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Unit Title Signicant Concept(s) Forces and Motion

Name: Grade: 7 Course: Science

What is a force? How can distance and time values describe motion? How and why are speed and acceleration different? How do Newtons Laws describe the way forces cause changes in motion? How does mass impact on gravitational force? How can experimental design ensure validity of data as scrutinised by the scientic community?

Unit Question(s)

How are forces acting on me?

Teacher Task Overview What do you have to do? Task 1: 1. Imagine you had three identical containers, one lled with sand, one half-lled and the other empty. Plan a fair experiment to test the effect of mass on speed down an incline. Specically, test which bottle is the most difcult to stop moving (which bottle has the most inertia).

2. Plan and carry the test. 3. Write a full scientic report using the scaffold provided. How will you be assessed? When is the task due? You will be assessed on Criterion B, D, E & F.

7f: 5/3/14 7h: 5/3/14

Criterion B: Communication in Science.

Achievement level

The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below. Consistent with the complexity of the work covered: The student uses a limited range of scientific language correctly. The student communicates scientific information with limited effectiveness. When appropriate to the task, the student makes little attempt to document sources of information. Consistent with the complexity of the work covered: The student uses some scientific language correctly.

Task Specific Clarifications

A limited range of scientific language has been used in some sections of the report. A attempt has been made to paraphrase scientific information but with limited success. One or more appropriate diagrams have been presented. A reference list has been included.


Some scientific language has been used in some sections of the report. A attempt has been made to paraphrase scientific information demonstrating some understandings. Most terms are used correctly in context. One or more appropriate diagrams have been presented, with a title. A reference list has been included.


The student communicates scientific information with some effectiveness. When appropriate to the task, the student partially documents sources of information.

Consistent with the complexity of the work covered: The student uses sufficient scientific language correctly. The student communicates scientific information effectively. When appropriate to the task, the student documents sources of information correctly.

Sufficient scientific language has been used in all sections but particularly the introduction, method, conclusion and evaluation. Scientific information has been paraphrased and a clear understanding has been demonstrated. Terms are used correctly in context. Scientific language is precise. One or more appropriate diagrams have been presented, with a title. These diagrams have been referred to in the text. A reference list has been included and is mostly formatted correctly.


Criterion D: Scientic Inquiry.

1-2 3-4 5-6

Purpose Variables Hypothesis

The student attempts to state a focused problem or research question.

The student states a focused problem or research question

The student states a clear focused problem or research question

look in method
makes a hypothesis but does not explain it using scientific reasoning.

look in method


The method suggested is incomplete.

formulates a testable hypothesis (If I do this, then this will happen because ), and explains the hypothesis using scientific reasoning. mostly complete method a clear, logical method selects appropriate materials and selects appropriate materials and equipment equipment mentioning all of the relevant mentioning some of the variables variables involved and how to control involved and how to manipulate them. and manipulate them describing how the data will be collected and processed. The student makes comments on the The student makes comments on the method. method, comments on its accuracy of the data comments on its precision of the data


The student attempts to make comments on the method.

The student makes comments on the how the hypothesis is supported or not by the data/outcome of the investigation. The student suggests some improvements to the method. The student suggests improvements to the method when relevant.

Criterion E: Processing Data.

1-2 3-4 5-6

Data Graph

The student collects some data and attempts to record it in a suitable format. The student organizes and presents data using simple numerical or visual forms.

The student collects sufficient relevant data and records it in a suitable format.

The student organizes, transforms and presents data in numerical and/or visual The student organizes, transforms and presents data in numerical and/or forms logically and correctly. visual forms, with a few errors or omissions.


The student states a trend, pattern or The student attempts to identify The student states a trend, pattern or relationship in the data and uses the a trend, pattern or relationship in relationship shown in the data. data to convey understanding / the data. interpretation. The student attempts to draw a conclusion but this is not consistent with the interpretation of the data. The student draws a clear conclusion The student draws a conclusion consistent with the interpretation of consistent with the interpretation of the data and explains it using scientific the data. reasoning.

Criterion F: Attitudes in Science




Lab skills


Group Work

The student requires some guidance to work safely and some assistance when using material and equipment. The student requires some guidance to work responsibly with regards to the living and non-living environment. When working as part of a group, the student needs frequent reminders to cooperate with others.

The student requires little guidance The student requires no guidance to to work safely and little assistance work safely and uses material and when using material and equipment. equipment competently. The student works responsibly with regards to the living and non-living environment. When working as part of a group the student cooperates with others on most occasions. The student works responsibly with regards to the living and non-living environment. When working as part of a group, the student cooperates with others.

Student Self Reection What did you learn from this task? What helped you to be successful? What would you change if you had to do this task again?

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