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Collcc ol Lduca|ion

Mcmorial Hall `104C

MSC 6909
`95 Sou|h Hih S|rcc|
Harrisonbur, Virinia 22807
(540i 568-4950
To Vhom This Lc||cr Mav Conccrn:

A lc||cr canno| cap|urc |hc dcp|h ol knowlcdc or |hc cxpcr| skill sc| |ha| Rcbccca O`Ncill posscsscs and will brin |o vour school
svs|cm. I| is wi|h |hc rca|cs| plcasurc |ha| I submi| |his lc||cr ol rccommcnda|ion lor Rcbccca O`Ncill. I havc had |hc privilcc ol workin
wi|h Rcbccca as a s|udcn| a| Jamcs Madison Inivcrsi|v in hcr |cachcr prcpara|ion courscs in |hc Llcmcn|arv Lduca|ion Proram.
Spccilicallv, Rcbccca was a s|udcn| in |hc clcmcn|arv scicncc mc|hods coursc, LLLD 4`2: Childrcn and Scicncc. As a s|udcn| in mv class
and |hc ovcrall clcmcn|arv cduca|ion proram, Rcbccca has consis|cn|lv dcmons|ra|cd bo|h supcrior acadcmic and pcrsonal skills |ha| will
allow hcr |o con|inuc |o cxpcricncc succcss as a classroom |cachcr. In addi|ion |o bcin an alrcadv hihlv-qualilicd |cachcr, Rcbccca is an
cxccllcn| pcrson |ha| will scrvc as |hc quin|csscn|ial rolc modcl lor |hc voun minds shc cnacs on a dailv basis.
Rcbccca`s pcrlormancc in hcr work a| Jamcs Madison Inivcrsi|v is ou|s|andin. Thc quali|v ol hcr work in uni| and lcsson
plannin is cxccp|ional and dcmons|ra|cs a comprchcnsivc undcrs|andin ol s|udcn| lcarnin and undcrs|andin. Ol paramoun|
impor|ancc in |odav`s classrooms is |hc abili|v |o dcsin ins|ruc|ion lor a divcrsc popula|ion ol s|udcn|s. Rcbccca has clcarlv dcmons|ra|cd
|ha| shc can adus| ins|ruc|ion lor various lcvcls ol rcadincss, in|crcs|, and lcarnin prclcrcnccs across all con|cn|, lcarnin proccsscs, and
produc|s. Hcr abili|v |o cnac s|udcn|s cmo|ionallv, bchaviorallv, and coni|ivclv dcmons|ra|cs hcr wcll-cral|cd pcdaoical con|cn|
knowlcdc. Vha| scpara|cs Rcbccca lrom almos| all ol hcr classma|cs is hcr abili|v |o sclcc| and implcmcn| cvidcncc-bascd prac|iccs |ha|
alin wi|h corc con|cn|. As par| ol hcr courscwork and mul|iplc clinical |cachin cxpcricnccs in radcs K - 5, Rcbccca has cxcccdcd
cxpcc|a|ions in dcvclopin and implcmcn|in cnain, cllcc|ivc lcssons in li|cracv, scicncc, ma|hcma|ics, and social s|udics lor
hc|crocncous roups ol spccial and rcular cduca|ion s|udcn|s; dcsinin and implcmcn|in in|crac|ivc, hands on lcssons |hrouh
|cchnolov and crca|ivc ar|s |o los|cr s|udcn| cnacmcn| and lcarnin; and a||cndin parcn| |cachcr conlcrcnccs, lacul|v mcc|ins, radc
lcvcl |cam mcc|ins, ILP mcc|ins, |cachcr workdavs, as wcll as |cachcr dcvclopmcn| davs and workshops.
Rcbccca s|rivcs lor cxccllcncc. Hcr abili|v |o |hink cri|icallv abou| hcr |cachin and s|udcn| lcarnin cxudcs |hc csscn|ial
charac|cris|ics ol rcllcc|ivc prac|icc. Rcbccca is a mas|cr a| |akin lccdback and incorpora|in |ha| lccdback in|o hcr ncx| ins|ruc|ional
|imc. Iur|hcrmorc, hcr na|ural par|icipa|ion in |his lccdback loop |ransla|cs in|o |hc in|cn|ional usc ol chccks lor undcrs|andin, lorma|ivc
cvalua|ion, and asscssmcn| lor lcarnin in hcr prolcssional prac|icc.
Hcr work ou|sidc ol |hc classroom includin Camp Discovcrv, Junior Achicvcmcn| ol Ncw Jcrscv, and |hc Spccial Olvmpics
lur|hcr hihlih|s hcr dcdica|ion |o workin wi|h childrcn.
Rcbccca has cxccllcn| pcoplc skills. Hcr manc|ic pcrsonali|v brih|cns anv room. This disposi|ion will los|cr and nur|urc
succcsslul rcla|ionships wi|h s|udcn|s, parcn|s, and collcaucs. A| Jamcs Madison Inivcrsi|v, lcllow s|udcn|s look |o hcr as a rolc modcl
and shc posscsscs compassion and conccrn lor hcr pccrs |ha| is admirablc and rclrcshin. Rcbccca`s sinccri|v, compassion, and in|cllcc|
lucl hcr drivc |o bc||cr hcrscll and communi|v.
As a currcn| lacul|v mcmbcr in a Collcc ol Lduca|ion, I am awarc ol |hc cxpcc|a|ions ol |hc |cachin prolcssion and |hc csscn|ial
quali|ics lor succcsslul |cachin. I bclicvc |ha| Rcbccca posscsscs |hc ncccssarv skills |o bc a mas|cr |cachcr. Iur|hcrmorc, I am awarc ol
|hc |vpc ol s|udcn| |ha| makcs |hc maximum con|ribu|ion |o and rcccivcs |hc maximum bcncli| lrom oppor|uni|ics. Rcbccca is |ha| |vpc
ol s|udcn|. I ol|cn asscss s|udcn| |cachcrs bv imainin mv dauh|cr, Tcssa, in |hcir classrooms. I would bc vcrv cxci|cd and |hrillcd lor
mv child |o havc Rcbccca as hcr |cachcr. Simplv pu|, shc is onc ol |hc bcs| Jamcs Madison has |o ollcr! I| is wi|h absolu|clv no rcscrva|ions
|ha| I rccommcnd Rcbccca O`Ncill lor a |cachin posi|ion in vour school division.


John Almarodc, Ph.D.
Assis|an| Prolcssor ol Lduca|ion

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