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Meeting Academic Growth Goals

Before the school year begins: Analyze and understand the school climate, system & structures, and related data.
Are there shared beliefs about teaching and learning? What is the structure for professional collaboration? How does the schedule promote learning? How much time is devoted to reading and math? How is technology used to support learning? What do the data points show about achievement, instruction, attendance, and behavior?

Gather a leadership team to build capacity and sustainability over time. Develop a yearlong plan for sharing progress toward goals.
Student & family Grade-level teacher team
Monthly As needed Monthly As needed monthly Weekly or within CFA cycle Posted in hallway monthly Compare to student-set goal As administered Compare to SMART goal Posted in hallway Posted by grade centrally

Staff/Student body
Posted in hallway monthly Posted centrally monthly Monthly Posted in hallway monthly Announced daily

Attendance Behavior referrals Common formative assessments District assessments

Individual student % Classroom or grade-level % Schoolwide % Student Classroom Schoolwide Student Classroom Schoolwide Student Classroom Schoolwide

= hours of instruction missed

Weekly or within CFA cycle

Forms of communication: student-created data folder; 4-color teacher data folder; public displays of classroom, grade-level, and school-wide results; beginning of PD/staff meetings; student-led, daily intercom announcements, school website, school newsletter, school sign, IC parent portal, parent letter


Determine responses to the data. Celebrate success along the way and at the end of the year.
Student support

Family support
Communication = hours of instruction missed Phone call from teacher Parent/student contract IC Parent Portal Community services

Teacher support

School-wide incentives & celebrations

Perfect attendance awards and drawings Student and teacher photos displayed Attendance charm Assembly to honor attendance Data displays


Counselor/SUCCESS worker involvement Student alarm clock


Goal setting Daily check-in/out mentor BIC/Problem Solving Child Study Team Teaching intervention Leadership opportunity Reading/lunch buddy to younger student

CPI training Commitment to teach & reteach behavior

Social contract Character charm Honor assembly School-wide celebrations Data displays

Collaboration and Instruction

Data Teams structures Instructional coach Mentor teacher Differentiated instruction Strategy instruction Daily writing practice Direct instruction w/additional time if needed Interventions After-school tutoring/clubs Self-reflection and goal setting Technology use Daily student planner Grade-level expectations by unit Data Teams process specific feedback Focused PD Building Leadership Team

Focused PD Gold medal Data Teams Technology-integration support Data analysis assistance


Examples of student work aligned to rubrics Award assemblies Data displays of growth and proficiency Newspaper/newsletter/school sign/bumper sticker/t-shirt

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