The Laws of Ælfred & Ine

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ryhten ws sprecende as word to Moyse 7 us cw: Ic eom dryhten in God. Ic e utgeldde of

Egipta londe 7 of hiora eowdome. Ne lufa u ore fremde godas ofer me. Ne minne noman ne cig u on idelnesse; foron e u ne bist unscyldig wi me, gif u on idelnesse cigst minne noman. Gemyne t u gehalgige one rstedg; wyrcea eow .vi. dagas 7 on am siofoan resta eow: foram on .vi. dagum Crist geworhte heofonas 7 eoran, ss 7 ealle gesceafta e on him sint, 7 hine gereste on one siofoan dg, 7 foron Dryhten hine gehalgode. Ara inum fder 7 inre medder, a e Dryhten sealde, t u sie y leng libbende on eoran. Ne sleah u. Ne lige u dearnenga. Ne stala u. Ne sge u lease gewitnesse. Ne wilna u ines nehstan ierfes mid unryhte. Ne wyrc e gyldne godas oe sylfrene. is sint a domas e u him settan scealt: Gif hwa gebycgge cristenne eow, .vi. gear eowige he; y siofoan beo he frioh orceapunga; mid swelce hrgle he ineode, mid swelce gange he ut. Gif he wif self hbbe, gange hio ut mid him. Gif se hlaford him onne wif sealde, sie hio 7 hire bearn s hlafordes. Gif se eowa onne cwee: Nelle ic from minum hlaforde ne from minum wife, ne from minum bearne ne from minum ierfe, brenge hine onne his hlaford to re dura s temples 7 urhyrlige his eare mid le, to tacne t he sie fre sian eow. eah hwa gebycgge his dohtor on eowenne, ne sie hio ealles swa eowu swa oru mennenu: nage he hie ut on eleodig folc to bebycgganne. Ac gif he hire ne recce, se e hie bohte, lte hie freo on eleodig folc. Gif he onne alefe his suna mid to hmanne, do hiere gyfta: locige t hio hbbe hrgl; 7 t weor sie hiere mghades, t is se weotuma, agife he hire one. Gif he hire ara nan ne do, onne sie hio frioh. Se mon se e his gewealdes monnan ofslea, swelte se deae. Se e hine onne nedes ofsloge oe unwillum oe ungewealdes, swelce hine God swa sende on his honda, 7 he hine ne ymbsyrede, sie he feores wyre 7 folcryhtre bote, gif he fristowe gesece. Gif hwa onne of giernesse 7 gewealdes ofslea his one nehstan urh searwa, aluc u hine from minum weofode, to am t he deae swelte. Se e slea his fder oe his modor, se sceal deae sweltan. Se e frione forstele 7 he hine bebycgge, 7 hit onbestled sie, t he hine bereccean ne mge, swelte se deae. Se e werge his fder oe his modor, swelte se deae. Gif hwa slea his one nehstan mid stane oe mid fyste, 7 he eah utgongan mge bi stafe, begite him lce 7 wyrce his weorc a hwile e he self ne mge. Se e slea his agenne eowne esne oe his mennen, 7 he ne sie idges dead, eah he libbe twa niht oe reo, ne bi he ealles swa scyldig, foron e hit ws his agen fioh. Gif he onne sie idges dead, onne sitte sio scyld on him. Gif hwa on cease eacniende wif gewerde, bete one werdlan, swa him domeras gereccen. Gif hio dead sie, selle sawle wi sawle. Gif hwa orum his eage odo, selle his agen fore: to fore te, honda wi honda, fet fore fet, brning for brninge, wund wi wunde, ll wi lle. Gif hwa aslea his eowe oe his eowenne t eage ut 7 he onne hie gedo anigge gefreoge hie for on. Gif he onne one to ofaslea, do t ilce. Gif oxa ofhnite wer oe wif, t hie dead sien, sie he mid stanum ofworpod, 7 ne sie his flsc eten; se hlaford bi unscyldig. Gif se oxa hnitol wre twam dagum r oe rim, 7 se hlaford hit wisse 7 hine inne betynan nolde, 7 he onne wer oe wif ofsloge, sie he mid stanum ofworpod, 7 sie se hlaford ofslegen oe forgolden, swa t witan to ryhte finden. Sunu oe dohtor gif he ofstinge, s ilcan domes sie he wyre. Gif he onne eow oe eowmennen ofstinge, geselle am hlaforde .xxx. scillinga seolfres, 7 se oxa mid stanum ofworpod. Gif hwa adelfe wterpyt oe betynedne ontyne 7 hine eft ne betyne, gelde swelc neat swelc r on befealle, 7 hbbe him t deade. Gif oxa ores monnes oxan gewundige, 7 he onne dead sie, bebycggen one oxan 7 hbben him t weor gemne 7 eac t flsc swa s deadan. Gif se hlaford onne wisse, t se oxa hnitol wre, 7 hine healdan nolde, selle him oerne oxan fore 7 hbbe him eall t flsc. Gif hwa forstele ores oxan 7 hine ofslea oe bebycgge, selle twegen wi 7 feower sceap wi anum. Gif he nbbe hwt he selle, sie he self beboht wi am fio. Gif eof brece mannes hus nihtes 7 he weore r ofslegen, ne sie he na mansleges scyldig. Gif he sian fter sunnan upgonge is de, he bi mansleges scyldig 7 he onne self swelte, buton he nieddda wre. Gif mid him cwicum sie funden t he r stl, be twyfealdum forgielde hit. Gif hwa gewerde ores monnes wingeard oe his cras oe his landes awuht, gebete swa hit mon geeahtige. Gif fyr sie

ontended ryt to brnanne, gebete one fwerdelsan se t fyr ontent. Gif hwa ofste his friend fioh, gif he hit self stle, forgylde be twyfealdum. Gif he nyte, hwa hit stle, geladige hine selfne, t he r nan facn ne gefremede. Gif hit onne cucu feoh wre, 7 he secgge, t hit here name oe hit self acwle, 7 gewitnesse hbbe, ne earf he t geldan. Gif he onne gewitnesse nbbe, 7 he him ne getriewe, swerige he onne. Gif hwa fmnan beswice unbeweddode 7 hire midslpo, forgielde hie 7 hbbe hi sian him to wife. Gif re fmnan fder hie onne sellan nelle, agife he t feoh fter am weotuman. a fmnan e gewunia onfon gealdorcrftigan 7 scinlcan 7 wiccan, ne lt u a libban. 7 se e hme mid netene, swelte he deae. 7 se e godgeldum onsecge ofer God anne, swelte se deae. Utan cumene 7 eleodige ne geswenc u no, foron e ge wron giu eleodige on Egipta londe. a wuduwan 7 a stiopcild ne scea ge, ne hie nawer deria. Gif ge onne elles do, hie cleopia to me, 7 ic gehiere hie 7 ic eow onne slea mid minum sweorde 7 ic gedo, t eowru wif beo wydewan 7 eowru bearn beo steopcild. Gif u fioh to borge selle inum geferan, e mid e eardian wille, ne niede u hine swa swa niedling 7 ne gehene u hine mid y eacan. Gif mon nbbe buton anfeald hrgl hine mid to wreonne 7 to werianne, 7 he hit to wedde selle, r sunnan setlgonge sie hit agifen. Gif u swa ne dest, onne cleopa he to me, 7 ic hine gehiere, foron e ic eom swie mildheort. Ne tl u inne Dryhten, ne one hlaford s folces ne werge u. ine teoan sceattas 7 ine frumripan gongendes 7 weaxendes agif u Gode. Eal t flsc t wildeor lfen ne eten ge t, ac sella hit hundum. Leases monnes word ne rec u no s to gehieranne, ne his domas ne geafa u, ne nane gewitnesse fter him ne saga u. Ne wend u e no on s folces unrd 7 unryht gewill on hiora sprce 7 geclysp ofer in ryht, 7 s unwisestan lare ne him ne geafa. Gif e becume ores mannes giemeleas fioh on hond eah hit sie in feond, gecye hit him. Dem u swie emne. Ne dem u oerne dom am welegan, oerne am earman; ne oerne am liofran 7 oerne am laran ne dem u. Onscuna u a leasunga. Sofstne man 7 unscyldigne ne acwele u one nfre. Ne onfoh u nfre medsceattum, foron hie ablenda ful oft wisra monna geoht 7 hiora word onwenda. am eleodegan 7 utan cumenan ne lt u no unculice wi hine, ne mid nanum unryhtum u hine ne drece. Ne swergen ge nfre under hne godas, ne on nanum ingum ne cleopien ge to him. is sindan a domas e se lmihtega God self sprecende ws to Moyse 7 him bebead to healdanne. 7 sian se ancenneda Dryhtnes sunu, ure God, t is hlend Crist, on middangeard cwom, he cw, t he ne come no as bebodu to brecanne ne to forbeodanne, ac mid eallum godum to ecanne; 7 mildheortnesse 7 eamodnesse he lrde. a fter his rowunge, r am e his apostolas tofarene wron geond ealle eoran to lranne, 7 a giet a hie tgdere wron, monega hena eoda hie to Gode gecerdon. a hie ealle tsomne wron, hie sendan rendwrecan to Antiohhia 7 to Syrie, Cristes to lranne. a hie a ongeaton, t him ne speow, a sendon hie rendgewrit to him. is is onne t rendgewrit e a apostolas sendon ealle to Antiohhia 7 to Syria 7 to cilicia, a sint nu of henum eodum to Criste gecirde. a apostolas 7 a eldran broor hlo eow wysca; 7 we eow cya, t we geascodon, t ure geferan sume mid urum wordum to eow comon 7 eow hefigran wisan budon to healdanne onne we him budon, 7 eow to swie gedwealdon mid am mannigfealdum gebodum, 7 eowra sawla ma forhwerfdon onne hie geryhton. a gesomnodon we us ymb t, 7 us eallum gelicode a, t we sendon Paulus 7 Barnaban; a men wilnia hiora sawla sellan for Dryhtnes naman. Mid him we sendon Iudam 7 Silam, t eow t ilce seccgen. m halgan Gaste ws geuht 7 us, t we nane byrenne on eow settan noldon ofer t e eow nedearf ws to healdanne: t is onne, t ge forberen, t ge deofolgeld ne weorien, ne blod ne icggen ne asmorod, 7 from diernum geligerum; 7 t ge willen, t ore men eow ne don, ne do ge t orum monnum.

Laws of Alfred

f issum anum dome mon mg geencean, t he ghwelcne on ryht gedeme; ne earf he nanra

domboca oerra. Geence he, t he nanum men ne deme t he nolde t he him demde, gif he one dom ofer hine sohte. Sian t a gelamp, t monega eoda Cristes geleafan onfengon, a wurdon monega seonoas geond ealne middangeard gegaderode, 7 eac swa geond Angelcyn, sian hie Cristes geleafan onfengon, halegra biscepa 7 eac oerra geungenra witena. Hie a gesetton, for re mildheortnesse e Crist lrde, t mstra hwelcre misdde tte a weoruldhlafordas moston mid hiora leafan buton synne t am forman gylte re fiohbote onfon, e hie a gesettan. Buton t hlafordsearwe hie nane mildheortnesse ne dorston gecwean, foram e God lmihtig am nane ne gedemde e hine oferhogdon, ne Crist Godes sunu am nane ne gedemde e hine to deae sealde, 7 he bebead one hlaford lufian swa hine. Hie a on monegum senoum monegra menniscra misdda bote gesetton, 7 on monega senobec hie writan, hwr anne dom hwr oerne. Ic a lfred cyning as togdere gegaderode 7 awritan het, monege ara e ure foregengan heoldon, a e me licodon; 7 manege ara e me ne licodon ic awearp mid minra witena geeahte, 7 on ore wisan bebead to healdanne. Foram ic ne dorste geristlcan ara minra awuht fela on gewrit settan, foram me ws uncu, hwt s am lician wolde e fter us wren. Ac a e ic gemette awer oe on Ines dge, mines mges, oe on Offan Mercna cyninges oe on elbryhtes, e rest fulluhte onfeng on Angelcynne, a e me ryhtoste uhton, ic a heron gegaderode, 7 a ore forlet. Ic a lfred Westseaxna cyning eallum minnum witum, as geeowde, 7 hie a cwdon, t him t licode eallum to healdanne. 2 t restan we lra, t mst earf is, t ghwelc mon his a 7 his wed wrlice healde. Gif hwa to hwrum issa genied sie on woh, oe to hlafordsearwe oe to ngum unryhtum fultume, t is onne ryhtre to aleoganne onne to gelstanne. Gif he onne s weddige e him riht sie to gelstanne 7 t aleoge, selle mid eamedum his wpn 7 his hta his freondum to gehealdanne 7 beo feowertig nihta on carcerne on cyninges tune, rowige r swa biscep him scrife, 7 his mgas hine feden, gif he self mete nbbe. Gif he mgas nbbe oe one mete nbbe, fede cyninges gerefa hine. Gif hine mon togenedan scyle, 7 he elles nylle, gif hine mon gebinde, olige his wpna 7 his ierfes. Gif hine mon ofslea, licgge he orgilde. Gif he ut ofleo r am fierste, 7 hine mon gefo, sie he feowertig nihta on carcerne, swa he r sceolde. Gif he losige, sie he afliemed 7 sie amnsumod of eallum Cristes ciricum. Gif r onne oer mennisc borg sie, bete one borgbryce swa him ryht wisie, 7 one wedbryce swa him his scrift scrife. 3 Gif hwa ara mynsterhama hwelcne for hwelcere scylde gesece, e cyninges feorm to belimpe, oe oerne frione hiered e arwyre sie, age he reora nihta fierst him to gebeorganne, buton he ingian wille. Gif hine mon on am fierste geyflige mid slege oe mid bende oe urh wunde, bete ara ghwelc mid ryhte eodscipe, ge mid were ge mid wite, 7 am hiwum hundtwelftig scillinga ciricfries to bote 7 nbbe his agne forfongen. 4

Gif hwa cyninges borg abrece, gebete one tyht swa him ryht wisie, 7 s borges bryce mid .v. pundum mrra pninga. rcebiscepes borges bryce oe his mundbyrd gebete mid rim pundum. Ores biscepes oe ealdormonnes borges bryce oe mundbyrd gebete mid twam pundum. 5 Gif hwa ymb cyninges feorh sierwe, urh hine oe urh wreccena feormunge oe his manna, sie he his feores scyldig 7 ealles s e he age. Gif he hine selfne triowan wille, do t be cyninges wergelde. Swa we eac setta be eallum hadum, ge ceorle ge eorle: se e ymb his hlafordes fiorh sierwe, sie he wi one his feores scyldig 7 ealles s e he age, oe be his hlafordes were hine getriowe. 6 Eac we setta ghwelcere cirican, e biscep gehalgode, is fri: gif hie fahmon geierne oe gerne, t hine seofan nihtum nan mon ut ne teo. Gif hit onne hwa do, onne sie he scyldig cyninges mundbyrde 7 re cirican fries mare, gif he r mare ofgefo, gif he for hungre libban mge, buton he self utfeohte. Gif hiwan hiora cirican maran earfe hbben, healde hine mon on orum rne, 7 t nbbe on ma dura onne sio cirice. Gewite re cirican ealdor, t him mon on am fierste mete ne selle. Gif he self his wpno his gefan utrcan wille, gehealden hi hine .xxx. nihta 7 hie hine his mgum gebodien. Eac cirican fri: gif hwelc mon cirican gesece for ara gylta hwylcum, ara e r geypped nre, 7 hine r on Godes naman geandette, sie hit healf forgifen. Se e stala on Sunnanniht oe on Gehhol oe on Eastron oe on one halgan unresdg on Gangdagas: ara gehwelc we willa sie twybote, swa on Lenctenfsten. 7 Gif hwa on cirican hwt geeofige, forgylde t angylde, 7 t wite swa to am angylde belimpan wille, 7 slea mon a hond of e he hit mid gedyde. Gif he a hand lesan wille, 7 him mon t geafian wille, gelde swa to his were belimpe. 8 Gif hwa in cyninges healle gefeohte oe his wpn gebrede, 7 hine mon gefo, sie t on cyninges dome, swa dea swa lif, swa he him forgifan wille. Gif he losige, 7 hine mon eft gefo, forgielde he hine self a be his weregilde, 7 one gylt gebete, swa wer swa wite, swa he gewyrht age. 9 Gif hwa nunnan of mynstere ut alde butan kyninges lefnesse oe biscepes, geselle hundtwelftig scillinga, healf cyninge, healf biscepe 7 re cirican hlaforde, e one munuc age. Gif hio leng libbe onne se e hie utldde, nage hio his ierfes owiht. Gif hio bearn gestriene, nbbe t s ierfes on mare e seo modor. Gif hire bearn mon ofslea, gielde cyninge ara medrenmga dl; fdrenmgum hiora dl mon agife. 10 Gif mon wif mid bearne ofslea, onne t bearn in hire sie, forgielde one wifman fullan gielde, 7 t bearn be s fdrencnosles were healfan gelde. A sie t wite .lx. scillinga, o t angylde arise to .xxx. scillinga; sian hit to am arise t angylde, sian sie t wite .cxx. scillinga. Geo ws goldeofe 7 stodeofe 7 beoeofe, 7 manig witu maran onne oru; nu sint eal gelic buton maneofe: .cxx. scillinga. 11 Gif mon hme mid twelfhyndes monnes wife, hundtwelftig scillinga gebete am were; syxhyndum men hundteontig scillinga gebete; cierliscum men feowertig scillinga gebete. 12 Gif mon on cirliscre fmnan breost gefo, mid .v. scillingum hire gebete. Gif he hie oferweorpe 7 mid ne gehme, mid .x. scillingum gebete. Gif he mid gehme, mid .lx. scillingum gebete. Gif oer mon mid hire lge r, sie be healfum m onne sio bot. Gif hie mon teo, geladiege hie be sixtegum hida, oe olige be healfre re bote. Gif borenran wifmen is gelimpe, weaxe sio bot be am were. 13 Gif mon ores wudu brne oe heawe unaliefedne, forgielde lc great treow mid .v. scillingum, 7 sian ghwylc, sie swa fela swa hiora sie, mid .v. pningum; 7 .xxx. scillinga to wite. Gif mon oerne t gemnan weorce offele ungewealdes, agife mon am mgum t treow, 7 hi hit hbben r .xxx. nihta of am lande, oe him fo se to se e one wudu age. 14

Gif mon sie dumb oe deaf geboren, t he ne mge synna onsecggan ne geandettan, bete se fder his misdda. 15 Gif mon beforan rcebiscepe gefeohte oe wpne gebregde, mid L scillinga 7 hundteontegum gebete; gif beforan orum biscepe oe ealdormen is gelimpe, mid hundteontegum scillingum gebete. Gif mon cu oe stodmyran forstele 7 folan oe cealf ofadrife, forgelde mid scillingum 7 a moder be hiora weore. Gif hwa orum his unmagan ofste, 7 he hine on re fstinge forferie, getriowe hine facnes se e hine fede, gif hine hwa hwelces teo. 16 Gif hwa nunnan mid hmeinge oe on hire hrgl oe on hire breost butan hire leafe gefo, sie hit twybete swa we r be lwdum men fundon. Gif beweddodu fmne hie forlicgge, gif hio sie cirlisc, mid .lx. scillingum gebete am byrgean, 7 t sie on cwichtum feogodum, 7 mon nnigne mon on t ne selle. Gif hio sie syxhyndu, hundteontig scillinga geselle am byrgean. Gif hio sie twelfhyndu, .cxx. scillinga gebete am byrgean. 17 Gif hwa his wpnes orum onlne, t he mon mid ofslea, hie moton hie gesomnian, gif hie willa, to am were. Gif hi hie ne gesamnien, gielde se s wpnes onlah s weres riddan dl 7 s wites riddan dl. Gif he hine triewan wille, t he to re lne facn ne wiste, t he mot. Gif sweordhwita ores monnes wpn to feormunge onfo, oe smi monnes andweorc, hie hit gesund begen agifan, swa hit hwer hiora r onfenge, buton hiora hwer r ingode, t he hit angylde healdan ne orfte. 18 Gif mon ores monnes munuce feoh ofste butan s munuces hlafordes lefnesse, 7 hit him losige, olige his se e hit r ahte. 19 Gif preost oerne mon ofslea, weorpe mon to handa 7 eall t he him hames bohte, 7 hine biscep onhadige, onne hine mon of am mynstre agife, buton se hlaford one wer foringian wille. 20 Gif mon on folces gemote cyninges gerefan geyppe eofot, 7 his eft geswican wille, gestle on ryhtran hand, gif he mge; gif he ne mge, olie his angyldes. 21 Gif hund mon toslite oe abite, t forman misdde geselle .vi. scillinga, gif he him mete selle, t fteran cerre .xii. scillinga, t riddan .xxx. scillinga. Gif t issa misdda hwelcere se hund losige, ga eos bot hwre for. Gif se hund ma misdda gewyrce, 7 he hine hbbe, bete be fullan were swa dolgbote swa he wyrce. 22 Gif neat mon gewundige, weorpe t neat to honda oe foreingie. 23 Gif mon ceorles mennen to nedhmde gereata, mid .v. scillingum gebete am ceorle; 7 .lx. scillinga to wite. Gif eowmon eowne to nedhmde genede, bete mid his eowende. 24 Gif mon twyhyndne mon unsynnigne mid hloe ofslea, gielde se s sleges andetta sie wer 7 wite; 7 ghwelc mon e on sie wre geselle .xxx. scillinga to hlobote. 25 Gif hit sie syxhynde mon, lc mon to hlobote .lx. scillinga 7 se slaga wer 7 fulwite. 26 Gif he sie twelfhynde, lc hiora hundtwelftig scillinga, se slaga wer 7 wite. Gif hlo is gedo 7 eft oswerian wille, tio hie ealle; 7 onne ealle forgielden one wer gemnum hondum 7 ealle an wite, swa to am were belimpe. 27 Gif mon ungewintrdne wifmon to niedhmde gereatige, sie t swa s gewintredan monnes bot. Gif fdrenmga mgleas mon gefeohte 7 mon ofslea, 7 onne gif medrenmgas hbbe, gielden a s weres riddan dl 7 riddan dl a gegildan, for riddan dl he fleo. Gif he medrenmgas nage, gielden a gegildan healfne, for healfne he fleo.

28 Gif mon swa geradne mon ofslea, gif he mgas nage, gielde mon healfne cyninge, healfne am gegildan. 29 Gif mon folcleasunge gewyrce, 7 hio on hine geresp weore, mid nanum leohtran inge gebete onne him mon aceorfe a tungon of, t hie mon na undeorran weore moste lesan, onne hie mon be am were geeahtige. 30 Gif hwa oerne godborges oncunne 7 tion wille, t he hwelcne ne gelste ara e he him gesealde, agife one forea on feower ciricum, 7 se oer, gif he hine treowan wille in .xii. ciricum do he t. 31 Eac is ciepemonnum gereht: a men e hie up mid him lden, gebrengen beforan kyninges gerefan on folcgemote, 7 gerecce hu manige ara sien; 7 hie nimen a men mid him e hie mgen eft to folcgemote to ryhte brengan. 7 onne him earf sie ma manna up mid him to habbanne on hiora fore, gecye symle, swa oft swa him earf sie, in gemotes gewitnesse cyninges gerefan. 32 Gif mon cierliscne mon gebinde unsynnigne, gebete mid .x. scillingum. Gif hine mon beswinge, mid .xx. scillingum gebete. Gif he hine on hengenne alecgge, mid .xxx. scillingum gebete. Gif he hine on bismor to homolan bescire, mid .x. scillingum gebete. Gif he hine to preoste bescire unbundenne, mid .xxx. scillingum gebete. Gif he one beard ofascire, mid .xx. scillingum gebete. Gif he hine gebinde 7 onne to preoste bescire, mid .lx. scillingum gebete. 33 Eac is funden: gif mon hafa spere ofer eaxle, 7 hine mon on asnase, gielde one wer butan wite. Gif beforan eagum asnase, gielde one wer; gif hine mon tio gewealdes on re dde, getriowe hine be am wite 7 mid y t wite afelle, gif se ord sie ufor onne hindeweard sceaft. Gif hie sien bu gelic, ord 7 hindeweard sceaft, t sie butan pleo. 34 Gif mon wille of boldgetale in oer boldgetl hlaford secan, do t mid s ealdormonnes gewitnesse, e he r in his scire folgode. Gif he hit butan his gewitnesse do, geselle se e hine to men feormie .cxx. scillinga to wite: dle he hwre t, healf cyninge in a scire e he r folgode, healf in a e he oncym. Gif he hwt yfla gedon hbbe r he r ws, bete t se e hine onne to men onfo, 7 cyninge .cxx. scillinga to wite. 35 Gif mon beforan cyninges ealdormen on gemote gefeohte, bete wer 7 wite, swa hit ryht sie, 7 beforan am .cxx. scillinga am ealdormen to wite. Gif he folcgemot mid wpnes bryde arre, am ealdormen hundtwelftig scillinga to wite. Gif ises hwt beforan cyninges ealdormonnes gingran gelimpe oe cyninges preoste, .xxx. scillinga to wite. 36 Gif hwa on cierlisces monnes flette gefeohte, mid syx scillinga gebete am ceorle. Gif he wpne gebrede 7 no feohte, sie be healfum am. Gif syxhyndum issa hwer gelimpe, riefealdlice arise be re cierliscan bote, twelfhyndum men twyfealdlice be s syxhyndan bote. Cyninges burgbryce bi .cxx. scillinga rcebiscepes hundnigontig scillinga, ores biscepes 7 ealdormonnes .lx. scillinga, twelfhyndes monnes .xxx. scillinga syxhyndes monnes .xv. scillinga; ceorles edorbryce .v. scillinga. Gif isses hwt gelimpe enden fyrd ute sie, oe in lenctenfsten, hit sie twybote. Gif mon in lenctenne halig ryht in folce butan leafe alecgge, gebete mid .cxx. scillingum. 37 Se mon se e bocland hbbe, 7 him his mgas lfden, onne setton we, t he hit ne moste sellan of his mgburge, gif r bi gewrit oe gewitnes, t hit ara manna forbod wre e hit on fruman gestrindon 7 ara e hit him sealdon, t he swa ne mote. 7 t onne on cyninges 7 on biscopes gewitnesse gerecce beforan his mgum. 38 Eac we beoda: se mon se e his gefan hamsittendne wite, t he ne feohte, r am he him ryhtes bidde. Gif he mgnes hbbe, t he his gefan beride 7 inne besitte, gehealde hine .vii. niht inne 7 hine

on ne feohte, gif he inne geolian wille; 7 onne ymb .vii. niht, gif he wille on hand gan 7 wpenu sellan, gehealde hine .xxx. nihta gesundne 7 hine his mgum gebodie 7 his friondum. Gif he onne cirican geierne, sie onne be re cirican are, swa we r bufan cwdon. Gif he onne s mgenes ne hbbe, t he hine inne besitte, ride to am ealdormen, bidde hine fultumes; gif he him fultuman ne wille, ride to cyninge, r he feohte. Eac swelce, gif mon becume on his gefan, 7 he hine r hamfstne ne wite, gif he wille his wpen sellan, hine mon gehealde .xxx. nihta 7 hine his freondum gecye; gif he ne wille his wpenu sellan, onne mot he feohtan on hine. Gif he wille on hond gan 7 his wpenu sellan, 7 hwa ofer t on him feohte, gielde swa wer swa wunde swa he gewyrce, 7 wite 7 hbbe his mg forworht. Eac we cwea, t mon mote mid his hlaforde feohtan orwige, gif mon on one hlaford fiohte; swa mot se hlaford mid y men feohtan. fter re ilcan wisan mon mot feohtan mid his geborene mge, gif hine mon on woh onfeohte, buton wi his hlaforde: t we ne liefa. 7 mon mot feohtan orwige, gif he gemete oerne t his wum wife, betynedum durum oe under anre reon, oe t his dehter wum borenre oe t his swistr borenre oe t his medder e wre to wum wife forgifen his fder. 39 Eallum frioum monnum as dagas sien forgifene, butan eowum monnum 7 esnewyrhtan: .xii. dagas on gehhol 7 one dg e Crist one deofol oferswide 7 sanctus Gregorius gemynddg 7 .vii. dagas to eastron 7 .vii. ofer 7 an dg t sancte Petres tide 7 sancte Paules 7 on hrfeste a fullan wican r sancta Marian mssan 7 t Eallra haligra weorunge anne dg. 7 .iiii. Wodnesdagas on .iiii. ymbrenwicum eowum monnum eallum sien forgifen, am e him leofost sie to sellanne ghwt s e him nig mon for Godes noman geselle oe hie on negum hiora hwilsticcum geearnian mgen. 40 Heafodwunde to bote, gif a ban beo butu yrel, .xxx. scillinga geselle him mon. Gif t uterre ban bi yrel, geselle .xv. scillinga to bote. 41 Gif in feaxe bi wund inces lang, geselle anne scilling to bote. Gif beforan feaxe bi wund inces lang, twegen scillinga to bote. 42 Gif him mon aslea oer eare of, geselle .xxx. scillinga to bote. Gif se hlyst ostande, t he ne mge gehieran, geselle .lx. scillinga to bote. 43 Gif mon men eage ofaslea, geselle him mon .lx. scillinga 7 .vi. scillinga 7 .vi. pningas 7 riddan dl pninges to bote. Gif hit in am heafde sie, 7 he noht geseon ne mge mid, stande riddan dl re bote inne. Gif mon orum t neb ofaslea, gebete him mid .lx. scillingum. Gif mon orum one to onforan heafde ofaslea, gebete t mid .viii. scillingum. Gif hit sie se wongto, geselle .iii. scillinga to bote. Monnes tux bi .xv. scillinga weor. Gif monnes ceacan mon forslih, t hie beo forode, gebete mid .xv. scillingum. Monnes cinban, gif hit bi toclofen, geselle mon .xii. scillinga to bote. Gif monnes rotbolla bi yrel, gebete mid .xii. scillingum. Gif monnes tunge bi of heafde ores monnes ddum don, t bi gelic 7 eagan bot. Gif mon bi on eaxle wund, t t liseaw utflowe, gebete mid .xxx. scillingum. Gif se earm bi forad bufan elmbogan, r sculon .xv. scillinga to bote. Gif a earmscancan beo begen forade, sio bot bi .xxx. scillinga. Gif se uma bi ofaslgen, am sceal .xxx. scillinga to bote. Gif se ngl bi ofaslegen, am sculon .v. scillinga to bote. Gif se scytefinger bi ofaslegen, sio bot bi .xv. scillinga; his ngles bi .iii. scillinga. Gif se midlesta finger sie ofaslegen, sio bot bi .xii. scillinga; 7 his ngles bot bi .ii. scillinga. Gif se goldfinger sie ofaslegen, to am sculon .xvii. scillinga to bote; 7 his ngles .iiii. scillinga to bote. Gif se lytla finger bi ofaslegen, am sceal to bote .viiii. scillinga, 7 an scilling his ngles, gif se sie ofaslegen. Gif mon bi on hrif wund, geselle him mon .xxx. scillinga to bote. Gif he urhwund bi, t gehweerum mue .xx. scillinga. Gif monnes eoh bi yrel, geselle him mon .xxx. scillinga to bote. Gif hit forad sie, sio bot eac bi .xxx. scillinga. Gif se sconca bi yrel beneoan cneowe, r sculon .xii. scillinga to bote. Gif he forad sie beneoan cneowe, geselle him .xxx. scillinga to bote. Gif sio micle ta bi ofaslegen, geselle him .xx. scillinga to bote. Gif hit sie sio fterre ta, .xv. scillinga to bote geselle him mon. Gif seo midleste ta sie ofaslegen, r sculon .viiii. scillinga to bote. Gif hit bi sio feore ta, r sculon .vi. scillinga to bote. Gif sio lytle ta sie ofaslegen, geselle him .v. scillinga. Gif mon sie on a heran to am swie wund, t he ne mge bearn

gestrienan, gebete him t mid .lxxx. scillinga. Gif men sie se earm mid honda mid ealle ofacorfen beforan elmbogan, gebete t mid .lxxx. scillinga. ghwelcere wunde beforan feaxe 7 beforan sliefan 7 beneoan cneowe sio bot bi twysceatte mare. Gif sio lendenbrde bi forslegen, r sceal .lx. scillinga to bote. Gif hio bi onbestungen, geselle .xv. scillinga to bote. Gif hio bi urhyrel, onne sceal r .xxx. scillinga to bote. Gif mon bi in eaxle wund, gebete mid .lxxx. scillinga, gif se mon cwic sie. Gif mon orum a hond utan forslea, geselle him .xx. scillinga to bote, gif hine mon gelacnian mge. Gif hio healf onweg fleoge, onne sceal .xl. scillinga to bote. Gif mon orum rib forslea binnan gehaldre hyde, geselle .x. scillinga to bote. Gif sio hyd sie tobrocen, 7 mon ban ofado, geselle .xv. scillinga to bote. Gif monnes eage him mon ofaslea, oe his hand oe his fot, r g gelic bot to eallum: .vi. pningas 7 .vi. scillinga 7 .lx. scillinga 7 riddan dl pninges. Gif monnes sconca bi ofaslegen wi t cneou, r sceal .lxxx. scillinga to bote. Gif mon orum a sculdru forslea, geselle him mon .xx. scillinga to bote. Gif hie mon inbeslea 7 mon ban ofado, geselle mon s to bote .xv. scillinga. Gif mon a greatan sinwe forslea, gif hie mon gelacnian mge, t hio hal sie, geselle .xii. scillinga to bote. Gif se mon healt sie for re sinwe wunde, 7 hine mon gelacnian ne mge, geselle .xxx. scillinga to bote. Gif a smalan sinwe mon forslea, geselle him mon .vi. scillinga to bote. Gif mon orum a geweald forslea uppe on am sweoran 7 forwundie to am swie, t he nage re geweald, 7 hwre lifie swa gescended, geselle him mon .c. scillinga to bote, buton him witan ryhtre 7 mare gereccan.

Laws of Ine

45 46

c Ine, mid Godes gife Wesseaxna kyning, mid geeahte 7 mid lare Cenredes mines fder 7 Heddes

mines biscepes 7 Eorcenwoldes mines biscepes, mid eallum minum ealdormonnum 7 m ieldstan witum minre eode 7 eac micelre gesomnunge Godes eowa, ws smeagende be re hlo urra sawla 7 be am staole ures rices, tte ryht w 7 ryhte cynedomas urh ure folc gefstnode 7 getrymede wron, tte nnig ealdormonna ne us undergeeodedra fter am wre awendende as ure domas. rest we bebeoda, tte Godes eowas hiora ryhtregol on ryht healdan. fter am we bebeoda, tte ealles folces w 7 domas us sien gehealdene: Cild binnan ritegum nihta sie gefulwad; gif hit swa ne sie, .xxx. scillinga gebete. Gif hit onne sie dead butan fulwihte, gebete he hit mid eallum am e he age. 47 Gif eowmon wyrce on Sunnandg be his hlafordes hse, sie he frioh, 7 se hlaford geselle .xxx. scillinga to wite. Gif onne se eowa butan his gewitnesse wyrce, olie his hyde. Gif onne se frigea y dge wyrce butan his hlafordes hse, olie his freotes. 48 Ciricsceattas sin agifene be sancte Martines mssan; gif hwa t ne gelste, sie he scyldig .lx. scillinga be .xii.fealdum agife one ciricsceat. 49 Gif hwa sie deaes scyldig 7 he cirican geierne, hbbe his feorh 7 bete, swa him ryht wisige. Gif hwa his hyde forwyrce 7 cirican geierne, sie him sio swingelle forgifen. 50 Gif hwa gefeohte on cyninges huse, sie he scyldig ealles his ierfes, 7 sie on cyninges dome, hwer he lif age e nage. Gif hwa on mynster gefeohte, .cxx. scillinga gebete. Gif hwa on ealdormonnes huse gefeohte oe on ores geungenes witan, .lx. scillinga gebete he 7 oer .lx. geselle to wite. Gif onne on gafolgeldan huse oe on gebures gefeohte, .cxx. scillinga to wite geselle 7 am gebure .vi. scillinga. 7 eah hit sie on middum felda gefohten, .cxx. scillinga to wite sie agifen. Gif onne on gebeorscipe hie geciden, 7 oer hiora mid geylde hit forbere, geselle se oer .xxx. scillinga to wite. 51 Gif hwa stalie, swa his wif nyte 7 his bearn, geselle .lx. scillinga to wite. Gif he onne stalie on gewitnesse ealles his hiredes, gongen hie ealle on eowot. .x. wintre cniht mg bion iefe gewita. 52 Gif hwa him ryhtes bidde beforan hwelcum scirmen oe orum deman 7 abiddan ne mge, 7 him wedd sellan nelle, gebete .xxx. scillinga 7 binnan .vii. nihton gedo hine ryhtes wierne. 53 Gif hwa wrace do, ron he him ryhtes bidde, t he him onnime agife 7 forgielde 7 gebete mid .xxx. scillingum.

54 Gif hwa binnan am gemrum ures rices reaflac 7 niednme do, agife he one reaflac 7 geselle .lx. scillinga to wite. 55 Gif hwa his agenne geleod bebycgge, eowne oe frigne, eah he scyldig sie, ofer s, forgielde hine his were. 56 Gif eof sie gefongen, swelte he deae, oe his lif be his were man aliese. 57 Gif hwa beforan biscepe his gewitnesse 7 his wed aleoge, gebete mid .cxx. scillingum. eofas we hata o .vii. men; from .vii. hlo o .xxxv.; sian bi here. 58 Se e hloe betygen sie, geswicne se hine be .cxx. hida oe swa bete. 59 Se e hereteama betygen sie, he hine be his wergilde aliese oe be his were geswicne. Se a sceal bion healf be huslgengum. eof, sian he bi on cyninges bende, nah he a swicne. 60 Se e eof ofslih, se mot gecyan mid ae, t he hine synnigne ofsloge, nalles a gegildan. 61 Se e forstolen flsc finde 7 gedyrne, gif he dear, he mot mid ae gecyan, t he hit age; se e hit ofspyre, he ah t meldfeoh. 62 Cierlisc mon gif he oft betygen wre, gif he t siestan sie gefongen, slea mon hond oe fot. 63 Cyninges geneat, gif his wer bi twelfhund scillinga, he mot swerian for syxtig hida, gif he bi huslgengea. 64 Gif feorcund mon oe fremde butan wege geond wudu gonge 7 ne hrieme ne horn blawe, for eof he bi to profianne: oe to sleanne oe to aliesanne. 65 Gif mon onne s ofslgenan weres bidde, he mot gecyan, t he hine for eof ofsloge, nalles s ofslegenan gegildan ne his hlaford. Gif he hit onne dierne, 7 weore ymb long yppe, onne ryme he am deadan to am ae, t hine moton his mgas unsyngian. 66 Gif in geneat stalie 7 losie e, gif u hbbe byrgean, mana one s angyldes; gif he nbbe, gyld u t angylde, 7 ne sie him no y ingodre. 67 Gif mon eleodigne ofslea, se cyning ah twdne dl weres, riddan dl sunu oe mgas. Gif he onne mgleas sie, healf kyninge, healf se gesi. Gif hit onne abbod sie oe abbodesse, dlen on a ilcan wisan wi one kyning. Wealh gafolgelda .cxx. scillinga his sunu .c., eowne .lx., somhwelcne fiftegum; Weales hyd twelfum. 68 Gif witeeow Engliscmon hine forstalie, ho hine mon 7 ne gylde his hlaforde. Gif hine mon ofslea, ne gylde hine mon his mgum, gif hie hine on .xii. monum ne aliesden. Wealh, gif he hafa .v. hida, he bi syxhynde. 69 Gif ciepemon uppe on folce ceapie, do t beforan gewitnessum. Gif iefefioh mon t ciepan befo, 7 he hit nbbe beforan godum weotum geceapod, gecye hit be wite, t he ne gewita ne gestala nre, oe gielde to wite .vi. 7 .xxx. scillinga. 70 To fundes cildes fostre, y forman geare geselle .vi. scillinga, y fterran .xii., y riddan .xxx., sian be his wlite. 71

Se e dearnenga bearn gestriene 7 gehile, nah se his deaes wer, ac his hlaford 7 se cyning. 72 Se eof gefeh, ah .x. scillinga, 7 se cyning one eof; 7 a mgas him swerian aas unfha. Gif he onne oierne 7 orige weore, onne bi he wites scyldig. Gif he onsacan wille, do he t be am feo 7 be am wite. 73 Gif mon sweordes onlne ores esne, 7 he losie, gielde he hine riddan dle; gif mon spere selle, healfne; gif he horses onlne, ealne he hine gylde. 74 Gif mon cierliscne monnan fliemanfeorme teo, be his agnum were geladige he hine; gif he ne mge, gielde hine his agne were; 7 se gesimon swa be his were. 75 Gif mon wif gebyccge, 7 sio gyft for ne cume, agife t feoh 7 forgielde 7 gebete am byrgean, swa his borgbryce sie. 76 Gif Wilisc mon hbbe hide londes, his wer bi .cxx. scillinga; gif he onne healfes hbbe, .lxxx. scillinga; gif he nnig hbbe, .lx. scillinga. 77 Cyninges horswealh, se e him mge gerendian, s wergield bi .cc. scillinga. 78 Se e on re fore wre, t mon monnan ofsloge, getriewe hine s sleges 7 a fore gebete be s ofslegenan wergielde: Gif his wergield sie .cc. scillinga, gebete mid L scillingum, 7 y ilcan ryhte do man be am deorborenran. 79 Se e eof slih, he mot ae gecyan, t he hine fleondne for eof sloge, 7 s deadan mgas him swerian unceases a. Gif he hit onne dierne, 7 sie eft yppe, onne forgielde he hine. Gif mon to am men feoh geteme, e his r oswaren hfde 7 eft oswerian wille, oswerige be am wite 7 be s feos weore; gif he oswerian nylle, gebete one mnan a twybote. 80 Se e eof gefeh, oe him mon gefongenne agif, 7 he hine onne alte, oe a iefe gedierne, forgielde one eof his were. Gif he ealdormon sie, olie his scire, buton him kyning arian wille. 81 Se cirlisca mon, se e oft betygen wre iefe, 7 onne t siestan synnigne gefo in ceape oe elles t openre scylde , slea him mon hond of oe fot. 82 Gif ceorl 7 his wif bearn hbben gemne, 7 fere se ceorl for, hbbe sio modor hire bearn 7 fede: agife hire mon .vi. scillinga to fostre, cu on sumera, oxan on wintra; healden a mgas one frumstol, o t hit gewintred sie. 83 Gif hwa fare unaliefed fram his hlaforde oe on ore scire hine bestele, 7 hine mon geahsige, fare r he r ws 7 geselle his hlaforde .lx. scillinga. 84 Ceorles worig sceal beon wintres 7 sumeres betyned; gif he bi untyne, 7 rec his neahgebures ceap in on his agen geat, nah he t am ceape nan wuht: adrife hine ut 7 olie fwerdlan. 85 Borges mon mot osacan, gif he wat, t he ryht de. 86 Gif ceorlas grstun hbben gemnne oe oer gedalland to tynanne, 7 hbben sume getyned hiora dl, sume nbben, 7 etten hiora gemnan ceras oe grs, gan a onne, e t geat agan, 7 gebete am orum e hiora dl getynedne hbben, one werdlan e r gedon sie. Abidden him t am ceape swylc ryht swylce hit kyn sie. Gif onne hryera hwelc sie e hegas brece 7 ga in gehwr, 7 se hit nolde gehealdan, se hit age oe ne mge, nime se hit on his cere mete 7 ofslea; 7 nime se agenfrigea his fel 7 flsc 7 olie s ores.

87 onne mon beam on wuda forbrne, 7 weore yppe on one e hit dyde, gielde he fulwite: geselle .lx. scillinga; forame fyr bi eof. Gif mon afelle on wuda wel monega treowa, 7 wyr eft undierne, forgielde .iii. treowu lc mid .xxx. scillingum; ne earf he hiora ma geldan, wre hiora swa fela swa hiora wre: foron sio sc bi melda, nalles eof. 88 Gif mon onne aceorfe an treow, t mge .xxx. swina undergestandan, 7 wyr undierne, geselle .lx. scillinga. Gafolhwitel sceal bion t hiwisce .vi. pninga weor. 89 Burgbryce mon sceal betan .cxx. scillinga kyninges 7 biscepes, r his rice bi; ealdormonnes .lxxx. scillinga; cyninges egnes .lx. scillinga; gesicundes monnes landhbbendes .xxxv.; 7 bi on ansacan. 90 onne mon monnan betyh, t he ceap forstele oe forstolenne gefeormie, onne sceal he be .lx. hida onsacan re iefe, gif he awyre bi. Gif onne Englisc onstal ga for, onsace onne be twyfealdum; gif hit onne bi Wilisc onstal, ne bi se a na y mara. lc mon mot onsacan fryme 7 werfhe, gif he mg oe dear. 91 Gif mon forstolenne ceap befeh, ne mot hine mon tieman to eowum men. 92 Gif hwelc mon bi witeeow niwan geeowad, 7 hine mon betyh, t he hbbe r geiefed, r hine mon geeowode, onne ah se teond ane swingellan t him: bedrife hine to swingum be his ceape. 93 Gif mon on his mstenne unaliefed swin gemete, genime onne .vi. scillinga weor wed. Gif hie onne r nren oftor onne ne, geselle scilling se agenfrigea 7 gecye, t hie r oftor ne comen, be s ceapes weore. Gif hi r tuwa wren, geselle twegen scillinga. Gif mon nime fesne on swynum: t ryfingrum t ridde, t twyfingrum t feore, t ymelum t fifte. 94 Gif gesicund mon inga wi cyning oe wi kyninges ealdormonnan for his inhiwan oe wi his hlaford for eowe oe for frige, nah he r nane witerdenne, se gesi, foron he him nolde r yfles gestieran t ham. 95 Gif gesicund mon landagende forsitte fierd, geselle .cxx. scillinga 7 olie his landes; unlandagende .lx. scillinga; cierlisc .xxx. scillinga to fierdwite. 96 Se e diernum geingum betygen sie, geswicne hine be .cxx. hida ara geingea oe .cxx. scillinga geselle. 97 Gif mon forstolenne man befo t orum, 7 sie sio hand ocwolen, sio hine sealde am men e hine mon tbefeng, tieme onne one mon to s deadan byrgelse, swa oer fioh swa hit sie, 7 cye on am ae be .lx. hida, t sio deade hond hine him sealde. onne hf he t wite afylled mid y ae, agife am agendfrio one monnan. Gif he onne wite, hwa s deadan ierfe hbbe, tieme onne to am ierfe 7 bidde a hond e t ierfe hafa, t he him gedo one ceap unbeceasne oe gecye, t se deada nfre t ierfe ahte. 98 Se e bi werfhe betogen 7 he onsacan wille s sleges mid ae, onne sceal bion on re hyndenne an kyningde be .xxx. hida, swa be gesicundum men swa be cierliscum, swa hwer swa hit sie. Gif hine mon gilt, onne mot he gesellan on ara hyndenna gehwelcere monnan 7 byrnan 7 sweord on t wergild, gif he yrfe. Witeeowne monnan Wyliscne mon sceal bedrifan be .xii. hidum swa eowne to swingum, Engliscne be feower 7 .xxx. hida. 99 Ewo bi mid hire giunge sceape scilling weor ot .xii. niht ofer eastran. 100

Gif mon hwelcne ceap gebyg 7 he onne onfinde him hwelc unhlo on binnan .xxx. nihta, onne weorpe one ceap to honda; oe swerie, t he him nan facn on nyste, a he hine him sealde. 101 Gif ceorl ceap forstil 7 bire into his rne, 7 befeh rinne mon, onne bi se his dl synnig butan am wife anum, foron hio sceal hire ealdore hieran: gif hio dear mid ae gecyan, t hio s forstolenan ne onbite, nime hire riddan sceat. 102 Oxan horn bi .x. pninga weor. 103 Cuuhorn bi twegea pninga; oxan tgl bi scillinga weor, cus bi fifa; oxan eage bi .v. pninga weor, cus bi scilling weor. Mon sceal simle to beregafole agifan t anum wyrhtan .vi. wga. 104 Se ceorl se e hf ores geoht ahyrod, gif he hbbe ealle on fore to agifanne, gesceawige mon, agife ealle; gif he nbbe, agife healf on fodre, healfe on orum ceape. 105 Ciricsceat mon sceal agifan to am healme 7 to am heore, e se mon on bi to middum wintra. 106 onne mon bi tyhtlan betygen, 7 hine mon bedrife to ceape, nah onne self nane wiht to gesellanne beforan ceape. onne g oer mon, sele his ceap fore, swa he onne geingian mge, on a rdenne, e he him ga to honda, o t he his ceap him geinnian mge. onne betyh hine mon eft ore sie 7 bedrif to ceape. Gif hine for nele forstandan se e him r ceap foresealde, 7 he hine onne forfeh, olige onne his ceapes se, e he him r foresealde. 107 Gif gesicund mon fare, onne mot he habban his gerefan mid him 7 his smi 7 his cildfestran. 108 Se e hf .xx. hida, se sceal tcnan .xii. hida gesettes landes, onne he faran wille. 109 Se e hf .x. hida, se sceal tcnan .vi. hida gesettes landes. 110 Se e hbbe reora hida, tcne ores healfes. 111 Gif mon geinga gyrde landes oe mare to rdegafole 7 geere, gif se hlaford him wile t land arran to weorce 7 to gafole, ne earf he him onfon, gif he him nan botl ne sel, 7 olie ara cra. 112 Gif mon gesicundne monnan adrife, fordrife y botle, ns re setene. 113 Sceap sceal gongan mid his fliese o midne sumor; oe gilde t flies mid twam pningum. 114 t twyhyndum were mon sceal sellan to monbote .xxx. scillinga, t .vi. hyndum .lxxx. scillinga, t .xii. hyndum .cxx. scillingum. t .x. hidum to fostre .x. fata hunies, .ccc. hlafa, .xii. ambra Wilisc eala, .xxx. hluttres, tu eald hrieru oe .x. weeras, .x. gees, .xx. henna, .x. cesas, amber fulne buteran, .v. leaxas, .xx. pundwga fores 7 hundteontig la. 115 Gif mon sie wertyhtlan betogen 7 he hit onne geondette beforan ae 7 onsace r, bide mon mid re witerdenne, o t se wer gegolden sie. 116 Gif mon wergildeof gefeh, 7 he losige y dge am monnum e hine gefo, eah hine mon gefo ymb niht, nah him mon mare t onne fulwite. 117 Gif hit bi niht eald ief, gebeten a one gylt e hine gefengon, swa hie geingian mgen wi cyning 7 his gerefan. 118

Gif eowwealh Engliscne monnan ofslih, onne sceal se e hine ah weorpan hine to honda hlaforde 7 mgum oe .lx. scillinga gesellan wi his feore. Gif he onne one ceap nelle foregesellan, onne mot hine se hlaford gefreogean; gielden sian his mgas one wer, gif he mgburg hbbe freo; gif he nbbe, heden his a gefan. Ne earf se frige mid am eowan mg gieldan, buton he him wille fhe of aceapian, ne se eowa mid y frigean. 119 Gif mon ceap befeh forstolenne, 7 sio hond tiem onne, sio hine mon tbefeh, to orum men, gif se mon hine onne onfon ne wille 7 sg, t he him nfre t ne sealde, ac sealde oer, onne mot se gecyan, se e hit tiem to re honda, t he him nan oer ne sealde buton t ilce. 120 Gif hwa ores godsunu slea oe his godfder, sie sio mgbot 7 sio manbot gelic; weaxe sio bot be am were, swa ilce swa sio manbot de e am hlaforde sceal. Gif hit onne kyninges godsunu sie, bete be his were am cyninge swa ilce swa re mge. Gif he onne on one geonbyrde e hine slog, onne tfealle sio bot m godfder, swa ilce swa t wite am hlaforde de. Gif hit biscepsunu sie, sie be healfum am

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