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National Talent Centre 2010

Background TIDS

Technical Direction
Gap Analysis - Football Habits Session Planning

NTC Overview - WHY?

Earlier Detection and Development
Compliments World Cup Cycles

Putting the Roof on Talent Development

Top Down Approach Part 1 of a wider plan of action (talent acceleration) Moving away from 468 hours 8-16 years

Establishing Effective Habits

Habits across the Four Corners Achieving World Class Standards

A Vehicle for Alignment and change

National Presence National Curriculum National Approach


Where Are We?

Recognising those with potential to become elite players Ongoing Process Assessment against key criteria





Right environment, right coaches, right opportunities

TIDS Reminders?
Performance is different from potential; therefore there is a need to move away from focusing on early selection and specialization. The characteristics of effective performance are very different from those factors associated with the potential to develop and become successful The skills required are different throughout the age groups. For instance, strength and maturity may play a big role at the junior level, but as strength and size balance out, mental factors such as decision making and anticipation become more important predictors for success. It seems clear that in order to provide youngsters with the best chance of realising their potential in the longer term, talent identification and development programs must focus on habits and skills that will be effective at later stages, together with those which enhance a youngsters ability to learn, develop, and progress successfully into the future

The Past

NZF Technical Direction 2010 & Beyond

NZF Technical Approach - Overview

To develop a process to support the continuous improvement of NZF players and their performances on the world stage To use the process as a basis to continously generate the content for the NZF National Curriculum and as vehicle for the education of coaches nationwide

NZF Technical Development Cycle

Technical Study GroupWorld Attendance at Senior and Youth Competition World Cups

Implement Roadshows, coaching seminars Development to implement Programmes changes Nationally Nationally

Technical Development Analysis / Group Analysis & Evaluation Conclusions

Production of Designand resources Development amendments to Programmes national curriculum

Future Identify Trends Development Areas and Future clearly defined and Development solutions presented Areas

Cycle for Future Success

NZF in a position to conduct comparative analysis studies
Consistent access to Worlds Top Teams Produce analysis across the 4 corners of development

Cycle provides a process for continual improvement against world class norms
Observe, analyse and review, design and implement improvements

World Class Player Development Cycles conducted in conjunction with FIFA events for 17/20s male and female
Every 2 years a review of the male and female development programmes will be conducted against world norms

Identifying Gaps and Moving Forward

GAP - Analysis to pin point the specific gaps across 4 corners

World Top Level Brazil/Italy/Spain/ Germany/Nigeria


Bottom Up Approach Build the Base

More Quality Milk = More Quality Cream = Closing the Gap on the Worlds Best

NZF Development Programmes

World Top Level Brazil/Italy/Spain/ Germany/Nigeria

World Top Level Brazil/Italy/Spain/ Germany/Nigeria


Towards a Development Structure

Gap Analysis 4 Corners

Technical Tactical Social / Emotional World Standards (The Best)



Where are the biggest gaps?

NZF Senior & Youth Teams

Where can we make the biggest difference?

Gap Analysis 4 Moments

Attacking Organisation Attacking Transition

Defensive Transition

Defensive Organisation

NTC Technical Direction 2010 & Beyond

NTC - Technical Direction

Technical Direction
Focus: The Attacking Moment Style: attractive attack minded football Principle to be developed: Ball possession and circulation

Developing & Re-enforcing Effective Technical Habits

Raising Player Awareness Knowledge and skills that will lead to the formation of transferable technical habits that will improve performance regardless of where they play and who they play for........ Technical habits that will provide the foundation for even greater technical competency BEST QUALITY/DEMANDING MORE FROM EACH OTHER

Stage 1: Developing Players not Teams (Intermediate Step)

Houllier Technique, Technique, Technique Han Berger Functional Game Skills Training National Playing Model and National Curriculum TBC

Habit 1: Vision - Awareness (Insight)

Selective Attention (knowledge)
C:\Documents and Settings\johnh.FO OTBALLNZ\My Documents\Chelse a scout - v2.mpg

Body Shape & Looking Vision Awareness (Insight/Speed)

C:\Documents and Settings\johnh. FOOTBALLNZ\ My Documents\NT C Final\Vision and awareness.mpg

Habit 2: Receiving/Turning Efficiency

0 touch turn 1- touch turn Multiple touch turn Can I turn? What are the risks? Whats on if I turn? Type & Decision Matching the Right turn to the Right Situation Awareness & Choice

Body Shape/Balance/ movement Receiving foot Timing/Angles

Technique Range and Quality

Turning Speed and Efficiency

C:\Documents and Settings\johnh.FO OTBALLNZ\My Documents\NTC Final\Safeside awareness.mpg

Habit 3: Proactive Passing & 1 Touch Play

Encourage Turning Safe-side passing Passing to the turning space

Into Space

Passing ahead of players Through and between players

1 touch play

Wall passes Round the corner Positioning to support 1 touch play

C:\Documents and Settings\johnh.FOOTBALLN Z\My Documents\NTC Final\1 touch play.mpg

Planning for January 2010

January 5th Tonight Submission of January sessions (in template provided)

Exploring the habits

Observe top level video footage Mind map the habits & the sessions Talk to other NTC Coaches

Exploring the habits

Sequence of session Teaching game intelligence Small Sided Games teaching

TASK: Mind map your designated session for the January 2010 camp and share your ideas

Number of touches

Decision making Incorporation of selftaught activity

Day 1
Session 1:

Day 2
Session 2:

Day 3
Session 3:

Day 4
Session 5:

Day 5
Session 7:

Vision & Awareness

- Body Shape - Attention

Turning efficiency
- Awareness/Body Shape - 0 /1/ multiple touch turns - Decision making

Proactive Passing
- Playing into space - Passing to support turning - Safeside passing - Decision making Session 4:

One Touch play

- Wall Passing/Set Backs/round corners/overs - Recognition, anticipation and decision making Session 6:

Combining Habits FOOTBALL SSGs

- Consolidating Work - Competition

Vision & Turning

- When and how to turn - Turning efficiency - Decision making

Passing, Receiving and Turning Efficiency

- Best Pass (Proactive Pass) - Passing and Turning efficiency - Decision making quality

Next steps
Preparation - personal development Post Workshop tasks and reading

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