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Senior Primary Planning Template

Curriculum Area: Information Technology Strand: Pinehurst TV and Sound FX Creating an advert for the RWC 20 Term 2 Duration !ee"s Year Level: 6

Global Learning Outcomes Students !ill understand ho! to use a range of IT s"ills and tools to define# locate# select# organise $resent# assess and evaluate information in the form of a t!o minute TV advert for the RWC 20 % Students !ill understand that creating a series of images for a mini &roadcast re'uires many com$onents# e'ui$ment and roles% Students !ill understand the first ste$ is to decide !hat you !ant to &roadcast and information you !ant to deliver to advertise the RWC 20 % Pu$ils use a !ider range of ICT tools and information sources to su$$ort their !or" in other su&(ects% They !ill develo$ their research s"ills and decide !hat information is a$$ro$riate for their !or"% They &egin to 'uestion the $lausi&ility and 'uality of information% They learn ho! to amend their !or" and $resent it in a !ay that suits its audience% Specific Learning Intentions Students !ill understand ho! to use and a$$ly tools effectively to design a t!o minute advert for Pinehurst TV)

Knowledge, skills and understanding

inding t!ings out
% Pu$ils should &e taught) to tal" a&out !hat information they need and ho! they can find and use it to $re$are a t!o minute video for the RWC 20 ho! to $re$are a t!o minute &roadcast for Pinehurst TV using e*em$lars from you tu&e and TV to inter$ret information# to chec" it is relevant and reasona&le# to thin" a&out !hat might ha$$en if there !ere any errors or omissions%

Developing ideas and ma"ing t!ings !appen

2% Pu$ils should &e taught)

ho! to develo$ and refine ideas &y &ringing together# organising and reorganising images# lighting and sound as a$$ro$riate ho! to create# test# im$rove and refine se'uences of instructions to ma"e things ha$$en and to monitor events and res$ond to them to use simulations and e*$lore models in order to ans!er +What if %%% ,+ 'uestions# to investigate and evaluate the effect of changing values and to identify $atterns and relationshi$s

#$c!anging and s!aring information

-% Pu$ils should &e taught) ho! to share and e*change their Pinehurst TV t!o .inute advert for the RWC 20 to &e sensitive to the needs of the audience and thin" carefully a&out the content and 'uality !hen communicating

1 Nathan Janes Year 0-8 Sports Co-ordinator 2011

Senior Primary Planning Template


%evie&ing' modif(ing and evaluating &or" as it progresses

/% Pu$ils should &e taught to) revie! !hat they and others have done to hel$ them develo$ their ideas descri&e and tal" a&out the effectiveness of their !or"# com$aring it !ith other e*am$les and considering the effect it has on others tal" a&out ho! they could im$rove future !or"%

Cross Curricular Lin"s 0ll curricula Specific )ocabular(

#ssential Learning Areas

Su&(ect Terminology TV# 1roadcast# Telecommunication# Channel# Commercially# 2ighting# Sound# 0dvert# RWC 20 $rogramming *abits of +ind Striving for accuracy Remaining open to continuous learning Flexibility Listening with Understanding and Empathy Awareness of own thinking uestioning and !roblem Solving !recision of language and thought "aking responsible risks !ersistence #reating$ imagining$ innovating %onderment$ in&uisitiveness "hinking interdependently 'rawing on past knowledge (athering data through all the senses )anaging impulsivity Finding humour

2 Nathan Janes Year 0-8 Sports Co-ordinator 2011

Senior Primary Planning Template

ormative Assessment Students can) Continually using a range of IT s"ills to create a t!o minute advert for the RWC 20 for Pinehurst TV Ru&ric 0ssessment Co3constructed Com$lete In'uiry 0ssessment Thin"&o* Summative Assessment Students can) $roduce an e $ortfolio of !or" for a range of su&(ects in the form of a t!o minute advert follo!ing a set chec"list criteria

3 Nathan Janes Year 0-8 Sports Co-ordinator 2011

Learning #$periences Through a petite in,uir( $rocess students !ill follo! the ste$s) Immersion' -rainstorm: T!e components of an effective advert ./!at is t!e message01 2lan: A se,uence of images using a stor( board to advertise t!e %/C 3455 Organise and Investigate: T!e e,uipment needed and manage t!e time effectivel(' &or"ing in small groups6 ./!o &ill be involved01 ./!at roles &ill t!e pla(01 Create and Celebrate: Consider m( audience6 ./!at is m( message01 #valuate: ./!at &ould I do ne$t time01 %esources IT a$$lications Fli$ Camera 4ou tu&e 2ighting Sound .icro$hone S$orts e'ui$ment Chec"list 0ssessment Ru&ric 5irector 0ctors 6ditors Screen Play Scri$t Writiers Sound and 2ighting Technicians

Senior Primary Planning Template

ICT 7e( Stage 3

4 Nathan Janes Year 0-8 Sports Co-ordinator 2011

#nglis! 8ational Curriculum

During "e( stage 3 $u$ils use a !ider range of ICT tools and information sources to su$$ort their !or" in other su&(ects% They develo$ their research s"ills and decide !hat information is a$$ro$riate for their !or"% They &egin to 'uestion the $lausi&ility and

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