Term 3 Year 1 To 3 Fundamental Development Planning

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Junior Primary PE Planning

Curriculum Area: Fundamental Development Strand: Large Ball Skills, Dance, Athletics and Gymnastics Term 3 Duration 9 weeks Year level 1/ 2/ 3

Global Learning utcomes Pupils explore simple skills. They copy remem!er repeat and explore simple actions with control and coordination. They vary skills actions and ideas and link these in ways that suit the activities. They !e"in to show some understandin" o# simple tactics and !asic compositional ideas. They talk a!out di##erences !etween their own and others$ per#ormance and su""est improvements. They understand how to exercise sa#ely and descri!e how their !odies #eel durin" di##erent activities !ational %chmidt$s theory &19'() was !ased on the view that actions are not stored rather we re#er to a!stract relationships or rules a!out movement. %chmidt$s schema is !ased on the theory that that every time a movement is conducted #our pieces o# in#ormation are "athered* 1. The initial conditions + startin" point 2. ,ertain aspects o# the motor action + how #ast how hi"h 3. The results o# the action + success or #ailure -. The sensory conse.uences o# the action + how it #elt /elationships !etween these items o# in#ormation are used to construct a recall schema and a reco"nition schema. The /ecall schema is !ased on initial conditions and the results and is used to "enerate a motor pro"ram to address a new "oal. The reco"nition schema is !ased on sensory actions and the outcome. The earlier we develop schema the hi"her the success rate There are a num!er o# di##erent types o# skills* ,o"nitive + or intellectual skills that re.uire thou"ht processes Perceptual + interpretation o# presented in#ormation 0otor + movement and muscle control Perceptual motor + involve the thou"ht interpretation and movement skills S"eci#ic Learning $ntentions %ey Stage & 'nglish (ational Curriculum: )hysical 'ducation

%no*ledge, Skills and +nderstanding

Ac,uiring and develo"ing skills
1. Pupils should !e tau"ht to* explore !asic skills actions and ideas with increasin" understandin" remem!er and repeat simple skills and actions with increasin" control and coordination.

1 Nathan Janes Year 1-8 Sports Co-ordinator 2011

Junior Primary PE Planning

Selecting and a""lying skills, tactics and com"ositional ideas
2. Pupils should !e tau"ht to* explore how to choose and apply skills and actions in se.uence and in com!ination vary the way they per#orm skills !y usin" simple tactics and movement phrases apply rules and conventions #or di##erent activities.

'valuating and im"roving "er#ormance

3. Pupils should !e tau"ht to*

descri!e what they have done o!serve descri!e and copy what others have done use what they have learnt to improve the .uality and control o# their work.

%no*ledge and understanding o# #itness and health

-. Pupils should !e tau"ht* how important it is to !e active to reco"nise and descri!e how their !odies #eel durin" di##erent activities.

Cross re#erence to 'nglish 'n& S"eaking and listening: S"eaking

1. To speak clearly #luently and con#idently to di##erent people pupils should !e tau"ht to* a. speak with clear diction and appropriate intonation !. choose words with precision c. or"anise what they say d. #ocus on the main point&s) e. include relevant detail #. take into account the needs o# their listeners

Cross re#erence to science Sc- Li#e "rocesses and living things: .umans and other animals
2. Durin" the key sta"e pupils should !e tau"ht* c. that takin" exercise and eatin" the ri"ht types and amounts o# #ood help humans to keep healthy

2 Nathan Janes Year 1-8 Sports Co-ordinator 2011

Junior Primary PE Planning

Breadth o# study
(. Durin" 1ear 1+3 pupils should !e tau"ht the knowled"e skills and understandin" throu"h dance activities "ames activities and "ymnastic activities.

Dance activities
2. Pupils should !e tau"ht to* use movement ima"inatively respondin" to stimuli includin" music and per#ormin" !asic skills 3#or example travellin" !ein" still makin" a shape 4umpin" turnin" and "esturin"5 chan"e the rhythm speed level and direction o# their movements create and per#orm dances usin" simple movement patterns includin" those #rom di##erent times and cultures express and communicate ideas and #eelin"s.

Games activities
'. Pupils should !e tau"ht to* travel with send and receive a !all and other e.uipment in di##erent ways develop these skills #or simple net strikin"/#ieldin" and invasion+type "ames play simple competitive net strikin"/#ieldin" and invasion+type "ames that they and others have made usin" simple tactics #or attackin" and de#endin".

Gymnastic activities
6. Pupils should !e tau"ht to* per#orm !asic skills in travellin" !ein" still #indin" space and usin" it sa#ely !oth on the #loor and usin" apparatus develop the ran"e o# their skills and actions 3#or example !alancin" takin" o## and landin" turnin" and rollin"5 choose and link skills and actions in short movement phrases create and per#orm short linked se.uences that show a clear !e"innin" middle and end and have contrasts in direction level and speed.

Cross Curricular Links 'ssential Learning Areas P7 8ealth %cience 0aths 0usic S"eci#ic /ocabulary 0ovement !ased lan"ua"e 9asic Principles* vision awareness turnin" control send receive accuracy precision code related terminolo"y locomotive skills sta!ility skills manipulation skills etc. .abits o# 0ind Striving for Accuracy Remaining open to continuous learning Flexibility Listening with Understanding and Empathy Awareness of own thinking uestioning and !roblem Solving !recision of language and thought 3 Nathan Janes Year 1-8 Sports Co-ordinator 2011

Junior Primary PE Planning

"aking responsible risks !ersistence #reating$ imagining$ innovating %onderment$ in&uisitiveness "hinking interdependently 'rawing on past knowledge (athering data through all the senses )anaging impulsivity Finding humour 1ormative Assessment :uestionin" re"ardin"* ;eneral 0ovement ;ame <nderstandin" Technical and Tactical =wareness %ocial 7motional Physical Psycholo"ical issues related to* Fundamental 0ovement %kills Summative Assessment

Learning '2"eriences The student will experience a ran"e o# #undamental skills and "ame related movements throu"h the teachin" "ame #or understandin" philosophy "ymnastics and dance to develop key #undamental principles. Develo"ing 1undamental )rinci"les 1. %endin" and /eceivin" 2. 9all control #rom di##erent hei"hts speeds and directions 3. Dri!!lin" and runnin" with and without the !all -. %hootin" over di##erent distances to varyin" tar"ets (. De#endin" a >one or tar"et )erce"tual Skills /eco"nition o# distance si>e direction speed ?denti#y movin" and stationery support and tar"ets ?denti#y in chan"es in situation environment and resources =!le to make in#ormed decisions to improve techni.ue Develo"ing Locomotive Skills: /unnin" @umpin" Dod"in" %kippin" 8oppin" 9oundin" 4 Nathan Janes Year 1-8 Sports Co-ordinator 2011

Junior Primary PE Planning


Stability Skills 3ABC4s Athleticism5 ="ility 9alance ,o+ordination %peed ,han"e Direction Disassociation 0ani"ulation6 Throw Aick %trike ,atch Dri!!le Dod"e b7ect Control Skills 3ABC4s o# Athletics5

A*areness %pace =wareness Ainesthetic =wareness 9ody =wareness %imple /ules 7ach year level will develop a code #or 2/3 weeks. %mall sided "ames/ physical activity to develop ha!its skills or sport speci#ic can !e applied to meet the need o# each #undamental movement. 7ach student will take part in a a !ase line assessment #or each area o# #ollowin" development* Perceptual Bocomotive %ta!ility 0anipulation =wareness Timetable Year 1 9eek - : 8 9eek > < &? 9eek ; < = Year 2 9eek ; < = 9eek - < 8 9eek > < &? Year 3 9eek > < &? 9eek ; < = 9eek - < 8

Soccer 8 T TS (etball 8 T TS 1undamentals

5 Nathan Janes Year 1-8 Sports Co-ordinator 2011

Junior Primary PE Planning

!esources %ports ;ear #rom @unior Primary P7 %hed related to* Fundamental movements %occer Cet!all

General ',ui"ment ,ones 0arkers 9i!s ;oals

<nit evaluation* Dhat worked what didnEt what resources are needed in #uture.

6 Nathan Janes Year 1-8 Sports Co-ordinator 2011

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