs so(rce code is)

[manakin-source])aspects)[aspect-dir] (This wi&& $e the new &ocation for the 'spectLs so(rce) [dspace])config)Bm&(i.Bconf

1. 1f %o( are insta&&ing a $rand new 'spect that is not distri$(ted with Manakin then preform the fo&&owing operations- otherwise skip to the neBt step.
cp [new-aspect-source] [manakin-source]/aspects/[aspectdir]

(the abo'e copy command should be on a sin(le line) 2. Open ManakinLs config(ration fi&e- [dspace])config)Bm&(i.Bconf- scro&& to the $ottom and &ocate the !aspects% e&ement. +. 'dd a new !aspect% e&ement inside the !aspects% e&ement as $e&ow.
!aspect name=2?y new ;spect2 path=2[aspect-dir]/2/%

D Space H ow-To Guide

4. ;estart Tomcat (See 5uick 3estart in Rebuild Mana!in)

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How to...

[Customizing Manakin, Version 1.1]

Troubles0oot an error

DSpace &og fi&e. [dspace])&og)dspace.&og (usually) Tomcat &og director%. [#omcat])&ogs (usually) *ocoon &ogs. [tomcat])we$apps)[&ebapp])2R5"1N?)&ogs)(need to $e t(rned on)


Manakin we$site. http#// Search dspace"manakin mai&ing &ist.


1. 1f the eBpected information simp&% never appears- &eaving a $&ank $rowser screen- then the pro$&em is &ike&% with TomcatLs config(ration. The error message sho(&d $e in [#omcat])&ogs) 2. 1f %o( receive an 91nva&id *ontin(ation 1D: error it means that %o(Lve restarted %o(r Tomcat server and tr% to res(me %o(r session with the server. ;e"&ogin to DSpace ) Manakin +. 1f %o( need more &ogging information %o( can t(rn on *ocoonLs &ogging- edit the &ogkit.Bconf fi&e. *hange the sitemapLs &og"&eve& to DR5M= as shown $e&ow.
!cate$ory name=2sitemap2 lo$-le*el=2<E>LF2%

D Space H ow-To Guide

4. 1f a&& e&se fai&s- emai& a description of the error a&ong with the error stack &isting to dspace-manakinTlists.source"or$

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