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To be complicit is one thing and in own murder another !


$y #nventions by %i&ola Tesla 'utobiography

%o doubt beyond nuclear doesn(t matter which righteous goes electromagnetic ballistic Let(s assume we are all innocent once duped) but not all brain washed away able to see the evidence and ta&e advantage o* the save us option allowing the willing suspension o* disbelie* to collapse and li*e saving truths to chance '*ter overcoming the willing suspension o* disbelie* +igh ,an&ing -. $a/or 0eneral 1xposes .eptember 22 l' 7#' 8histlebl ower .usan Lindauer 1!9 .1. 1verything: ;1xtreme 9re/udice;<=4343334/.enator6Threatens68ith6>2267onnotations 8hy would a .enator threaten me con*irming the deaths o* >22 witnesses? .umerians and the 'nnuna&i ? @echaria .itchin ? %'@# ? %ibiru 'liens @ionist #nterest here *or 0old %uclear war <=<A B7 8hat actually happened to all the other BLost 7iviliCationsD E +'',9

in the hands o*

www.7%%6+'.com 7ould we brea& the Lost 7iviliCation cycle? #gnorance our albatross Truth our 'mmo their 'lamo 7an we do sum thin with that? Thin& beyond due process din&ed pro*iciency::

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